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The steering current turns north
Bringing wild winds stirring
As the massive storm stalks us
From far past horizon
I keep watch to the gathering rains fall
As my silent brother sleeps
Would try to pry him awake
But we no longer speak the same language
My mutterings no longer register

Hours become days
As the storm unwinds
Sometimes the sun breaks the rain
And my lost brother can speak
Do you remember this...
Remember that...
What's to discuss when you are not home
What's to endorse our liberty's
When you're tied to a bed

A storm stalks far over the naked horizon
The promise of her ferocity tasted in the
Stirring wind
Rain and a wicked flood
That will shred hearth and home
But my sleeping brother lay safe
In the confines of his mind
Sleep bother sleep on and on
Rest easy longliner
The sea awaits
mark john junor Apr 2014
i dreamt that this ocean of words
that need to be spoken
had me committing folly's
and had me believing that in this all futures lay
like a simple song would suffice

a thousand years it seems
iv walked this road
to stand here looking down on this rain puddle
to look down and see the wheels that each raindrop spins
a thousands years since i drank a sip of its cool waters
since i took your hand looked into the deep waters of your heart
and knew your loves

we lay up in an old schoolhouse
while the summer storm passed
the broken benches and cracked glass
like the lessons taught there
flawed by the reality they had been learned with
so before night could strand us there
we walked on in the rain
lest like thouse old schoolbooks we could be
closed by flawed versions of our history's

by midnight we had reached fiveashes bridge
and you asked if we could stop to dance while the old man
spun us a tune on his old guitar
so i lead you in a waltz by starlight
like a raindrop i created a wheel for us to turn
and for a memory's moment we spun there
on the worlds edge
like lovers should
like two rain drops dancing on a summer puddle

all these words
like worlds that i could explore
but i tell you simple and true
that i would give them all up to have you here
have your hand in mine
so we could dance to that simple song
once more
like two raindrops in a puddle
seeking to be one
under a summer sun
mark john junor Jan 2016
pale as a whispered winter wind
she sat in the amber glow of the streetlight
with her cascading delicate blonde hair disheveled
her blue eyes distant
gaze out the window to the fierce winter night
between theatrical sobs spins out the tale
of her sorrows
pointing with a trembling hand at the
windswept streets
the story of a perfect love frail but pure
the story of beautiful ways and warm embraces
but along the way she had lost him
and all track of her intimate dreams
now she paints seascapes grey and foreboding
now she sketches raindrops on a summer day
mark john junor Oct 2013
the night in yonkers
and it was raining cold
outside the beaten up old window
chipped green paint lay round its edges
always wondered why no-one cleaned that up
but there were deeper things in that home
she eyed the door with a rancid thought
and said that she had failed to fire
but would not elaborate
only smiled in a wicked way
and lit another cigarette
that glowed like a evil eye in the semi dark
of new yorks night
the ripped up mattress had holes
and stains that made my skin crawl
but she leaves little choice
sleep next to her or get the freak out the door
so we lay there all night talking in random ways
bout things cant even remember now
just remember how soft she was
and the tattoo on the back of her neck
how it tasted sweaty
and then we did it
and how she tasted tired
but she was so good and kind
and the rain never did stop that night
it just kept slipping down to its doom just like her
just kept going on and on
never paused to consider
but that was just her way
she was never good with people
come on babe you shoulda stayed home
never shoulda gone onto yonkers
never shoulda found yourself on the wrong end of that
it never did stop raining that night
really hope she made it home
((yonkers power and light authority))
mark john junor May 2014
a thirsty soul suspended over the
waters of this heartland like some kind of
symbolic sacrifice to the lesser demigods
she is wearing a hippy skirt and a fashionable hat
a swift sunrise gives her aspects of divinity

she tells me she came here to go shopping
but in the turbulent space between our hearts
something has changed
she tells me cloudy days make her sad
i tell her rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers love it just the same
she knows she loves it too

i pick up her thought and bounce it like a rubber ball
cause it keeps comin back to me'
just like that mysterious smile that
lingered on her face
long on my mind
i cant seem to shed the thought
that it all means something someplace
always somebody thirsty somewhere

the clock stopped at a quarter to four
and a shameful woman sits there fixing her face
with the wrenches and hammers of fashionable practice
seek to be the same as everybody else
someday your bound to get there
just to find yourself questioning why you
bothered once your there

her and the shameful woman put a
heated argument in the pocket of hunger
and giggling like schoolgirls walk away
to go find a mirror to get lost in
swap makeup and spit in some bathroom selfies
girls night out

i'm standing out here in the open air parking lot
watching the heartland of fiveashes sink slowly into the sea
walk on the puddles reflections of clouds
as they break apart to bring us a brand new day
rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers like it anyway
mark john junor May 2016
a thirsty soul suspended over the
waters of this heartland like some kind of
symbolic sacrifice to the lesser demigods
she is wearing a hippy skirt and a fashionable hat
a swift sunrise gives her aspects of divinity

she tells me she came here to go shopping
but in the turbulent space between our hearts
something has changed
she tells me cloudy days make her sad
i tell her rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers love it just the same
she knows she loves it too

i pick up her thought and bounce it like a rubber ball
cause it keeps comin back to me'
just like that mysterious smile that
lingered on her face
long on my mind
i cant seem to shed the thought
that it all means something someplace
always somebody thirsty somewhere

the clock stopped at a quarter to four
and a shameful woman sits there fixing her face
with the wrenches and hammers of fashionable practice
seek to be the same as everybody else
someday your bound to get there
just to find yourself questioning why you
bothered once your there

her and the shameful woman put a
heated argument in the pocket of hunger
and giggling like schoolgirls walk away
to go find a mirror to get lost in
swap makeup and spit in some bathroom selfies
girls night out

i'm standing out here in the open air parking lot
watching the heartland of fiveashes sink slowly into the sea
walk on the puddles reflections of clouds
as they break apart to bring us a brand new day
rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers like it anyway
re-write of a piece i did a while back
mark john junor May 2013
wet streets after the rain
wet thoughts after the lingering
she cavorts in your limbs like a animal unleashed
like a army of fingers seeking to overthrow
like a thought seeking to master

she stumbles on the doorstep
of seeing
hesitates at the verge of meeting the other
half of her own need
leaving herself empty
leaving herself incomplete
leaving the taste on her lips but no meat to the bone
leaving visions of soul formed in stone
unable to move beyond
cold in the sunlight

rain is
the sound
the face in the dark room
the surrender of the primal need to speak
any words that are not capitulation
not redaction of proud sworn oath

she lingers in the mornings bathroom
grazing at the edge of a farmland
places where such dreams are grown
but she dare not partake
she cannot think she would suffice

leaving a soul formed in stone
unable to move beyond
cold in the sunlight
a poignant symbol
an emblem of meaningless loss

(part 3)
and the thoughts
i can break free and spill to the page
like lesser beasts escaping the wood on fire
and i see the time rapidly growing thin
a starving creature
the hours flee
room to room
crying out that doom draws near
and its wet touch chills more than skin
it brings rancid thought to breaking open
and spreading across
the once sweet fruit
and within that moment
rain frees me from feeling
all the things that i drowning in
fills me
slow with blue waters
slows the race
fills me
slower with memory
the thoughts that escape me now
are tempered
by the blade of waters burning touch
glowing on the the seeking bones marrow
growing on the feeding of this hunger
it vaults into the stars
and its quickening heartbeat
forces free more than words emotion begins to follow
like the priests coming to worship at the temple of death
they bring life to face itself in its endings
words new to my eye spill forth
like bright diamonds like tears
rain rain
mark john junor Jul 2013
rainy season in the tropics
till the taste of rain is in your soul
like that grain of sand in your shoe
that you can never shake out
that forever grinds on your soulmeat

humid to breathing soup
and hot as a skillet full of thoughts you cant defend
watch em bounce round the walls of logic
seeking escape
seeking solace and finding none
incense ravished the room
with tropical far eastern scent
like a skillet full of poets lacking phrases

'center the thoughts
so much to do so little time'
utters the little man glancing at his wrist
where a watch is supposed to be
waiting for a train to a place
where he is supposed to be

'quick quick now
places to go
people to do'
but the hours seep by
and still he paces the rail side
waiting on a train who has already passed by

hour after hour of hard driving rain
i sit in a doorway kindle shielded from the torrent
bickering within for each slow witted word
that stumbles out of my rain soaked mind
the damp has rotted my sense of direction
my sense of self
where do i go from here
this desolate beach in the rain
a mile or so up a lone figure moves slowly towards me
along the waters edge

i am alone
in the rain
rainy season in the tropics
rainy season in the tropics

the humana lady calls
and they say compassion has fallen the way
of chivalry
mark john junor Feb 2014
starry eyed dreamers once caged
by the limits of their lives
push past the fences the world erects
and with their devotions to the freedom
of the heart they paint with lenses the
worlds kittens and cream hidden
in the burnt out shells of cars in a field

and the lost can always be found
by the banks of the rivers dream
with tents shielding from the overripe summer sun
and transistor radios churning out
a tin mans version of stairway to heaven
while the poor girls knit socks the rough boys wrestle
and there's catfish on the fire
for the all night feast

grown accustom to the light hand
and comfortable bed
easy to forgery a smile when the soul is corrupt
she says long as you don't linger where you cash it in
the living is easy long as its another's life
she winks easy as her hand slides like jelly down towards my pocket
but iv done the road and asphalt make bad bedfellows
so i push off serenity and her neon mile dream
push onwards to a place in a sun
river faces and clockwork planes overhead
by the setting sun
and cool sea
mark john junor Aug 2013
i recall the days
spent lazin in the shade
of that old elm
passin round thoughts
on what the world could be
if we could shape things
on what we would do
if we could make things

i recall the nights
spent with thouse female friends
and lovers tween the sheets
finding a thousand ways
to make a smile
and fumblin thru a thousand more
to make a moan

measure me not by who you once thought i was
measure me by the life iv lead
measure me by the times iv stood
when others would have walked away
the joys iv shared in
and thouse who remember me
for who i am

these days
are bright in the minds eye
bright in the heart
there is hope enough
to carry me through
enough to sooth my soul

its gonna be a great day
gettin some dready young woman pumping sunshine up my ****
mark john junor May 2014
in a setting sun
reflected with imperfections on the lake
she waits under the summer tree
its lively conversation with the wind
stirs shadows and returns lost memories to her
like wayward children asking for bread and a sip

her fathers stern voice on a cold night
her first kiss by moonlight at bible camp
her cat's purr
these things come back to her in a rush
but the stillness of her face undisturbed
her's is a setting sun
reflected by the lake with imperfections

night is a sour brother to day and sits heckling
her from the window
that she should endure the hour alone
that her time fallow ground
the seeds scattered without care
but her hand scatters to her sleeping poet
and rests reassured on his feverish brow

she draws his form in fine lines and shadows
a black and white reflection of imperfection sleeping
she lingers with her smile
and by moonrise she is curled up in his arms
both dreaming reflections of the days reality's
but dreams are imperfect messengers of meaning
and hers is stuttering images of yesterday

in a rising sun
perfectly perceived
her bare skin wakes him
with anticipations of lustful hungers
he sees only her perfections
sees only the bright beauty of her body and soul
that is his imperfection
we are all slaves to our sunset's
we are all hopeful children of our dawn's
they are both imperfect
but together they are perfectly imperfect
mark john junor Apr 2014
she laughs as the wind
takes her hair and makes it dance
the rain has just passed
and the road is still damp
but she walks barefoot on the cool pavement
leaving delicate trail that my heart will retrace
in the chilly hours that shes not in my arms
she leans on my shoulder and softly
intoxicates me with her turn of phrase
that will be the song my soul will sing
while she is not near
we walk on under the spreading trees
as they seek to embrace the sky
and walk on among the summer birdsong
as they swing and dash overhead
playing like children in the air
but it is my love playing in the gardens of her heart
that will be my thought dream while she is gone
we sit in the shades of a palm tree
and with one hand she gently caresses
while we speak of things great and small
i would know her mind
and to know what she desires is to know myself
we are reflections of what we love
and with her in my life my heart shines like the sun
she keeps me warm even when shes not here
and she would know my mind
so let me speak plainly to you now
standing here at the edge of the world
surrounded by the living sea
i love you my sweet one
you make my world live
you give my words wings
you give me you
and that is life itself to me
mark john junor Feb 2015
the spring day so longed for
its crisp sunlight such deep reflection of joy
its warm breeze so like a gentle kiss from a lover
so full of promise and possibility
this spring day so long dreamed of in the winter
what laughter this day holds
what adventures with friends
what beautiful moment with sweet lover
as the warm day sweeps away winters chill
as the spring gives light and life to your world once again
breath deeply its clean fresh breeze
breath deeply its sweet flowers bloom
this is a time to rejoice
this is a time to renew the life fulfilled
spring is joy and wonder
spring has come to us once again
let the days of spring renew your heart
mark john junor Apr 2013
she dances to imitation elvis
with the toy cowboy guns blazing
from their sunflower and daisy barrels
fuzzy kittens are hunters in the jungle
of laundry-land
she a sorceress retro-edition neo glam girl
and she might have a moment for your version
long as the colors dont clash
shes a horse girl in a slack jaw rabbit world

i thought to spare you
i thought that you would break under the burden

they led the weak ones to slaughter
and she was in her coloring books
the blood washed up on the tiles like a tide
and she wished so hard not to see
that it was just a dream
she is no weak child
she could hold back the mountain back
but her tears break on this blade of sunlight like
a thousand voices wailing in pain

i cannot bear to see you this way
wrapped in rags in the fashion capitol
shivering in the cold before a warm fire
hungry in midst of feasts
rise up woman
rise up and take your wrath
take your children under your protection
take me home to the river road
where i was happy in your arms

she dances with imitation elvis
with the toy cowboy guns blazing
from their sunflower and daisy barrels
mark john junor Apr 2016
dust floats in the still air
otherworldly in the shafts of sunlight that
slip silently onto the floor from the
partially obscured window
the curtain rustles slightly in a dry gasp of breeze
spring is alive and bursting its bonds outside
one can almost taste how the ****** spring air returns life to
the windswept field below

the vacant room echoes my footsteps
its expanse of naked wood floorboards looks
beaten and weathered
rough against my bare feet
but its is the sparkling treasure  
laying in the surreal sunlight
a heart shaped necklace
a lament that appeals with a golden glow
the riches of a heart that once was abundant with sweet love
slowly buried in dust

in my mouth
my words once bold and bright
words that once carried and cared for
words that lovingly embraced the reader
now caked with layers of dust
as the room became the cage
locked away with only
the warmth of a surrendered heart
and the unspeakable sunlight that never cares
never embraces
never loves
and of course
the dust
slowly burying eyesight
obscuring the world in this grey room
the dust i live and breath
mark john junor Nov 2013
the clouds have a rift
that bleeds sunlight
down on the thought machine
that grinds a steady pace
of meat upon which the bearded wisemen must chew
only they can interpret the bones cast
like oracles of old
only they can see the fates
so i rise and step carefully through the empty door
thinking that it once held such promise
the morning is rampant with people
and id rather not speak till
i have a grasp on what im not thinking
so i retreat to the filthy carpet of her hole

the muttering continues into the night
and no matter how many times i step to the hall
he just stands there and speaks to  the window
open and blowing soft
he tells the night
that hes not frightened anymore
he will do that till dawn
then he will crawl to his screaming bed and try to sleep
nothing prepared him for the slow torture test that hes been dealt
keep on keeping on till you cant keep on no more

she walks in and shakes off the rain
scattering droplets of her passing
she looks at me with open questions
but the closed fist of her mouth speaks louder
than any words she could muster
they strike my mind with painful reality's that
have never seen the light of day
she just made them up to justify
and i make it clear that i wont stand for it
as i lay here and absorb her verbal fantasy's
wish sometimes i could be like him
and just whisper the world away
dream away the words

in the hallway of the building
on the vast ***** white tiles
she absorbs the nights festivity's
with the jaundiced casual hand of a lifelong soul thief
with the barrenness of a wasteland for a heart
i look upon her with growing need to
simply let loose and walk away
this is no place for me
for i am alone
a white is black get back you yiccky yack
mark john junor Jan 2014
the hard pavement brittle and broken to one side
the other only a place for the breezes of swift metal
keeping eye to the small pebbles a pace ahead
i venture up the river of dirt and rusted cans
the trapped paper bearing sad tidings of yesterday
and the cast off cloth of some
middle of the night maiden seeking fresh appearance

i glance up to gauge the travels remaining me
but catch only the watching eye
of a shadow neighbour and his questionable dog
its head to one side as it figures the angles
and debates the meanings
i return to the gutters skeletons
rusted cans and bottles
the cast off of passers by
and the sorrowful deposits of a mournful winter wind
a shattered lightbulb
out in the field
what could it have lit in such a foreign place
who could have forsaken its warm glow
in such a strange place

i tread on
but find no signature
of this nameless faceless soul
who once stood
on the edge of this tarmac
and lit the world with a hot and urgent shout
now only trampled dust remains
with the crushed cans
and trapped papers
only a minor sketch
in a world of masterpieces in motion
but while it lasted it was her hand in mine
walking home to that room
just one night in a lifetime of nights
but what a night
what a woman
mark john junor Feb 2014
the river of light moves out
from beyond a cloud
and fills my mind with a deafening silence
that tasted more of a tomb
than spring day
that disturbing silence scattered
thoughts in its wake as it moved
through my moment
thoughts and crystal clean visions of memory
is its old ages hand at work
his lethargic inked soul moving in strife
against my castles of sand
or is it witless buffoons labouring for illness
that undercut the foundations of my day
the river of light shifts its stance
staring down upon my small plot of soils
and my garden flourishing in its
rows of careworn leaf
i sit neath the palm tree and watch its
slow shade dance with the hard angles of my house
the river of light will dry up soon for the day
so with one good eye to the tilled earth
i ply the tool to furrow
and seek to wrestle another hour from the earth
mark john junor Oct 2013
a smoke filled room
in one of  New Orleans low wards
the kind of place that can change you
in a moment
and leave you dreamin about a face
that you saw in a moment
in the dark light
a face that had her voice
a face that held a world of promises
and held a heart full of sunshine's love

the smoke filled room is still there
you return to it each night
drink yourself stupid trying
to recapture that moment
recapture that face
that voice
that love
but shes gone

disappeared that night
down the road in the pouring rain
down to the factory's that never sleep
to the river road
where the small ships and the great liners
embark for points distant
for places that you cant even pronounce

and that's where she has gone
like a cloud
she drifted away
that smoke filled room is still there
and so are you every night
praying someday she will return
and every day
you labor on the river
fishing for hope
in the dark waters
of despair

down on the river road
the old men gather
to tell their tales
of sea fairing
and of deep waters dream
but river men have their own tales to tell
of mysterious women dressed
all in black luring men to watery death
in backwater or bay
so is it for naught you waited
all these years
perhaps instead of being punished
you are being spared
a watery grave in backwater or bay
mark john junor May 2013
filled with shades of yesterday
the river road's thick air labors
in my chest
as the intangable wall of
blind rage
strikes again and again in thoughts
too powerful for wishfull thinking to deny

fists clenched slamming down
on the ungiving pavement gives only
voice to the uselessness of this rage
it has neither reason or goal
it simplly bleeds thru awake mind
it simply breeds like a disease
an infection of the moral soul
with shades of rationalizations

they printed a book
and built a church to their
god of lies
and the misguided truths others hold as
a path of reason

scape goat to their inadequacy
lambs to the slaughter the fresh recruits
stare in wide eyed wonder at the drawn blades
dont it look like nirvana when what your leaving behind
didnt wear such a sweet smile
some things will never change
they learned that in the great war
they learned that in the feilds of cambodia
the monsters feed and their
lips red with blood
death is never frightened
its allways has a smile

the river road far behind
but its taint lingers
as all evil men will
long after their due date
rotting in plain sight
but nobody can afford to strike the tent
and bury the corpse
after all he was a celebrated smile
he was a devil to dish the news
and loved to lend a helping hand
but only if that hand held a blade

if i had only closed my eyes
if i had only turned my back
i would not be here today
wither that be a good thing or nay
waits in the wings

get me out of here
it is the memory of...not a current reality that i wake with, and memories like evil men and women
must be excised and buried...i dont want your rotting existance to linger past your due date
mark john junor Oct 2013
we think of them as lazy
slow and peaceful
places of fishing and summer play
but a river...

the rivers edge
intoxicated by the night air
drunk with the silken touch of her
he walked slow through the old town streets
down to the rivers edge
thought to sit for a space at the calming sounds of
the rivers quiet song
he shut his eyes and pictured her face
thought about each and every soft thing bout her
and slipped into a sleep

the words were printed with legible care
you could sense the measured time taken
perfect each etched line on the paper
like they themselves were children
to be nurtured
and the phrases were trimmed
and crafted
cant you see that this is
the man you were born to be

he stirred in his sleep
deep in the night
the small boat he had fallen asleep on
now carried him silent and swift
miles down the wide old river
from her rich silent forests of the north
through her flatlands of crops
down to the mud of the delta

he dreams of her
telling him a story
with her voice soft and full of love
a story of a man on a boat drifting
down a long river
and of all the wonders that sleeping
man could not see
her story came to its end
as he slowly woke from his slumbers
on a calm sea
with no shore to the eyes furthest see

the morning light
is twisted up in the eye
the morning air is thick as thieves
as it tries to rob your strength
stagger down long the rivers edge
hear them coming on the dirt road
try and hide your fearful face
but its daylights dark delight
to leave you exposed for all to see

you wade into the rivers cold waters
feel it trying to pull your feet from under you
feel it tryin to pull you down to a hard place
from whence you shall find no return
fight to swim in the stained waters
tastes of metal
tastes like death
but you must flee this place
flee this open grave with your name carved

on the rivers far bank
perceive the tinge of a fast car
escape from this dark place of daylight
all you must do is make it to the shore
just a few feet more
till salvation
you hear them behind almost upon you
come to drag you back
to that soul killing prison
here in the midday sun things growin dim
vision growing faint
as you slip into the darkness beyond this world
they did not claim you
the river did
1 of
mark john junor Jun 2013
twist on the woven fabric of her
vision within the the broken phrase she just
spoke softly into the darkness
it spreads along the pattern of her days
like tears spreading thru her years
she never seems to escape them fully
they are allways a moment away
from her delicate smile
from her soft butterfly of a laugh

break at the waters edge
and draw in a last gasp of the wave and wind tainted air
her voice comes to you
slowly in thick accented phrases
a passion play filled and ready
for sweating hard erotica
in the shade of this palm tree

tattered edges bring me sorrow
but its the untainted heart of her hearts tapestry
is  where i attempt to find a secret home for my
embittered soul
a quiet place from which to shout my poems
down to thouse who would listen
to thouse who could hear
in the morning draw the curtains
shut out the light
mark john junor Apr 2015
all teeth and eyes
the road-man wears diesel and grease
he wears leather and jeans
his is the hard life
but he lives it like no other
the road-man is a mouthful of bullets and bones
and his eyes are dust and gravel
his motorbike's engine growls like a living thing
its pipes shine in the unforgiving sun
it runs the road like lightening
the road-man is a creature of the
high desert road
where dust devils and snakes crawl the
unforgiving landscape
he is a hard man to know
has not much to say
but you will never meet another man
so ready to lay it on the line
so ready to face the burning road
a dying breed
mark john junor Sep 2013
he came down out of the mountains
came down out of the deity halls
of the mighty rocky mountains
riding a pale horse
with a gun in his hand
young to the eye
but his truth is miles of darkness
that few souls would dare

he came into the ***** town
and stepped into the waterin hole
with a wary eye
the crowd there was too involved in the
young ***** on the stage
in her various stages of undress
in the various stages of her futile demise
they are all dying down here in the flatland's
some kind souls try and stem the tide
but most just seek to sate thirsts before
they go to the valley of death below

he waited for the songs all to fade away
he waited for the hungry crowd to seek another meal
and then he came to her
then he walked into her narrow visions
he knew she would come
knew she had nothing left here
but the empty valley of death below
he tossed the barman
thirty pieces of silver
and romanced the petals
of her minds soft flower
soft so kind and convincing
to her unwilling ear

she finally could no longer resist
she scummed to the fever
and he picked her up
carried her to his steed
rode slowly out of town
not a soul saw him
not a soul cared
on up into the mighty rockies
he rode with her still form in his arms
into the bitter cold
and long night
an outlaw
of the highest order
one who has thieved from the kingdom below
down in the valley of death below
mark john junor Jan 2014
this devilish craft
by which you lead me down the wet road
down through the spent leaves littered along the side of the pavement
some with their open faces upwards
fine lines intercepting
trace them with fingertip and craftsman's eye
paste them in scrapbook
keepsakes of a fall romance now that its spring
but they resurface
bakes a sunday morning bread filling the house with earthen tones of scent
and filling the mind with cravings from childhoods fable
and i pass this dark bread to her
but she refuses it
i eat of my own conversation within my mind
going over and over the exchange of ideals
that have never been held
beyond the borders of thought
its within this madness she foils my defences and
pulling me forward into the afternoon's slow lazy breath
and rifled through my brazen pocket treasures
thinking to have daring crimes of her own
from which she would someday
be an old hand like me
foiled by my poormans lint
out of my pocket and into
her device of night
its forced lock lay broken against the breached wall
but she is the pretender's delight
and make great noise and show of denial
seating me at a banquet for hungry hearts
her healed hand burnish and clean
leaves me at last
sitting among my peers
with a rolls royce of romance
she just laughs
mark john junor Sep 2014
it was a hot summer day
and my heart was running free
she called out to me to come home
but the words had gotten away from me
and i could not see the ground anymore
just the boiling sky
just the hot dream in my blood

four times she called out to me
four times she cast pieces of eight at me
but my head was locked in a stirring of wings in the skyscape
my eyes consumed by the faster drums heartbeat

when i came upon a dark bird in the height of the sky
it did know my name
it did have a bearded saint in its talons
and his weak eyes did reveal a softer way
but i did not want to succumb
so i flew harder into the setting sun

she called all night
she called into a spanish day
casting pieces of eight like they were snow
she is my home sweet home
why do i do this thing
i will never know
why fly among the cold towers of distant shore
when romances candle flickers at home

the saint carried off by the dark beast
left me with a curse or a charm
he told of me to his brethren
and now they pursue me like a flock of lies
they will chase me down till my dying day
they will come upon me in the cold light by chill waters stream
beat upon my souls eyes with wings of black
till i am captured
mark john junor Jun 2013
the sun romances the night sky
seeping its slow blue
into the wheeling starfeild
its own grandeur carousel fades
as the stars dulled by the dawn stray away
one by one they bid farewell to the day

her blushing bride endeavor
expanded to her full embrace horizon to horizon
leaves fine line lace of mist
on the water
and begins to warm to announce
the forthcoming of her proud man

noon approaches
thundering hoofs of furnace heat his stallion
his brow breaks with the sweat of his labor
pushing the sun up to her pedestal heights
so a breif rain sqaull rocks our ragtag little ship
noon throws lightening and makes such rousing appeal
but the younger sister approaches
and noon must forsake his place

the quiet seductress afternoon
with her hazy summer heat lulling
and her many sweet scents and sounds
lay with you in the grassy field and
makes love to you with dreams of everlasting summer
and remembrances of childhood carefree abandon

she calls out to her mother evening
who comes and with a mothers love cools your brow
suppertime and laughter with loved ones
gathered at the kitchen table
dream time in safe places of the soul

finally night comes
slipping in silent and swift
deep and quiet he is mystery
gathering of soldiers who fail to conquer
gathering of lovers who two by two not
only are the world but make it anew
with love and with children
now full circle we have come
on the spiral track of our days
as the sun romances the night sky
for alyssa
mark john junor May 2014
romance the burnt sea
love its stain on your writing hand
romance its dark waters
and the stillness of the words it creates in your heart
evening light shows the beast of tides
gnawing at the sandy shore with restless hunger
feed it your naked feet as you run through the crashing waves
feed it your devil fish of ******* clad thoughts
but hide your face lest it see you and desire you

the beast of tides feeds on the velvet sands of paradise
while its offspring feed on starlight
ever hopeful of redemption foolish as it is

she tells you she loved the beast and the burnt sea
opened her heart to its plain plight
cared for it mended its wounds
spread herself to its darkness
now as it lay off shore she longs to swim in its dark water
she speaks of joining its bitter love
the burnt sea has hills like waves in the grasslands
creates creatures to chase this butterfly
all must taste of salt
even the sky
and the beast and the burnt sea shall see it done
she surrenders her naked feet to the
and rejoices in the salt scent
romance the burnt sea
for it is loved as she is
mark john junor Feb 2015
a romeo on fire
his heart ablaze with the glory of being in love
his mind fixed upon beauty of her presence
dances with his future in the balance so precarious
lounge with style was the way to be or so he would say
better to be relaxed and let it all flow whichever way
cause nothing matters much but the love
yes nothing but love
dealing the cards with such style
dealing the days with such finesse
and oh the nights
when it was all glittering lights
when it was all just him and her out on the dance floor
smooth so skilled with his moves
a romeo on fire
his burning loves light up the night for every lonely girl
his passion play makes them believe they will be hollywood starlets
in the shadows his is the place for the girls to be
but morning light will reveal his hollow words
morning light will reveal his dark world
a romeo on fire fades away before the dream can come true
leaves the girls crying  
romeo oh romeo where for art thou?
mark john junor Apr 2013
The night soft filled with the scent of roses
filled with the quiet  whisper of her dress on her bare skin
the room on fire with her eyes
the world gone far away outside...far far away
her lips part slightly as she mouths the words
take me.... take me ....  love me... love me...take me...

she walks to the edge of the bed where I lay
she melts onto the sheets
and our touch ignites things in her
that makes wicked sounds come
that makes wicked dreams come alive

hours of knowing and learning eachother later
she lay shy in my arms
looking up at with eyes that say
my innocence is heart is in your hands
kissing her softly i hold her tight

the night is filled with the scent of roses
and the only sound that i can hear
is the whisper of her soft skin on the sheets
the only thought that reveals
is how could i ever have existed
before i had her
before she had me

i edited the third line, which originally read "room on fire with her eyes as they lust along my body"...i took it apart because i felt it detracted from the was too blatant and far too soon in the peice to launch into that deep kind of waters. i may regret this, and change it back...i hate reading my own work...i think ill go read sombody elses
mark john junor Apr 2013
nothing ever makes sense
when its all upside-out-inside-down
when its all mixed up like her heart
like her thoughts till she can **** on a big fat joint
she always says dont bogart
and dont be lipping my paper...dont want your slobber on my doobie
then she relaxes into her day

but my backwards head thinks shes allready gone
least thats what im seeing in  my
upside-out-inside-down thinking
shes doing her nails
and out of the corner of my mind
i am watching her her packing her life up and moving on
im imagining what will it be like if she was gone
know that redhead would come more often
know that my days wouldnt be as good
know my nights wouldnt have any passion or hope
that my world would be empty

but then she comes over to me and slips hers arms round me
and all that upside down inside out backwards thinking is a lie
shes not going anywhere without me
and she whispers a soft word on my ear
baby dont you ever leave me

this is no ordinary love
this is passion
mark john junor Apr 2013
this is no ordinary night
she was here
her perfume still lingers in the shadows
the snow cannot cool the heat she left on my lips
cannot cool the fire she started in my heart
she gave me all her soul contained
gave me her candle light jazz bar nights
gave me satin warm love benith the stars

alone with every tender inch
alone with her knowing
with her
inside with everything she has to give

nights have never been so long
the world has never been more mine
than in her arms
the soft scent of roses and that white dress
she gave me her candle light jazz bar nights
her endless nights on the sheets
as her man...her only ever man

this is no ordinary love
this is passion
now a fever burns in my mind
now a maddness burns in my heart
now she is in me
consumes me with a fire cool and deep
a love that can never be undone
a bond that can never be forgotten
mark john junor Mar 2014
this is no ordinary night
she was here
her perfume still lingers in the shadows
the snow cannot cool the heat she left on my lips
cannot cool the fire she started in my heart
she gave me all her soul contained
gave me her candle light jazz bar nights
gave me satin warm love benith the stars

alone with every tender inch
alone with her knowing
with her
inside with everything she has to give

nights have never been so long
the world has never been more mine
than in her arms
the soft scent of roses and that white dress
she gave me her candle light jazz bar nights
her endless nights on the sheets
as her man...her only ever man

this is no ordinary love
this is passion
now a fever burns in my mind
now a madness burns in my heart
now she is in me
consumes me with a fire cool and deep
a love that can never be undone
a bond that can never be forgotten
mark john junor Nov 2013
she looked out at me
from across her bleak miles
with a question talking rapidly in her eye
its dark center a pool of poets ink
with some kind of pencil she had drawn a line
sculpting the edge of her sight
with the unresolved love and tears that
had found their way to the world from here
i place my finger across her untouched lips
bridging the desires
and the cautions
until in her arms i found the place where
the we balanced the thought and the desires
she laughs
and peeks at me from the years
and i think how am i supposed to get any writing done
nuance in the moonlight
we tangle eachother in the sheets
kiss eachother in every way to be kissed
and laugh at eachothers mumbling pokes
nobody is an expert at love
but shes near nuff for me
she makes me feel wonderful
from the bottom of my tired feet to
the top of my dizzy head
your beyond the sun to me
your waiting for me on the sun baked beach
your waiting for the dawn in my arms
your right here in my thoughts
your a thousand thousand miles away
mark john junor May 2018
A single page of her
fills her lover's world
ardent appetite to be cradled like the  
adoration of a mortal unexceptional goddess
who sometimes has high-heeled shoes of clay
leaves her and her lover to waver among
joys shared blissfully diffused by tears shed quietly
A single page of her is written
with the fundamental spirit of a lust for love
an ambition to live loves dream
which is center to every man and womans heart
A single page of her is provender for the soul
with a common language of immortal romantic notions

A single page of her
just a human being
with another human being
just an exceptional love within an uncomplicated heart
softly written open to lights of loving warmth

A single word of her
fills the canvas with brilliant colors
takes on the shapes of this feverish love affair
takes on the hue's of these hearts at ease
that wrestle each other naked souls
then cleave to each other with a dire thirst
A single word of her statuesque illustration
histories and futures softly spoken in the animated night
expressions of this average celestial throne
this world of exceptional average simple beauties
A single word of hers
that i have never actually heard
but knowing its there unspoken in her eyes
just a human being

A single picture of her
fills a poet's hands with rich verse
words laden with potent essence within their expression
as wild as the wind in the deepest part of the rain
as enriched as breathing exaltation and splendor
her photograph pasted to the mirror's edge
as if she were a reflection of dreams
as if perfection had a name
A single picture of her
embroidered by a light that shines
only from some souls
a warmth that greets every passing stranger
an intensity that verges on fire

A single moment of her time
leaves impressions upon you that will breathe within you
growing in the remembrance
like roses upon the vine
interwoven and lovely in the warm light
just a human being
but she will always be
just Kristen

© 2018 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor Dec 2013
the hour speaks its tune and the world dances to it
in perpetual movement hand in hand to the eye
through the nameless ages of silent symphony
i wait for its rapid step to pass
on the way through the halls of time

a fool and his mothers milk of
answers for all occasions from the most fashionable of sources
like the distant days enlightenment from a bubble gum wrapper
time slows to a walk as it dawns upon the teacher that all who learn
have not the same measure of thought to consequence

my only thought as this caravan of the soulless passes
is of the eyes peering from 'neith the ragged tarp
the filthy lenses of their vision
carpets my senses with the intensity of the truly mad
not a shed tear blemishes their near perfect in unison laughter
what manner of beast birthed this nightmare of the perverse
what corner of rough madhouse could
be the home to such

the old hour limps through to its finality
and its tune is renewed with the freshly birthed hour
the old hour is buried in the ashes of the new hours burning desires
as seen in her now awake eye
she reaches for me
and pulls me slowly down into her viper kiss
i willing surrender to its poison tastes
for she is young
and willing

the fool having exhausted his mothers milk
of quick fix answers
lays down his defences
and is overrun
weeping the whole time
for his lost paradise
for his lost chance to be the star of his one man show
mark john junor May 2014
ornate key to souls lockbox
kept by the old man
who sweeps the scattered leaves and mends the bent stones
his leather skin makes a sandpaper sound
and is tattooed with sea charts and mythical creatures
he is wearing the ornate key on golden chain
as he gropes his way down to the
courtyard where she is watching the stars

she devours his footsteps with her mind
and the trail of dust he disturbed salts the meal
she drinks of his liquid thoughts
their hot wet deep waters
as he works head held low
on the marble steps with wrought iron
sweeping up the dusty words
left by the shuffling of a thousand year students
who studied the discomforts and glories of the pen

as the soft sounds of her labor echo
she crafts rowboats of pewter to sail upon the metal sea
she builds metal men from a tin foiled
armed with swords to reap the harvest
she devises monks out of steel
their eyes an assembly of gears
fill the world with the small metal sound
of her blue eye looking out upon wicked world

as dawn stretches an aching red upon the sky
she lay in the old mans arms
watching her armada sailing the metal sea
watching her army of tin foiled men
their metal gear eyes forever looking to the stars
their dull grey skin echo dawns light
like regret

they have always been here
her and the old man
by the shore of a metal sea
in a tower of stone
building dreamlands from the chaff of seeds
that drifts down like grey snow
from the world high above
life from the ashes
someday that life will stand in summer sunlight
dance in october's moonlight
mark john junor Nov 2014
the royal palace in the mountain's shadow
with the ***** so subtle
in the sweetness of knowing what it is to have her in the night
beautifully wrought dreams wrapped in her delicate hands
but the dream most desired is in the simple truth of her smile
the honest beauty of her open heart
the long night gives way slowly
as dawns stain spreads across the cloudless sky
birds once again discover voices
the world rouses itself like lumbering giant
i creep out the motel door
while the ***** lounges in a salty mix
of cheap perfume and chemicals
the morning light leaves little doubt of intentions
it reveals all too much of ill conceived
shuffling faces show weary hearts
make peace with your yesterday's
gather your baubles with more than casual delight
for they are all you will have to show
for this nights sweaty labors
for this nights strange paths
but now that morning has come
and i creep out the motel door
i know the way i have come is forever gone
and i now must plunder new palaces under a distant sun
mark john junor Oct 2013
she had a dignified sadness
in her dark eyes
a dignity to her stately walk as she
walked on down to the beggars lot
a vision of class in her step as she was pulled
down onto the worlds darkest places
by the circumstance of betrayal

he drank his coffee from the paper cup
in the motel room
by the main road
the summer night shadows playing out on
the stained walls of the cheap room
someplace not far a TV played far too loud
but you can never determine a word it says
she thought as she lay there
mute with him on top of her
  meant not a thing to her
but his closing the door as he walked away
meant everything
seemed so final
seemed so fitting in this ***** dark place
a single tear escaped down
the perfectly carved features of her perfect face

a quiet dignity like a shawl wrapped round
her thin frail shoulder
clinging wet and hopeless
in this dark place
a inconsolable sorrow in her eye
as she looked on without seeing
down the beggars lot
at the darkest places in the world
how did she fall so swift
so far so fast
from all the dreams of girlhood at hand
to this horrible place where they feed on your very soul

in the morning
its ugly light reveals the beggars lot
littered with the used up and cast aside souls
littered with the worlds price for false freedoms
and false saviors
careful of thouse come sellin you pretty words
of dreams of what will be
she goes to the well and with tender care
washes the night from the delicate lace of her dress
and with a single tear
escaping down the perfect features of her perfect face
she remembers him
not for what he truly was but for what
her girlish heart saw him as

he sipped his coffee
from a paper cup
in the royal palace motel
up in denver's dark heart
watched her undress
took her in every sense
and then abandon her in every sense
closing the door softly
as he went
i would save her if i knew how
i would save her if i knew where she was
mark john junor Oct 2013
his infamouse words still echo
dangerously in my head
'quack quack'
his rubbery skin chaffing my mind
as he trundles through my waking dreams
his beady little painted eyes
dont fool me
behind thouse innocent baby blues
this rabble rouser plots
world *******
through mans dependance on bathrooms
a rubber duckie in every household
a rubber duckie to rule them all
the all seeing duckie
'quack quack'
i see him there in the bottom
of the tub next to my girlfriends hairbrush
grin painted on his
ugly little duckie face
mark john junor Mar 2013
carving a few simple words into her memory
a whisper of hair drifts over her face
eyes shut she waits for the cold crisp dawn
the candle distracts
and weaves it own tale
soft with smoke and mystery

night disburses
and the redhead across the hall comes tapping
naked and sweating
looking to cop a fresh spike
my girl makes her wait in the hall
"rude" she whispers over and over

our days here are fleeting
soon to escape this motel
and its rodent festival
to the great sunshine
never snows

quiet destitution creeps in with breakfast
and lay in the corner with a soft sigh
down in my mind i want to sleep
but its nearly time to wait
for the mexicans at quality hill
with two $20's in my claw

I am not yet ready to write the words
that would seal our fate and close this painfull day
that poem is within me
it drives me out into the bright sunlight
and the redhead follows trying to make nice
and i know its dope game logic that drives her
i know i could get my girl to bed her
a ******* would be tasty

umm that thought keeps me warm
while waiting on the mexicans
mark john junor Mar 2016
let me slip away into sleep now
let me open my dreamers eyes in restless slumber
slip away to a dream of summer long ago
to walk the paths that only boyhood knew
to be once more the manchild beholding
all the world within my grasp
all the mysteries to be conquered
to be the hero for all the world to see
this sleeping world gives glimpses of itself as i awaken
the steps of roosevelt school
footsteps echoing on the ornate marble
laughing clear and clean
without worry or taint
let me slip away into sleep once more
let me fly among the stars
in wonderful adventure
let me run like the wind
free once more
mark john junor Jan 2016
her mind once well groomed as a summer sky
joy interlaced with her tears
i see the enchanted waters of her hearts inner sea
sailing ships painted there so regal and powerful
they plunder the waters for its most intimate secrets
for its most fragile dreams
i see myself reflected there
all the hopes and dreams of all men
to know that stormy sea of a woman's heart
to know the intimate touch of her lips on yours
i am but a dreamer in that place
but it searches my soul to behold
that delicate flower of her heart
growing bold with her care
growing to love without thought or care
i am humbled by the truth of her
i am in awe of the strength of her
to know her kiss
to know her tender embrace
so i sail on into the night raptures of her pleasures
lost no more
found at the edge of her inner sea
i am her man
she is to me
mark john junor Oct 2013
bring me a fast fast horse
there is a burning in the north
that i must answer
there is a burning that calls to me
rode hard in to the night
riding hard thru the blazing sun
rode till that horse up and died on me
bring me a fast fast horse
there is a burning up north that calls to me
it burns my mind
burns my soul
i must answer this hellfire
must answer this curse
bring me a fast fast horse
and stand back out of the way
for none shall stand before me
i shall **** em dead
shall trod upon them
to make my way
answer this burning
in the north
bring me a fast fast horse
for i must
answer this soul curse
and there at the edge of the
cold cold ice field
i beheld the answer of my life
beheld what i had struggled all my life
to reach
for the fires of hell do not burn  with fire
they burn with the same cold you find in men's hearts
it was the burning souls of all thouse
who had surrendered to
lure of riches and fame
thouse who had killed to get a few dollars more
the ones who succumb to greed
i did not come extinguish it
i came to be part of it
so i shall be to eternity
forsaken to the fire and so it shall be
mark john junor Jul 2013
salt offerings to the wounds of pride
difference between dark of doom
and the engine of simple summer eve

night sustains but
but doom is the door to the
great beyond and the fates fair or foul
that awaits each of us

a voice echoes along the path
to all the heavens ever proposed by mans thought
that voice speaks of years
spins a tale of labors
whispers songs of longing
quietly shouts story's of horror

reserve your strengths friend
for the battle yet to come
hush your unquiet mind
and lay your head down to rest
soon enough blades shall stir to war
soon enough widows shall gather their children to
graveside rememberence of fallen fathers

as trailing edge of summer day
slips into the past
the depth and majesty of summer night unfolds
crickets and the sounds of feasting familys
warm breeze in the tall grass
the sand of a beach on your fingertips
simple joys in our world and of our lives
are the counterbalance the
the dark things in our world
the line should read "counterbalance of the..."
mark john junor Mar 2014
gulls and terns spin in the air
as waves lullaby the sleepy dreamers
with grand tales and rich promise of paradise to be
found just over the horizons edge
sailors eye to the swift wind
sure hand to tackle and line
hearty men of salted liquid soil
grown to giants in the breakwaters thunder

but gentle that hands heart
when the tolling bell calls out the names of the lost
and the sea has swept away all but her witnessed tale
to leave the widows and forlorn child to
carve name to wall and mourn

past midnight now
a dead calm
and cloudless sky reigns
with a majesty of brilliant starlight
upon this sea reflecting the heavens slow march
i lay like a supplicant muted by the spectacle
to souls hunger this moment and place
shows a deeper meaning to thouse souls with eyes to see

a dead calm
and cloudless sky reigns
with a majesty of brilliant starlight
the old salt sailor breaks into deep song
that sooths and lends hardy meal to the heart
hold fast young lad hold fast

the morning rushing forward brings
the breaking wave and unfolds sail with quick wind
and the sailors eye rejoices with
merry songs to measure the hour
and jauntily bring our fair seabird
back to her warm home
sea and sand in the salt sailors blood
and a kind heart guides the way
mark john junor Aug 2014
her jewels melted away in the saltwater
her crown broken by jealous girls
but she sat on my wood floor
the prettiest in blue lace dream
a beautiful song breathing on the still air
and her eyes full of doubts washed away with tears
held her hand till she found her strength once again
she knew how to dance
so i cleared the clutter and
let her dazzle
let her shine

she smiled once more
put aside her silver screen dreamy voice
and talked all night bout the adventures and
the balloons chased with laughter's joys
and you could feel the sunshine in the room
from the beauty of her voice
from the beauty of her soul
she smiled once more
and whispered a song just for me
questioning but gently
seeking but giving

when i saw her last
she had returned to the carnival of californian hills
once again the rare talent with a gift of light in her eyes
for thouse who have the strength to dream
fly free and true beautiful one
be who you are without fear
you are loved
so dance...shine
(for the kristen stewart in all of us)
mark john junor Jul 2014
she lay wreathed only in sunlights warm glow
loose strands of her long red straight hair flowed
like bountiful silken ribbons
of silent beauty's fire

i brushed one strand from the
velvety skin of her shoulder
and there softly laid a single lingering kiss
tasting her elegant beauty with my lips
ever so quiet ever so soft
she murmured a lustful smile

she is that faster than light butterfly
spinning in the hot winds of timeless dreams
a dutchess of the grand
a pauper of the sublime
regal in her reflections

their sweeter wines succumbing to the autumn celebrations
the girls in silken white dress
the boys in trimmed black cuffs
they all stand back bowing heads in humble submission
when on the cusp of a light whim she wanders through
the gathered and waiting apostles of beauties delight

dutchess of the grand
pauper of the sublime
regal in all her reflections like a warm jewel
at the center of all things pretty
at the epicenter of all things envied
the precise defining of the better universe at her fingertips

the dream murmured was just the soft stirrings
of her restless soul as she dreamt that all could be hers
if she would only reach for my hand
take the chance
dutchess of grand
pauper of the sublime
she murmured a lustful smile
(As she woke, opening the saltwater jewels of her eyes said to me...)
final poem in the series
mark john junor Sep 2014
these saltwater jewels spill from my heart
there are no words she is silent
just soft memory of a kinder girl
she cant hold me in the night
cant aspire the tender notions of her heart
cant trace the new born day on her breast
there is no sunlight here
only cold memory
only distant tears
mark john junor Dec 2014
by a proxy delivered
a days sour face
its painted eye fixed on jacob's ladder
and salvation's cherubs
who seven times sevenfold tell the tale
but the tale is threadbare by the time they have spun the spin
all call each other rookies as they verbally fistfight
over the breadcrumb leavings

charred remains of her melted mind
smoulder weakly in the
interment rain
she would sit in the dirt
sketching beautiful things
known for being pretty for all the eyes that don't see
leaving the brick and mortar life
for everything imagination tells you
is so beautiful
you don't want to change the world
just want your world to change
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