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 Sep 2014 Margaret
Loving all the wrong people
and I cried out to the moon.
Loving all the wrong people
and I slammed the door to the tornadoes.
Loving all the wrong people
and I got mad at the storms.
Loving all the wrong people
and I shouted out loud to the universe.
Loving all the wrong people
and I blamed everything on the stars.
Loving all the wrong people
and I do not do anything about it,
I just love the wrong person even more.
originally written on august with confused mind and not knowing what the heart wants.
 Sep 2014 Margaret
You see
A person only truly falls in love
Once in their life time
And once that time is used up
There is no more.
You can lie to yourself
And to others
But if you were truly in love with them
That love cannot be undone.
I am in love.
A love that won't go away
With my best friend.
I fell off
The bridge of love
And into the waters
Where he followed
But his love came with strings attached
A bungee
And he jumped back up
And left me sitting there in the waters
While he's up on the bridge
Calling me up there
While I'm wishing him down here
And I have no bungee.
It's a mess.
 Sep 2014 Margaret
i slipped the silk fabric over the curve of my hip and the scarred flesh of my thigh in a dressing room with three of my friends behind me, ******* in the fat of my stomach. they say black is supposed to be slimming but it only made me bloated; maybe the mirror was a liar (i know it didn't lie). an elephant with too-thick eyeliner and a too-thick body stared back at me and i bit through the skin of my lip till it bled and i wanted to live on some other planet where elephants were appreciated.

"that's the best one you've tried on yet," someone said, but i couldn't hear them over the red-eyed demon within me which whispered of shoving ******* down the trachea, messy but quick, everything gone in an instant. if this was my best one, i was doomed because my eyes were glazed over with the misunderstanding that beauty would never apply to me.

"i'm just gonna go- go to the restroom-" and the red eyed thing inside me cracks its whip, takes over the nerves in my brain, makes my legs sprint to the toilets and it's over, it's done, the food gone among stomach acid, falling hair, and teeth erosion.

i can only imagine what the restaurant worker who was forced to clean rainbow-coloured ***** in the toilet thought.
this happened the other day. i cried a lot.
She was drowning in an ocean full of broken diamonds;
each shard sharper than the other
cutting into her creamy skin and filling the ocean blue
with a velvet red

But she didn't feel anything,
her body was paralyzed by fear and her lungs exhausted
Yet she wasn't thinking of how young she was
Or all of her hard work
She wasn't praying like she thought she would do in her final moments
because there was something more important than all of that to her
She didn't care what her funeral would look like
Nor what the tombstone would read
She didn't care that she probably had a minute or two to live
In her final moments all she was thinking was

Will you remember me?

Some things fall apart and can't be put back together

Don't let them destroy you, you're better than that

I'm sorry I broke our promise

It wasn't your fault

I never told you, but yes, you are beautiful.

I love you

She had drowned in an ocean full of broken diamonds;
*his eyes were the sharpest, and cut her the deepest
"Right before everything went wanna know what the very last thing that entered my mind? You." --Dear John, Nicholas Sparks.
i'm going to put on the same pants you slid off of me
and melt inside a little.
getting ready for work never felt so ****.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
Meghan O'Neill
Take a moment
and look at your hands.
look at the lines
more creases and folds than a dismantled paper airplane
you can look into hands and see the future
those creases read like a map
and in the distance between your fingers lies a novel.
With fingers intertwined you can pray
and you can love.
you can beckon melodies from the belly of pianos
and scrawl poetry on shredded napkins
you can punch and scratch and fight
you can revolt
you can deliver Shakespeare
you can place blame
and you can nurture
you can wave hello
and you can wave goodbye
but remember they are the same motion
wiggle your fingers
count them
a perfect round number
take a look at the miraculous work of art at the end of your wrists
put them to use
high five
fist bump
use them to make art
fight injustice
celebrate your victories
and help those around you.
with those two hands and ten fingers
the world is yours.

take a moment and look at your hands
and notice how you don't need a mirror to see yourself.
 Aug 2014 Margaret
I* was outside last night,
looking at the stars under the moonlight
And then a thought hit me,
it made me fall deep..oh all the things I could see
That moment I realised that noone else will ever stand in this spot
Noone else will ever see what i see, ever think my thoughts
So I should write down a few
I dont know what else to do
if that's what you like, make sure you *
do it too!!
Bold :)
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