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 Oct 2014 Marolle
How Strange.
You long for change,
but you are loath to redo.
And thus, loathe yourself.
And this loads on you,
on your coarse course.

Preventing the Metamorphose,
and forces you
into your torturous fortress.
A cocoon,
that protects against monsoons
but not the typhoon raging inside,
waking Typhon,
and blowing out
Prometheus's fire.

Oh how Oedipus Wrecks
the tedious good
until spiritless.
But never hopeless

Pandora's box is open
but Sparta's soldiers
will close it and guide you
from Tartarus to Olympus
and change, you will.

Shed your mortal grossness
for immortal happiness.
No common sense
that this recklessness
has consequences

When you do realize
What the Fates's foretold
it will be too late.
comments and interruptions welcomed!
 Oct 2014 Marolle
 Oct 2014 Marolle
She continues
her struggle
of keeping them in
but they're
starting to bubble
up over the rim
of the dam
when it breaks
the flooding
will make
such a wonderful place
to swim.
come on
take a chance.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
The Good Pussy
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 Oct 2014 Marolle
 Oct 2014 Marolle
She swam and swam and swam til' she reached the end
And she fell for a man, without any pretend.
She imagined living with a feet.
To have a good life living with him.

Imagining spending eternity
With the guy without uncertainty.

So she swam and swam and swam near his ship
So that he could catch his attention
He turned around and saw her...
As a circus attraction.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
I am myself
The inside of a cloud
A rain cloud
Grey and cold
With drops dripping down

Fog, oh Fog
Still cold and grey
But, instead of the drops;
It is a blurring obscuring thing

Sunshine is too hot
Habilitates lethargy
It's mantra;
Sleep, Sleep; that is all you want

Rainy days
Grey again
Now the drops fall freely
Temperature dropping; it's frigid now

It is cold
Long sleeves a sanctuary
Chills numb after a time
It takes too long though

Spring time's sudden heat
Hinders the appetite
There is no sleep
Nor can one eat

In all weather
The eyes do weep
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