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thats what you are
braces are a pain but look like a trend on you
you are an amazing friend
never change
you are a main
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
I shouldn't be upset about you not being a part of me or my life anymore, you were too toxic, but here I am sitting in the dark crying, tears stained on my cheeks, wishing you were here. It's hard to go a day without someone that's been in your life continuously for 2 years straight. No matter who you lose, it's a loss and it hurts like hell.
Losing you is the worst thing to happen to me
You don't drive me crazy,
just so far out of my senses
that all I can sense is you

and all I can hear is your fingertips
singing to my skin
in a language my mind
can't comprehend
but I know they're saying something
that's making me dance

that's making me sweat

that's making me crazy
 Oct 2014 Marina Morales
The most painful dreams
are the ones where I'm kissing you
because when I wake up, I know

I can't.
i was diagnosed with clinical depression, and by clinical depression i mean that the weight of a ten-story building compresses my chest at all hours and my eyelids function like a broken door; i spend all day waiting until i can crawl back into bed and escape the world

the other day i got a D on a test and i cried because i'm not good enough not good enough not good enough

depression is when your lungs are not big enough and your head is not smart enough and you can't breathe can't breathe and can't sort things out

i do not belong here
i do not belong here
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