I'm surrounded by silence and no one willing to hear me out.
I hear the singing of birds, the dancing of trees and the cries of laughter.
Oh how I long to sing back, itch to dance along and cry to laugh.
But, alas I have no one I can do these things with...
I am alone
Don't get me wrong, I am honored to be the chosen one out of my lifeless brothers and sisters, to have the opportunity to feel, but can anyone help me find a point in being different-
in feeling if I feel alone.
Every now and then some of my cells venture off bravely in exploration of someone I can call a friend, but lately they seem to be, I don't know...
mad at me...
They keep destroying parts of me and replacing them with cheap prosthetic's.
I just wish they liked me more-
I wish they'd just let me be enough-
I just wish they'd take care of me...
Anyway, maybe one day they'll come back with good news, but until then I'll just be alone.
This is a piece I wrote quite some time ago, but didn't really have character so I finished it tonight, and I made the Earth seem insecure. (I really like personifying things.)