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Aug 2015 · 500
me and books
I am lost
in pages of books
I am curious
to know who they are
I am drowned
by the feelings they feel
I am swallowed
up in their world
I am enthralled
to fiction
To a make believe world
Where words make worlds
Page after
Page after
Soaking up their adventures
Craving for more
When the Tv stops in your head
When you turn to
The End
You want more
But why?
You wish
That fiction becomes reality
That great things can happen to you
You believe you can be
So when you grow old
You have a story to tell
But this time
its not fiction
an old poem I wrote a few months ago
Jan 2015 · 525
not anymore
I thought there was something
a gap
that was meant to be closed
a hand
that was meant to be held
your sweater
that was meant to be worn
that was meant to be shared
All for us two
All was meant for me and you
But there is nothing now
Not anymore
Jan 2015 · 465
I Notice
That smile of hers,
it crinkled her eyes
reached her ears
pure and happy
Where did go?
Its chipping
cracked at the edges
chipping at the sides
Falling flakes
of her fake smile.
And no one notices
Look closer but
no one does
That what she thinks
Except I do
I notice
Nov 2014 · 411
A Prisoner
I feel trapped
Closed in
To what I thought was fun, friendly, exciting
It looked so enticing
Now I see
What it has come to be
What I have come to be

I am a prisoner
A prisoner tied with fancy gold chains
Buried in layers of powder
Choked with floral perfume

I am a prisoner
A prisoner beaten by loud vibrations
Blinded by dancing lights
Poisoned with mystery concoctions

Who am I
Is unrecognizable
Masked with false treasures
A prisoner to this world
the topic we were given was about unfree young women and this is what came to mind
Oct 2014 · 420
The four-letter word
They say
When you’re not
When these bloodstained hands
Are tired, frustrated, and angry
From building walls
Hiding tombs
When this tear-stricken face
Cries rivers all night
Its not okay.
I don’t believe it.

So, can you hear it?
Listen, to the silence
growing louder and louder.
Listen, to the beats
drumming inside my chest.
Listen, to the moaning
pleading for help.
Listen, to the trembling
shaking my chains.
Can you hear it?
Can you hear me?

Will it ever stop?
The hurt runs too deep;
The pain cuts too hard
Make it stop.
Someone, anyone.
Please, help me get out.
Out of these chains,
These weights that drag me down.
Into the darkness,
Where the evil things
Shout, hurt, pain, and, sorrow.
They lash out with
Their spiked tongues
With there conniving words.
Help! I reach out
Someone, anyone.

And there,
A voice whispers.
In the midst of the darkness,
In the midst of the battle.
The quiet beautiful whispering
That says,
Take a good long look
Around you.
Remnants of the broken heart,
Broken souls, and broken spirits.
The broken things
Are slowly being mended
With bulletproof, shatterproof,
Shockproof, waterproof coating
Shining with new found strength
Molded by the hurt, pain, and sorrow
That sent chills of what looked like
You never were and cannot be

Don’t forget that.
You can count on the
Rainbow after the storm,
Treasure under the dirt,
And the light at the end of the tunnel.
So I dare say,
It will be okay.

The four letter word
They say
When you’re not
But ill wash these bloodstained hands
And ill dry this tear-stricken face
Mustering enough strength
To believe, to hope
It will be okay
Someday, if not today.
It will all be okay.
my spoken word composition for the Rhyme & Reason competition in school.
(this was not based on TFiOs)
Aug 2014 · 529
Can you hear me?
Listen, to the silence
growing louder and louder.
Listen, to the beats
drumming inside my chest.
Listen, to the moaning
pleading for help.
Listen, to the dripping
coming from my eyes.
Its in here, somewhere.
Can you hear it?
Can you hear me?
its been quite awhile since I've written another poem. I wont make any promises that this will be regular. Ive been so dry...
Oct 2013 · 741
Christmas is near
Christmas is near
When you see

Bright, blinking
Shiny, sparkling

On the highway
Near my house
In a stand

Multi-colored, single-colored
Big, small
Christmas lights
you'll see people selling Christmas lights beside highways and roads in Manila when Christmas time is near
Oct 2013 · 425
Numb feeling


Too much that pains
But so little to feel
Too much that hurts
But so little to heal

But nothing at all

Thats my numb feeling
Oct 2013 · 496
Tears that
Tears that hurt
Pain swells
Brust forth
Exploding through
Streaming down

Tears that heal
Let it out
Let it go
Let them free
Let them mend

Tears are destroying
Cant breath
Cant see
Too deep

Tears are helping
I am alive
I am free
Its okay for you to cry
Sep 2013 · 540
no use
A long night awaits
For an unforgettable dream
She cries herself to sleep
As the bad dreams creep
Inside that rattling head of hers.

The walls isolate her
Keeping them close
Suffocating the air
Bleeding hands try
Try to tear
Try to break
Try to bend
Try to
Try to
But no
No use.
i've been so uninspired lately
Sep 2013 · 446
Dont Let Them
Oh, darling
Dont let them come
Your joy
Your spirit
Dont let them

Dont listen to their words
Dont ever try
Their all lies
Because they'll never understand
What you feel inside

Dont remember what they say
Thats their way
Of getting to you
Force the echoes out
Plug your ears
Get as far away

Dont believe them
Forget it
Just believe in you
(thats important)
Your work
Your heart
Your mind

They think its for your good
Their criticism
Their concerns
Dont listen
Dont remember
Dont believe
Because their words my actually
Turn you
Please, dont let them.
Dont let people tell you what you can or can't do. Believe in yourself (try it sometime).
Sep 2013 · 649
Ocean, Sea, or River. again
As if my day was spent,
Spent in the ocean, sea, or river
Angry and confusing,
Next was losing,
To steady swaying of bipolar waters.
I long to go to the ocean, sea, or river
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Typhoon winds
Banging on my door.
Knocking on my window.
Oh, wind.
Just go away.

But sometimes,
I would like you stay.
Maybe till summer's day.
Because of the typhoon there's been strong winds... I wish we had winds like that in summer...
Sep 2013 · 362
Who am I to judge,
When I die, 
Whether I'm young or old,
When my soul goes up to heaven,
I hope the things I did will be remembered. 

Although it's only been fifteen years,
As if it's been a thousand, 
Because a lot of things have happened,
Though I can't remember all of it,
I live contented.
Its that dash that matters.
Sep 2013 · 698
Do you know me?
Do you know that girl?
That girl with the crinkly-eye smiles
And laughter coming out of her mouth.
Just being with her might make you think,
Her life is so easy.
Shes got good grades,
Poise and grace,
Friends who love her,
And a strong faith.

But honestly,
You dont know her.
You dont know.
And you just might be surprised
What her life's really like.
When she takes her mask off.
There is a lot to tell
Sep 2013 · 956
Missing those days
Past those gray gates,
Through that white hallway,
Up the tiled stairs,
Is where, some part of me belonged.

Four years of
No matter how small or big,
No matter how insignificant or important,
No matter how forgettable or unforgettable,
In those moments,
Was where I belonged.
Im really missing my old school and classmates. (five years: 6th grade-2nd year HS)
Sep 2013 · 714
Work Day
Alarm snoozing, coffee brewing
Rushing to work
Phone ringing, papers flying
Late for work
Boss calling, officemates looking
Trouble at work
Computer typing, paper signing
Stress at work
Client talking, hand shaking
Success at work
Pen clattering, ink spilling
Nervous at work
Sweat dripping, Boss asking
Failing at work
"Goodnight" saying, coffee sipping
Alone at work
Tears falling, lip trembling
Frustrated to work
Silence growing, voice whispering
"I am here"
"I will wipe away every tear"
"I will lift you up"
"Because I love you"
Spirit lifting, soul restoring
The Lord comforts me
The Lord is my Comforter.
Sep 2013 · 974
I wake
I wake
with a deep pain in my chest
I wake
with longing ache in my heart
I wake
with loud thumps of my heartbeat
I wake
with an uncontrolable shaking of my hands
I wake
with the sweaty-ness of my palms
I wake
with the cold tingle on my feet
I wake
with the loud chatter of my teeth
I wake
with a disturbing feeling lingering on my skin
I wake
with the salty taste of tears on my lips

I wake,
Every night,
Wondering why,
This happens to me.
I wrote this on June when I was having a horrible night and I finished it at 2:29 in the morning.
Sep 2013 · 369
Where did it go?
Where did it come from?
Because in a second,
All was right,
Vanishing in the light,
Of my messy mind.

Flowing in a current,
But then it stopped,
Taking time to come back,
Never quiet the same,
How frustrating and lame.
My good ideas mostly come when Im in the shower and when I get out I forget them :|
Sep 2013 · 421
The Ocean Was My Day
Tossed and tossed,
That was my day,
Dizzy and slow,
Was my feeling,
Calm in a minute,
Next was not,
The ocean was where I was.

All was too slow;
No wind.
No current.
As if the waters paused,
And it made me lost.

But everything changed.
A tantrum came over,
Because hate and anger
Was the ocean,
Dizzy and ill,
Was my feeling,
But onward was my goal.

— The End —