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 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
There are tears in my eyes
Threatening to spill.
An empty,  broken part of me
I desperately need to fill
Torn between love and hate
My world is crumbling
Is there a better fate?
My voice cracking
With each word spoken
So many thoughts attacking
My already feeble heart
Feeling so incomplete.
We're on the verge of falling apart.
It's killing me inside
The secret you
The one you try to hide
You're drifting away
Like the oceans tide
I no longer have words to say
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
the scariest thought in the world is the possibility that I will never meet an other person who makes me feel as much as you did & I'll walk around forever with this hungry pit in my soul
I want to pick up the phone
and tell you I love you
shout it from the ******* rooftops
so you'll know I've felt this way all along.
I don't know how I can prove it to you
or if you doubt my every instance to try and let you know.
I'm ****** up,
I wish I could fix myself, but I can't.
The only thing I know for sure
is that I love you.
I don't know what else to do with myself,
when my lows are so completely irrationally low
you're the only one I want to talk to,
when something good happens to me
you're the one I want to run to and tell.
But instead I'm sitting here,
wishing I had some kind of backbone,
and some sort of security.
These bones are shaking from the things
my mind is capable of conjuring up.
The lower I get, the more I love you.
Save me, if it's not asking too much.
stop staring at the screen
stop waiting to hear the message tone
stop rushing home to check
stop wishing he would call
stop worrying that you failed
stop worrying he bailed
stop looking for his face
stop giving him the power
stop just stop ******* stop right now
hes not worth it
Your unstable
And it's starting to worry me
Thats a lie
Ive been worried for months

You go up and down
From one extreme to another  

You think I don't notice  
That your slipping away
Right though my fingers

Your standing right there
But where is your mind
That creative
Beautiful mind
Is it off in the clouds
Or is it some where dark and sinister
theres no way to know

Unless you tell me
Will you tell me?
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
I love you a lot
And if the feeling is not mutual
Please pretend
That this was just another
Stupid poem
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
i am sorry that i loved you
for so much longer
than i was supposed to
I am just so petrified of going through the same thing again that it turns my stomach and chills my bones
Not a poem but as real as it gets
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