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 May 2016 fm
You picked up a salt shaker
mistaken for a pop
You went to take a drink
And the word stupid came up

You caught yourself in a stutter
Unable to speak
People began to laugh at you
And the stupidness started to creep

Your memory wasn't the sharpest
And you received ****
As people made fun of you
The word stupid slowly began to slipped

Now you sit here in a dark corner
Beating yourself senseless
Continuously convincing yourself
You'll alway be stupid
You can only be told something for so long by your family before....before you start to just truly think, Yes.. I am stupid...
I am nothing more than just.... A *******
 May 2016 fm
Stefania S
 May 2016 fm
Stefania S
the bed
draped, my
a glaze
the scene

teeth at my lip
a blink
tease you are
why not?

at my ear,
buttercup, pray now
won't be god's name you call to later
 May 2016 fm
Cy and Rose
 May 2016 fm
It starts as I walk through the door and I see his coloring book on the floor.
As I walk up the next flight, around the corner is his vroom vroom hiding in plain sight.
When I took a peek around the kitchen, his mess is still there and I have no ambition.
I open the door that leads to what was a room and inside is still a hollow bed with nothing to do.
I scream out til there is blood in my cry, just to look around to see nothing in my eyes.
That smell that has been lingering in that specific air, is the whole reason why I'm so **** scared.
I'm now just lonely in my heart because I let them pull my soul apart.
With that said there was only ever light and right about now I should be saying goodnight.
But they are gone and aren't coming back, now Its time to just fix my hearts dying attack
Soon I'll see them one day again and maybe when they see my eyes, they'll see an old friend.
Cyler and Rose...
I wish I could hold you
 May 2016 fm
Victoria Jennings
She's crying in her car
For the tenth time this week
And she begs for her life to end
And her request goes unanswered
She is a hallow woman
So broken from this world
Breaking more from the brokeness
Because people tell her
it'll get better
you'll move on
you'll forget
you won't always feel this way
And she just screams
When?! When does it stop feeling like a dagger is in my chest? When do I get to smile again? When will it get better? When, because it sure as hell hasn't happened after all this time.

She sits in her car
And she cries
Tries to steady her breath
She hopes
One day she won't have to cry
One day it won't ache her to wake up
She hopes
With every tear
And somehow she thinks
Her time will never come.
 May 2016 fm
you are an optimist
and you see the potential in everything
but please,
do not see my potential,
see me as i am now.
• an excerpt.
 May 2016 fm
Stefania S
pain is...
 May 2016 fm
Stefania S
pain is
my heart pounding
my mouth dry
my tears hot and sticky

pain is

pain is
not knowing

pain is
any empty bed
an empty home
an empty heart

pain is
your voice
my own

pain is
eating meals in silence
being overlooked
trusting the wrong people

pain is
missing someone i've never had
missing a woman i once was

pain is being broken
pain is peppered through days in small doses
pain is breathing fire into a closed tin can that fits in your pocket
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