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5.4k · Dec 2015
Mary Celeste
Marvin Paul Dec 2015
The ship mary celeste.
For her beauty he protest.
A hearts gate that opens with crystals.
Her heart was in a million pieces.
Standing at your hearts gate calling but the only response was the wind blowing and birds singing.  
A poem that is heartwarming.
For her to hear me I cry out for.
He forgot she doesn't live there anymore.©M.P.Jacobs
1.5k · Feb 2021
Marvin Paul Feb 2021
With  my  rhymes  I  take  a  journey  through  the  human  mind.And  find  that  the  reflection  is  one  of  a  kind.A  reflection  caught  in  time.
It’s too  late  to  catch  up  once  your  own  reflection  has  left  you  behind.When  the  soul  speaks  even  the  reflection  in  the  mirror  weeps.A  reflection  that  keeps.
A  reflection  that  sleeps.
I  got  the  lyrical  mind  set  that’s  why  my  rhymes  are  deep.
Reflection  is  like  a  book  with  blank  pages. 
A  picture  of  a  man  with  a  thousand  faces.
The  reflection  has  no  secrets.
Your  reflection  the  antagonist.
Your  reflection  the  realist.
The  reflection  is  different  when  I  look  in  the  mirror.Main  Blade  the  mask  the  monster,
Seeing  his  reflection  shatters  mirrors.
The  dreams  turned  to  nightmares.
The  reflection  is  a  skilled  story  teller.
The  reflection  is  bipolar.
Like  narcissus  who  saw  his  own  reflection  and  drowned.
A  reflection  unnoticed.
A  reflection  tainted.
A  reflection  unexplored.
The  reflection  of  a  man  deep  in  thought.
Like  looking  through  the  mirror  through  an  iron  mask.
An  impossible  task.
The  reflection  is  vast,  I  can’t  dwell  on  the  past.
Trust  decays  like  rust
1.4k · Jan 2017
Marvin Paul Jan 2017
The beginning of the end.
A sandstorm made a huge 400 floor library sink beneath the sand.
At times a tall tower can be seen sticking out of the sand.
There are wolfs bringing information from across the land.
The library overseen by a spirit of an owl.

Many have tried to find the library but they threw in the towel.
The library has a huge ancient observatory.
A huge telescope looking at the stars tells a story.
There are parts of the library that has been untouched for a century.
There is an extremely huge card catalogue.

It even owns books from ancient babylon.
The library has various gateways.
The bookshelves looks like endless hallways.
There are parts that are inaccessible. 
The libraries knowledge is unsurpassable.

A huge staircase that is broken. 
The timepiece on the wall is broken.
A Lot of travellers got lost. 
The library is filled with snow, sand, moss and the one room is filled with a forest.
The library is full but it still has a lot of storage.
817 · Nov 2016
Marvin Paul Nov 2016
Samantha a garden as beautiful as your eyes.
Your beauty was a surprise.
It is not just your outer beauty,
But your inner beauty is recognised.
Because the beauty in your heart is eternal.
Your beautiful pictures kept in a journal.
A heart with scars that has healed.
Her tears in a snow globe resealed.

Samantha your favourite car is your hearts shield.
For extra protection your heart is protected by a force field.
Hurt her and a car will hit you.
Your beautiful red lips and red hair is unsurpassed.
When she is sad its overcast.
Her beauty is unmatched. 
Those who don't recognise your beauty must be weary.
When she is speaking, if you listen closely, her heart tells a heartfelt story.
629 · Feb 2016
Lost heart
Marvin Paul Feb 2016
After the pain her tears became so much that it flooded her heart cutting off the outside world. The only way to cross is by boat or when the water freezes. But the journey is still treacherous.

Those who tried swimming drowned. Before you can get to her heart you have to pass a ghost town. The sound of an old clock tower can be heard in the background.

He passed a wishing well which ran out of wishes for her to love or forgive him. The picture looks grim for him. A long widening road that runs through all the abandoned places in her heart.

Walking past that old abandoned theme park where I bought her a gift. From atop the old ferris wheel you can still see her hearts mansion. That she won't forgive me I couldn't have imagined.

The field that is on the way to her hearts front gate is covered in pink and purple flowers. When he arrives at the front gate he sees the sun shining on an empty mansion. The one part is still standing and the other part is falling apart, what he sees is just sad a decaying mansion.

On the outside its surrounded by thick brick walls. The silence is blocked out by the wolfs calls. The only way to gain access is to pass a huge iron gate that seems to have no key.

The other side is completely surrounded by a steel fence. To protect her heart it make sense. That entrance is blocked by a huge iron gate. Still hanging on the gate is her name plate.

There are warning sings on both sides of the gate. No one wants to buy the mansion even though it has a for sale sign in front of the gate. On the front gate there's a warning sign which reads warning keep out.

Plants have grown so thick that the mansion is completely covered. The mansion looks completely undiscovered. The grass in front of the mansion isn't cut so its waist deep.

The gate might be open but the place doesn't look inviting. A passage of trees leads to the front entrance. Memories of her seem relentless.

Plants has grown in front of the front door blocking the way to her heart. I had to clear the it, I needed to gain access to her heart. The wooden veranda has started breaking because of wear and tear.

A front door that hasn't opened in centuries. I had to see her so I broke it down with one of those huge trees. When I finally came inside I saw a big mansion with a lot of empty rooms.

I needed to be careful. There's an empty hallway and a lonely staircase that leads to the next level. On the ground floor there's an abandoned study where I used to write her all my poetry.

On the second floor there are different rooms. There's a forgotten room, the next room is flooded and it filled completely with water. The other rooms are filled with plants, snow, dust, sand and there's a room with a lonely tree growing inside of it.

The floors of one of the rooms has fallen in representing what pain and rejection does to the heart. Because of all the pain her heart fell apart. The one room has mos on the floor and the bed with the paint coming off the walls and the roof is broken.

An old room with an abandoned piano. At certain parts of the day the piano can still be heard. An abandoned fire place to keep her heart warm so it doesn't turn cold.

Connected to a long hallway which has been decaying over the years. One of the doors to one of the rooms have fallen off. Her hearts power has been completely cut off.

The third level is inaccessible because the stairs are completely broken and the floor has fallen in. I walked through the whole mansion but I never found her. I found a letter in an old mailbox telling me that I should forget about her. ©M.P.Jacobs
Wrote this poem after so much rejection
535 · Jul 2017
Marvin Paul Jul 2017
Her hearts grandeur.
When I wrote this poem I didn’t know what was in store.
A plaque against the wall reads beware.
Her heart is a place untouched.
A long abandoned corridor which leads to places untouched.

It’s something she must confront.
Her hearts beauty is unmatched.
Her heart is entrancing.
An alarm goes off if you are found trespassing.
Her heart is still filled somber memories.

Nature’s bizarre masterpiece –
The valley of desolation that has been untouched for centuries.
They had to build a huge dam to keep all her teardrops.
Hurt her and its like opening Pandora’s Box.
All her memories kept in a safety deposit box.

Make her cry and you won’t get a warning of the attack.
I hope she gives positive feedback.
I can’t expect her to write back.
She has the name of someone and something
Tattooed on her arm and a dragon on her back.
529 · Nov 2015
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
Her heart a glittering golden way.
Tried climbing a fence with spider webs on it but couldn't because it keeps those who don't recognise her beauty away.
Her heart a valley of pearls.
She is so beautiful it cant be shown on UltraHD because she far prettier than other girls.
Hurting her is like walking through a very dark tunnel I don't know what I am walking into.
I don't know how to get this poem to you.
She is beautiful as it is.
Plants have grown over an old abandoned bridge blocking out all those who don't see how beautiful she is. ©M.P.Jacobs
526 · Nov 2024
Levine/letters from nowhere
Marvin Paul Nov 2024
Honey, milk and tea,
As sweet as your vocality.
Misplaced songs like paper planes.
Like a music box retains,
Your melodic voice.
This clown drowned in your voice.
Your spellbinding sound.
Beyond fear, she is crowned.
A poem designed
With heart strings.
My letter are a thousand years behind.
Her voice charms Kings.
The eyes of an artist.
Like a ghost I don't exist.
Her voice a mixture of spices.
Words in a picture, prizes.
Wrote it for someone who never appreciated it.
493 · Aug 2016
Zunè Veronique
Marvin Paul Aug 2016
Zunè Veronique leading to a mall is a river that flows through a tunnel of trees.
Where her boutique is. 
A lock that hangs on a key chain with three golden keys.
She asked me to write her a poem please?
Before you can enter the boutique there is a a bridge completely covered in water to cross.

Walking through abandoned malls to find her boutique.
Her favourite show could be heard playing in the background that is ridiculousness. 
Her name can be seen in the logo when I stand in front of the boutique.
From the boutiques entrance you cant really see what is going on, on the inside.
Plants that are standing on the outside. 

Huge windows where you can see her lovely design.
Her clothes are top of the line.
As I enter the boutique bubbles flew past me. 
It was so fast I didn't see.
Before the sun sets.

I walked past princess Jasmines dress.
Mordecia was seen he was a mess.
Her favourite song could be heard playing over the stereo.
While your looking at her photo.
The smell of clothes as you enter the boutique. 

I saw a mirror that shows her how beautiful she is.
Going into the boutique is like entering the depths of her heart and her creativity can be found there.
Hurt her and beware.
When you enter the boutique you see her beautiful face.
Whenever your looking for her you can find her in the boutique.

What is she designing something special from her heart.
She is designing a black dress with gold shoes, painting someone's nails and doing her hair close to her heart.
Everything she designs is genuine.
Her heart kept safe in a bag of her own design.
I knew it from the start that she is a sweetheart.
485 · Jan 2016
Time to let go
Marvin Paul Jan 2016
Time to let go.
Pain is all I know.

Walking knee deep in snow.
As the wind blows.

There's no turning back.
Nothing will stop him in his tracks.

The past is forever gone.
The man he sees in the mirror is forever gone.

He put a cloth around his face and put on a thick jacket to hide his face.
If she wont even bother to look at his face.

Why should he waste his time looking at a monsters face.
When she rejected him she killed the last bit of love he had inside.

The pain he felt cant be described.
The pain he felt cant be denied.

He always knew deep in his heart that love is unkind.
She is forgiven, but this heart will never love again.
458 · May 2016
Celeste Christabell Chrisp
Marvin Paul May 2016
Celeste Christabell Chrisp He doesn't know what awaits.
He saw three huge gates.
Each of the gates has name plates.
He should've apologized in the first place.

The first gate was covered in dust and had a sandy road.
Each gate has a secret code.
The first gate opens with a puzzle.
If you hurt her there's going to be trouble.

The second gate has plants growing all over it and it has a path that goes through a thick dark scary forest, past a pond.
What you have to say has to correspond.
A gate that opens with a riddle.
To protect her heart it gets harder little by little.

The third gate was the biggest and the most mysterious of the three, it had strange carvings on it and it has a rocky path that leads to a stone bridge.
A gate that opens when you say the right password to unlock a huge switch.
All three gates are constantly locked.
He had to find a way to get them unlocked.

He answered the riddle and got the second gate open but he still had to cut down a whole forest.
He walked past something she dearly cherished.
He tried but couldn't ignore.
Three huge hanging pots hanging over the fire.

The house so long abandoned it looks haunted.
The front gate to the house looks haunted.
The house like her heart looks hauntingly beautiful.
From the front gate the beauty of her heart is viewable.

A lock that opens with sound frequency.
Her heart looks like the inside of a palace.
As beautiful as the sky with the aurora borealis.
On the outside her heart is fortified like a castle.©M.P.Jacobs
445 · Dec 2015
Marvin Paul Dec 2015
Charlene I dont know why I waited.
If I dont recognise her beauty I might get assassinated.
By her beauty accused. Her hearts road closed due to all the pain she was caused.
If she doesnt like this poem I will be laughed at like a clown.
A beautiful pass into her hearts town.
You cant put a price on her heart.
A banner with her beautiful picture and name on it.
Her beauty reflected in the crystal clear water when she looks into it.
I dont know if she will talk to me.
A courtyard with purple flowers isnt as beautiful as her beauty.
Her poem in this letter seal. I wont regret telling her how I feel.
435 · Nov 2015
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
She is like a theatre of beauty.
You cant deny her beauty.
Red cherry blossoms stands at the side of the road representing her beauty.
Mist on her hearts mountain represents things he doesnt know about her.
Walked over a wet bridge and almost slipped representing how dangerous it is to hurt her.
The first time I saw her picture I was amazed.
Her beauty displayed.
A huge forest where trees have fallen so the path to her heart is blocked.
A steel bridge across the street represents the way to her heart.
You cant put a price on her heart.
Until she reads this poem I will for that day.
A tornado will blow all those who wanna hurt her away.
433 · Jul 2017
Marvin Paul Jul 2017
She is like a princess.
Her poem is priceless.
Beautiful flowers blooming.
A rose kept in a glass casing.

The bees start stinging.
All those who are caught staring.
There’s a thousand words to say.
Her beauty leads the way.

No matter what they say.
She couldn’t have imagined.
That her poem would be created.
On her beauty’s terms.

After all,
Hanging on a brick wall
A mirror confirms
That she is the fairest of them all.

If you don’t recognize her beauty.
You will be attacked by something spooky.
Even though we haven’t been talking.
I pray that she will enjoy reading.
430 · Dec 2016
Marvin Paul Dec 2016
Vallerese Would you even believe me if I told you how valuable you are.
Her fears created a castle in the air.
If you dont recognise her beauty you will be attacked by a crowbar.
When she is sad a river of tears cuts through the mountains.
Her hearts beauty is astounding.

A spring surrounded by mountains.
When she is hurt they put security tape around her heart because it is condemned.
A gate with ****** recognition so no one can pretend.
A security grid and a gate with a busted lock, that means that way is a dead end.
While exploring the beauty in her heart, I am using a journal to make a recording.

He found an automated gate that works with coding.
Looking through the gate you can see marble floors that are shining.
A gate with a thick chain and a lot of padlocks with a sign that says private keep out.
 A gate that opens when you type in roman numerals sadly that means he is locked out.
Tried to jump over the broken fence but had to jump back because the parrot made like an alarm and scared me.

The harsh reality struck me like a burning mountain falling on me.
A glass cabinet with no key contains her inner beauty.
I cant read your mind its something he must accept.
Like a present unwrapped.
Looking deep into her eyes you can see a glass cabinet where all her memories are kept. ©M.P.Jacobs
427 · Jan 2016
Marvin Paul Jan 2016
Camille her beauty pursued.
Music she listens to according to her mood.

Before you can get to her hearts door there is a huge body of water that is frozen to cross.
All those who can't ice skate withdraws.

To her heart's door there is only one course.
When she takes off her glasses she is like a princess.

Her poem is a process.
Not writing her a perfect poem is pointless.

She is as sweet as the sweet things she likes.
I have to admit it. That's why I have to write it.

A closet with a mirror containing all the clothes and shoes she shopped for.
Where she keeps her special things a safe in her hearts floor. ©M.P.Jacobs
426 · Nov 2015
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
Rulinda her beauty is like a masterpiece. To her beauty is the birthright of every woman. A poem that gives a reason. A portrait of her rare beauty. The beauty she looks at but can't see. A girl as beautiful as Amy lee. There is a fineness about her about her beauty. Winter snow that has fallen on her hearts mountains melted and created a beautiful flowing river. A tree picturesquely situated on the banks of her hearts river. Rulinda seeing the sun shining on her hearts garden. Her aesthetic qualities and ideas can be seen in her hearts garden. Her picture perfect look. The poet is just a blank page in her notebook. ©M.P.Jacobs
Marvin Paul Jan 2016
A different side of me.
Afraid of rejection he created a prison of his own design.

When he got there love had a moving sign.
Looking for her all he could find.

A letter from her telling him that love has left him behind.
15 years of loneliness love is unkind.

He always thought love never ends like the never ending story.
He found comfort and healing in poetry.©M.P.Jacobs
406 · May 2017
Megan III
Marvin Paul May 2017
Megan a comet with your name.
That is a shame.
I am not writing your poem for acclaim.
Her heart in chains.
Nobody can see her pain.
A stone wall entrance

Describing her beauty in one sentence.
Hope this poem got her attention.
A bubble to keep her happy.
Her reflection in the water.
The water froze of jealousy.
Does this poem even matter?
405 · Dec 2015
Marvin Paul Dec 2015
Lario I will tell you how I feel and if I am rejected it would be like a horse kicking my heart in the face and then trampling on it.
Then she would ride with her horse all over it.
A headless horseman haunting me if I hurt her.
Its like four horses tied to four points of my heart pulling it apart because I thought of hurting her.
A horse pulling my heart across the sand.
Hurting her I am ******.
Hurting her would be the same as riding a horse off a mountain.
That's the reason I am doubting.
If I hurt her then the dark knight on a horse will haunt my nightmares forever.
Give her the most beautiful horse in the world to say I am sorry.
I only have a short time to tell you this story.
Your the first girl I am telling that I like her in history.
Telling you how I feel is one of the hardest things to do.
This is truly my last poem to you.
400 · Mar 2017
Three wishes
Marvin Paul Mar 2017
I though it was real.
That is how it feels.

Like licking stamps
Like a madman I started rubbing the lamp.

Given on a dish.
I had three wishes.

I couldn't see
That she never loved me.

I didn't have a clue.
I realised I wasted two.

I knew I was ******.
I was by the third tempted.

I was bothered 
Until I got thrown by a bucket of water.

Where no one can hear you screaming.
I realised I was only day dreaming.©M.P.Jacobs
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
I know you don't know me but please hear me out as I write this poem for you.
I know its out of the blue. Its the only way to talk to you.
I will tell you everything in this poem.
Been waiting ages to write you this poem.
I am taking a risk writing you this poem.
When I am near you my heart is like a bridge collapsing in a river.
I could tell you this face to face but its better to tell you everything in this letter.
Like walking over an old worn out rope bridge between two huge mountains.
I promised myself I would see you again.
For taking so long to write you this poem I hope I am forgiven.
I can only picture you from a distance.
To give her this poem I made a promise.
Even though I never knew your name.
I was always afraid to ask your name.
I can't possibly know what she feels.
That's why I have to write you a poem like I am sitting in front of you looking deep into your eyes.
Her hearts path is covered by thick mist.
Keeping in all those special feelings that are close to her heart.
Liking you is walking through a thick forest.
I don't know what I am walking into.
I will tell you how I feel.
What do I do when she rejects me.
Telling you I like you is impossible like climbing mountains.
Her beauty is like the sunset.
391 · Mar 2017
Marvin Paul Mar 2017
Her heart a prosperous,
 peaceful happy place.
Just in case she gets hurt 

you will quickly be replaced.
A building sunken beneath the sea
 containing her heart.

There are 2 passes to her heart.
The one pass is covered in dirt.
Went the wrong way and had to restart.

To her heart access is denied.
Hurt her and you will be horrified. 
How to cross her hearts riverside.

He should apologize.
Cloudless skies as her heart cries.
When she cries it rains outside.
390 · Feb 2019
An array of flowers
Marvin Paul Feb 2019
An array of flowers.
Your tears like showers.
Your heart like a masterpiece created.
Your shoes gold plated.
There is no certainty.
When you are happy
The grass turns green.
Like a queen on the front page of a magazine.
Fate had other ideas.
Your heart's music plays for different reasons.
Be wary of those who trespass.
Your beauty shown in creativeness.
Go either left or right.
Beauty is every womans birthright.
384 · Apr 2016
382 · Nov 2015
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
I walked up to the mirror and didnt recognise my own reflection.
I got angry and filled with rage I struck the mirror so hard that I see a bloodstained reflection.
Unlike narcissus I hate my reflection.
I walked up to another mirror this time my reflection shattered the mirror.
I washed off my face and struck the water because I saw a reflection of a monster.
I threw a chair at the biggest mirror and saw it breaking.
Like beauty and the beast all my mirrors has been broken.
7 years bad luck I dont care its better than seeing this monsters face for 12 years.
I had to put a cloth around my face and put on a thick jacket just to hide this monsters face for another few years.
You dont even have a clue.
That the feeling of compassion has destroyed you. One of us has to go either you or me.
You have failed and you have failed miserably.
369 · Apr 2020
Retrospective Love
Marvin Paul Apr 2020
When i looked deep into your eyes.
I knew i had to apologize.
From one perspective
Her diamond heart necklace
is nowhere to be found.
Her hearts beauty leaves people spellbound.
When i saw you my heart failed me.
I was a clown drowning in my own fears.
I cant tell you because something always interferes.
Who knows what the next few weeks will bring.
That we might not see each-other.
Even though we never met one another.©M.P.Jacobs
Sadly she will never receive this poem because of the Corona virus and lock-down. This poem will be gathering dust until that day arrives.
369 · Oct 2016
Marvin Paul Oct 2016
Alicia a hazardous descent by rope way into her heart. 
The beautiful views sets her apart.
A stairway to an ancient observatory which is state of the art.
Her hearts timeless beauty.
This poem has to be
Spoken before the gate is closing.

Although the gate stood open her heart was broken.
The beautiful crown on her head is golden.
A notice which reads you only got one moment.
Her tears create a destructive flood.
Hurt her and you will be dragged through the mud.
When she is happy her heart is a blooming garden.

When she is sad her heart turns into a wilderness.
A passage that leads to a lot of closed doors which seems endless.
Her heart lost like the ancient city of atlantis.
Her heart lost in the ancient city of atlantis.
Her heart is elegantly furnished.
He wrote her a poem and then forever vanished.
361 · Mar 2016
Danelia (2016)
Marvin Paul Mar 2016
Danelia a warning sign infront of the gate that says stop pay here before entering. He was left wondering. Like an old abandoned mansion in need of some love. 

The heart needs the same kind of love. An ancient trail through her her heart. A majestic pass slices through towering peaks of her heart. 

The colours of the beautiful scenery of her heart. Everything is covered in thick mist symbolising what I dont know about her. Her heart is on guard from all those who want to hurt her. 

When she is sad her hearts leaves turn into the colour of autumn. When she smiles her hearts leaves turns in the colour of spring. I tried giving her a balloon with a poem attached to it, but it floated away. 

I will never forget that day. Standing at an old marry go round . Where her memories can still be found. 

Her cries blocks out sound. An old teddy bear fell on the ground. At the places former beauty spellbound. 

Hurt her and a scary clown from the circus will haunt your memories forever. Sentenced to life if your found guilty of hurting her. I hope this poem makes sense to her. ©M.P.Jacobs
359 · Dec 2015
Marvin Paul Dec 2015
Jaydene in this poem I am trying to speak to her. That's why this must be an amazing poem for her. All that's inspiring me are memories and pictures of her, and that one time we spoke to each other.
No matter how many times the heart gets broken its always forgiving.
Jaydene of all the pain the heart is singing.
I hope this poem is worth believing.
What she feels in her heart is sown with magic golden thread into a tapestry.
Something he didn't foresee.
I am just glad she spoke to me. ©M.P.Jacobs
358 · Nov 2015
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
Nemisha I apologise for writing this poem.
This poem makes up for all the words unspoken.
I apologise for not telling you how I feel face to face.
Talking to you I would feel out of place.
I wasted another opportunity to talk to you.
Liking you is something new.
I can't expect to many chances.
Nemisha I don't wanna lose all my chances.
The beauty of the lights at night isn't as beautiful as the beauty in her heart.
The most beautiful girl at youth a work of art.
You can only see how beautiful her heart is from the sky.
To tell her how I feel I won't let this chance pass me by.
The girl that doesn't know I exist.
Everything I wanna tell her I made a list.
A shadow that's left out in the cold and forgotten.
Standing at her hearts door waiting with a rose he picked from a garden.
327 · Apr 2016
Marvin Paul Apr 2016
Michelene she is uniquely beautiful. A rainbow in her hearts skies that looks beautiful. I hope this poem is suitable. 

When I saw how beautiful you were I couldnt stop thinking about you. This might be the final time I wrote a poem for you. Walking through a thick dark forest isnt as scary as talking to you.

When I saw how beautiful you were I couldnt stop thinking about you. This might be the final time I wrote a poem for you. Walking through a thick dark forest isnt as scary as talking to you.

My heart told me to stay away, he didnt listen and now he is paying the price. The next time he will think twice. If I could write you a beautiful poem would you appreciate it or throw it away.

By his heart betrayed. He wont make the same mistake. I had to tell you before its to late. 

To write a poem for you that is my fate. When I first got there I was stopped by snow. I shoulve written this poem long ago.

He has to pass an ancient wall with pictures off all the girls he loved on it. Some of the pictures have fallen off and the wind has blown them away, symbolising all the girls he has forgotten. Rain has fallen on some of the pictures, symbolising all the girls he cried over. There are holes in the wall, symbolising all the girls he would rather forget.

If she doesnt like this poem what would his life sentence be. The lamp I wanted to use to wish so that she could forgive me sank beneath the sea. A building that keeps her heart safe sank beneath the sea.©M.P.Jacobs
316 · Nov 2015
Marvin Paul Nov 2015
Seneal the first time I saw you the only words I could say was hello.
I couldnt even approach you when you were alone.
I greeted you only twice but I am saddened I wont see you again.
Telling you how I feel is impossible like climbing the worlds highest mountain.
The image of her beauty is burnt into my mind.
The sound of your sweet voice still echoes in my mind.
Her hearts beautiful scenery.
A beautiful mystery.
Those words that told you what my heart meant was stuck in my throat.
This is what I wrote.
From my heart a poem.
I did the impossible and wrote you a poem.
301 · Jun 2016
Marvin Paul Jun 2016
Kiyara riding past all the buildings, in her heart is a small church that looks abandoned but it has very tight security.
Her special place where she goes apparently.
A blue and black car speeding towards the church with a loud stereo playing her favorite song.
When she wants nobody to come along.

When she is sad or hurting there's a storm over the church.
When she is happy the sun shines on the church.
The sound of the clock can be heard when she wants to be alone.
The steps of the church is covered in small stones.

There is a fence around the church.
A huge cross can be seen before you enter the church.
Grass has grown around the church.
The gate is constantly locked.

The church has to open wooden doors for you to enter.
The gate can't be opened from the outside that means you can only come in if she allows you to enter.
A sign that reads warning please do no disturb.
The silence means that she must not be disturbed.

Walking down the long aisle of the church I couldn't believe it.
The church windows are too high you can't look out of it.
A painting of her feelings is on the roof of the church.
The statue that resembles her heart stands in front the church.

I can hear music in the background playing.
On the outside you can't see the church decaying.
A projector her memories displaying.
As I walk through the church I find her sitting alone praying.
300 · Mar 2016
Marvin Paul Mar 2016
She is sweet.
Without her this poem would be incomplete.

Every time he sees her there is a smile on her face.
Without her there where her poem should be there is a blank space.

She is hot to handle like a key engulfed in flames.
Waiting on her hearts train tracks for her hearts trains.

How she will react to this poem I cant foresee.
Jumped over the fence to your heart but had to jump back because your dog bit me.

She likes making memories.
A wall with her hearts pictures. ©M.P.Jacobs
265 · Jan 2020
Marvin Paul Jan 2020
I sent millions of letters and poems hoping everytime she was my soulmate.
I ran after her just so she could disappear
Left my whole life for you only to find you dont feel the same.
I constantly dream about loving you and holding you, only to wake up then you are gone.
I searched for my soulmate in a cold vast world.
I cried a fountain full of tears for her.
I found you and we said we are going to spend our lives together.
Only to find out it was all a lie.
I will never find you, because i only see you in my dreams.
I looked for you everywhere, but i never found you.
I threw a rose in a pond for you.
When i loved you the most guess what you didn't exist.
I opened my heart to love only to be disappointed.
I had so much love to give but it left me empty.
I looked at every girl, wrote poems for some of them only to find out they weren't my soulmate.
I cut down a forest of trees to forget about the pain they caused me.
I gave up on finding you my soulmate but i never stopped loving you.
Is the soulmate something that does exist or is a soulmate made up by brilliant authors to fool people?
252 · Dec 2019
Marvin Paul Dec 2019
You slammed the door in my face.
When i was down you kicked me.
Rejected all my letters.
When my heart was broken, you stepped on the pieces.
You left me out in the cold waiting for you.
When it rained you left my tears running.
When i wanted to do everything for you,
No you wonder why i don't love anymore.

— The End —