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Oct 2014 · 697
As I Walk Through My Dreams
Marco Jimenez Oct 2014
As I walk through my dreams,
I witness the world end over and over
before my stricken eyes,
and all I've ever known becomes lost in oblivion
as the earth I love dies,

I cant help crying as all life is dying
and a deep plunge of fear entangles my soul,
here I stand still, dead against my will
and I've lost all total control,

This is what I feel
this is what I see,
such is what it seems,
and so,

As I walk through my dreams,
My ethereal imagination travels the universe,
scaling the vast cosmos of space,
As I approach the edge I peer beyond the ledge
and I see my one true place,

Transcending the fabric of the space time continuum
I pull on the strings of creation and existence
Altering reality as I readily see fit...
This is it.
This is the end.
All roads bend to this one place
at the center of time and space,

Oh! the magnificence!
Oh! the beauty!
Oh! the infinite energy
that flows right through me!

But I must cry,
Because as I open each eye
I see what it all means,
That I was just walking through my dreams.
Sometimes my dreams can be so dark. But the sometimes they are so beautiful that when I wake up, I feel sad because none of it was ever real.
Feb 2014 · 421
Marco Jimenez Feb 2014
I am running in darkness.
i trip and fall into a pool of water,

As i fall under
hands come up to reach for me,
they're scratching, clawing and grabbing.
pinching, gripping and hacking,

I am drowning, choking and crying for air,
i try to break free but they grab my hair,
i can barely move, my muscles are getting weaker,
they're pulling me deeper, the surface grows bleaker,

Now i know that i am going to die,
water fills my lungs whilst in fear i cry,
and just before i was dead,
my final thoughts raced through my head,

I wish someone knew that i was here,
I wish i hadn't lived in fear,
I wish someone had really known who i was,
I wish i had fallen in love because
I really don't want to die by myself,
all alone with no one else,
I wish i could have a second chance,
but i wont even get a second glance,
If only i was not filled with hate,
I might have had a different fate,
but i spent my life crying and frowning,
so here i am fading... drowning.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
The Quintessence Of My Heart
Marco Jimenez Jan 2014
Her body
her mind,

her heart pounding presence,
life's luminescence,
her soul seizing eyes,
the essence of the skies,

if only i could touch her,
hold her in my arms,
caress her body,
revel in her charm,

her scent renders my mind senseless,
a smile that leaves my heart defenseless,
her touch tingles my every nerve,
the most beautiful voice I've ever heard,
and in one word i cannot describe
the feeling i feel so deep inside,
through my soul, through my mind,
to a universe apart,
she is,
the quintessence of my heart.
Jan 2014 · 447
Back Into The Waiting Room
Marco Jimenez Jan 2014
I don't know what to do.

I've been gutted for all i have
and thrown back into the waiting room
to await something
that i hope will come soon.

a chance,
an opportunity,
something with continuity,
and substance and depth
so i can take a deep breath
of fresh beautiful air,
out there, in the wonderful world.

out of the waiting room,
deaths unsettling home,
with all the other people
and all the time alone.

unable to scream or to talk,
or to run or walk,
or to be happy and smile
at least for a while,

i guess that's life,
hardship and strife,
and a few small happy times,
i just wish i knew the reasons or the rhyme.
Mar 2013 · 804
Oceans In The Sky
Marco Jimenez Mar 2013
flying like the wind but ever calm
sun warming me as I reach out my palm
a blanket of warmth like no other
similar to that of a loving mother
soaring among the oceans in the sky
a feeling that brings a tear to my eye
such beauty in silence I’ve never heard
i dare not speak a single word
a dream it would seem has come to life
as ever real as skin to knife
as present as the beat of a lifted heart
never swaying or straying too far
not afraid to fall and die
a feeling as immortal as the oceans in the sky
I wrote this a few years ago. their are just some things, some places, and some people that make us all feel like the greatest, strongest and happiest person in the world.
Mar 2013 · 789
All Of Her
Marco Jimenez Mar 2013
her skin,
its just like the sun as it comes through the curtains
early in the morning
as your eyes first open to greet the new day.

i gently slide my fingertips up and down her arm.
she feels a slight tickle and lets out a smile.
oh her smile.
like watching the sunrise on the beach.
her eyes.
like windows to another universe
where time is stopped at this moment
so that it can last for all eternity
and nothing exist but her and me.

her hair.
it flows so perfect, so beautiful,
so natural like a river so free and wild.
with the maturity of an adult
and the innocence of a child

her body.
a work of art
to stimulate my heart.
a masterpiece, a wonder.
lightning and thunder.
a perfect vision of ecstasy
a perfect dream for my eyes to see.
Feb 2013 · 742
Lost In Oblivion
Marco Jimenez Feb 2013
i fall to the ground
and i want to die,
i painfully scream,
i painfully cry,
i hate this world,
i just dont understand,

i just want to know,
to feel, to see,
what to do,
who to be,

i wanna know how to live,
how to go on,
as if everythings right,
and nothing is wrong,
oh its been so long,
since my sadness was gone,
and my heart wants to live,
but this pressure wont give,

and no matter how much i resist,
no matter how much i fight,
the sadness takes control,
it holds me so tight,

and then i cant breathe,
my body gets weak,
my eyes cant see,
my lips cant speak,

and then i fall to the ground,
and i just want to die,
in agony i scream,
in despair i cry,
and i dont know why
this is happening to me,
why the darkness comes so suddenly,

and so...
i am lost
in the emptiness of space,
a cold, dark, forgotten place,
i am
lost in oblivion
my life has been in a very conflicted place lately. i dont know what to do, if i can do anything at all.
Marco Jimenez Jan 2013
on the day that i first saw you
we were running underground
one hundred thousand people
screaming crazy all around

i bumped into a mailman
and i fell right into you
i looked right up into your eyes
and you gazed in mine too

the two of us were lost
staring in each others mind
i knew just what were her thoughts
and she knew just what were mine

but we didn't have the time
to stay and meet each other right
we had to get straight to the pods
and take off into night

as the war was ending up above
i grabbed you off the floor
i told you that we had to run
to make it to the door

you said no i cant make it
then you stopped and asked my name
i said no ill never let you die
we're getting on this plane

we got inside the doors
and only one seat was left
you looked into my eyes
and i hugged you close to my chest

and then i threw you back
and i locked you in the chair
i ran outside the doors
as you screamed no this isn't fair!

i said i never did that much in life
and if this is the last thing that i do
then im happy that i gave my life
i gave it all to you

im happy that i let you go
to sail into the stars
my apocalyptic one true love
i've given you my heart
Jun 2012 · 739
The Destruction of Love
Marco Jimenez Jun 2012
He takes his heart and he hides it away
He buries it and beats it more & more every day
And he cant hide...
No he cant control the pain!

He swore that he'd never love again
He hid his heart from his family & his friends
But from the silence fate did say
No not today, I still want to play

So he fell in love with a beautiful girl
She became his life
She became his world
She blessed his thoughts every night and day
But alas he did forget what fate did say

So she never did ever feel the same
She played with his heart
She toyed with his brain
She let him believe how loving she could pretend to be
Until one day he could finally see

He gave her his heart
He gave her his trust
But she looked at him with hate
She hissed with disgust

And he died inside of his soul...

Then he took his heart & he hid it away
He buried it deeper & deeper every day
But he just couldn't hide...
No he couldn't control the pain
Oct 2011 · 625
The Music of Silence
Marco Jimenez Oct 2011
I sit idle on a bench
before a grey pond
and a grey sky,
my eyes count the ripples
as the wind blows them across the water,
i listen to the trees dancing in the air,
as i listen... to the silence...

i walk idle through the trees,
i hear each step i take,
i feel every blade of grass,
i stare through the leaves as they fall before me...
the tranquility stills my heart
as i listen... to the silence...

i lay idle on the ground
and i close my eyes,
what do the wind,
and the trees, and the grass tell me?
my heart is still...
my mind is calm...
as i listen... to the silence...
Sep 2011 · 1.5k
Marco Jimenez Sep 2011
R** is for Respect,
This is how poets connect,
The poet’s dialect
Can collect the respect of many,
For any poets word is as good as any.

H is the Hymn,
The poet’s song within,
The rhythm of the heart
Which moves words to start,
A song that not even time can tear apart.

Y is the poet’s Yearning
No poet experiences loss without learning
Sadness is a powerful source with which to write,
Just as is happiness amidst the light,
The poetry of sadness can be a beautiful sight.

M is the Melody
The poem’s intended telling,
The beat on which the poem is dwelling,
Intensity! Passion!
Soothing, or old fashioned.

E is the Energy
Each word’s driving force,
The poet’s personal source
For each word that is written or said,
The unimaginable place that is the poets head.
May 2011 · 630
Lost Cause
Marco Jimenez May 2011
some people are such wasted space,
they show you their nice side
but they can't always hide their true face.

why the deception?
for my protection?
you can't stop the conception
of the idea that you're not the person
that you think i see,
you're just another fake to me.

i try to help you as much as i can,
but you just don't want to be a man
and stand up with your own two legs,
you're the kinda person that begs & begs
for help all the time,
and then for no reason or rhyme
you put off all the help you need,
you listen to advice but you just don't heed,
i guess you really are a different breed.

I'm not a quitter
but i can't afford to do this anymore!
ill keep my hand open, but I'm closing the door,
I've tried so hard
to keep our friendship alive,
so many failed attempts just to get you to strive
to be someone better than who you are now,
you don't know the way then i show you how,
but you always give up when it starts to get hard!
i try to keep you up but you always play the same card,

you jump back to ****
and you start drinking,
you stop trying
and you stop thinking,

you just quit,
and I'm getting tired of this ****!
man i can't hold you up forever,
one day ill have to flip the switch,
pull the lever,
break the line,
cut it & sever,
retake whats mine,
my dignity & pride!
i will no longer abide
and continue to collide
with your drugged up suicidal side,
its almost as if you were dead from the start
and it just straight up breaks my heart.

and i don't know why i couldn't tell,
that you were already lost,
you had already fell,
and we both paid the cost
as it ended in hell.
Apr 2011 · 543
Forever To Be Alone
Marco Jimenez Apr 2011
sometimes in my lonesome
i feel a deep regret,
like my life is forfeit
& my failures are set,
as if comfort has gone
from my chest,
along with cheer,
along with rest,

leaving me to the sleepless night,
trying to find any trace of light,
hoping for a reason to love who is me,
when i always feel that loved is what I'll never be,

because every night in my painful dreams,
happiness is in my reach it seems,
but every time i reach for it to seize,
i get cheated, robbed, or beaten to my knees,
and then I'm forced to watch that which i truly desire
go and leave me to drown in the sea or burn in fire,
or I'm left turned silence into stone,
forever to be cold...
forever to be alone.
Apr 2011 · 2.1k
I Am The Faceless Man
Marco Jimenez Apr 2011
I am the faceless man.
I listen to the earth, yet i cannot hear it.
I watch the earth yet i cannot see it.
I feel the earth, though i cannot touch it.
For faceless i may be, but a man i remain,
And man has yet to clean what they stain.
Thus i remain faceless
And ageless with time.
For this faceless face is mine,
and faceless is who i am...
I am the faceless man.
Mar 2011 · 1.1k
The Feather
Marco Jimenez Mar 2011
I see a falling feather
And were it not for this weather
I could keep its beauty in my eye

Its thrown back and forth
Pulled south and north,
Its dancing in the sky

It dances with grace
Its light lights my face
Oh how I wish I could fly

But I cannot
My arms are all I’ve got
And now I must say goodbye
Mar 2011 · 1.8k
Worthless Heart
Marco Jimenez Mar 2011
I am ugly,
A useless wreckage of man,
Though I cry
None offer their hand,

None really care
For the dirt on which they walk,
Dirt such as me,
Maggots that can talk,

But do not have
What is called a voice,
Many things to want
But barely given choice,

Of all that I am
I am overweight,
I feel so disgusting
As I’m eating from this plate,

I feel my empty heart
Carrying an empty hole,
Looking for the comfort
That discomfort stole,

I am ashamed
Of being exactly me,
I am an utter disappointment
That disappointed eyes see,

It would fix nothing
By living or dying,
It seems my only ability
Is to sit here crying,

Worthless hearts
Were never meant to be,
So does that mean
A worthless heart is... me?
Mar 2011 · 438
Too Bad
Marco Jimenez Mar 2011
her words are beautiful
as is her smile
for a while there i couldn't stand
my mind was lost in another land
i had no idea how this would feel
it was so sublime and so unreal
too bad i was only ever a passing cloud in her sky
that's how i was born and that's how I'll die
Mar 2011 · 1.6k
Marco Jimenez Mar 2011
Life can seem so still sometimes,
So silent to itself,
So distant from only you
And close to everyone else,

So lonely on a quiet day,
Especially without the rain,
No sounds to hear
And remind you of love or pain,

That’s true loneliness...
Having nothing at all,
No happiness, nor sorrow,
No true love to recall,

No warmth, no cold,
Not even a breeze,
At times
I just drop to my knees

And I beg,

I beg for feeling,
Good or bad,
It doesn’t matter
Because neither I’ve had,

And when feeling doesn’t come,
And nothingness remains all that I know,
Nothingness becomes my heart…
And nothingness becomes my soul…
Feb 2011 · 754
The Heart That's Broken
Marco Jimenez Feb 2011
whats the way
of the heart that's broken?
love woven into many things
and many strings dance through the heart,
a part of life that's torn
and worn by the strength of a needle,
such feeble hands with which to feel
the painfully real earthquake of sorrow
in which tomorrow doesn't seem very bright
and the night just seems too so dark
that a mark of sadness takes over
like a four leaf clover so impossible to find
and in your mind you don't mean a **** thing
Feb 2011 · 966
The Rhyme
Marco Jimenez Feb 2011
the rhyme has to be on time
like a fight
you gotta hit just right
wether in the day or night
either way its gotta be tight
your fist must take flight
when you hit at the height
of your strength
with posture and length
and it smashes and crashes
into the face of the human race
where you leave your mark
and then you embark
on a road where you sold
your shame for honor
a time when you honestly thought you were a goner
and then in the long years to pass
your body will one day return to the grass
and your memory will live in infamy and time
to the days where your memory will be so great and so sublime
so that when your rhyme continues to age
you'll be set upon the stage
before the gates of heaven
and on the 59th minute of eleven
just one minute before the end
you'll have one more message to send
and as the seconds are counting down
with eyes and immortality watching all around
you look up from the ground
you hear not a sound
and as the last second fades away
you open your moth to say...
sometimes the greatest moments end too soon
Feb 2011 · 916
A Day Brighter Than Mine
Marco Jimenez Feb 2011
its possible that forever
a brighter day can shine
even if its no day for me
ita a day brighter than mine

a brighter day for someone
but i cannot tell you who
because i cannot tell the future
but i can show it to you
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
My Valentines Day
Marco Jimenez Feb 2011
Valentine’s Day is coming to an end,
And i spent it alone and without my best friend,
So I am saddened and heartbroken to say,
Alone is how I spent another valentine’s day,

Again I got nothing,
No candy, card, or balloon,
I got to spend another valentine’s day
All alone in my room,

I laid alone all day in my bed,
Holding the heart that I most dread,
And again I got to realize and see,
Who would want someone ugly as me?

I’ve never had a valentine,
No girl to ever and call mine,
And I am just another ugly soul
That scares off the young and wards off the old,

But my fragile heart
Has never meant any harm,
I’m just an ugly duckling
On a sad little farm,

No one has ever liked me,
No one I know of at least,
I just feel like all people see
Is an ugly scary beast,

I want a valentine
At least once in my sad life,
Something besides a gun
Or a ****** knife,

So the day is almost at an end,
And today I have no message to send,
Maybe my valentine will come someday,
But for now my lonely heart is here to stay,
i wrote this 2 years ago and it still means as much to me today as it did then. unfortunately.
Feb 2011 · 973
My Life's Despair
Marco Jimenez Feb 2011
this dark side of my mind
that i cannot leave behind
will never let me go
because i am plagued by the thought
that i am not
the person that i should be
and though i try
and smile and lie
my heart still fails me

and despite all the help
and hope
that all my friends and family give
i can't bring my self to deal with
or cope
telling them how i truly live

so i smile and say I'm fine
but truly I'm in love
with the thought of my own disaster
that i can't stop thinking of

and the saddest thing i see
is in the mirror so ugly
so terrible such a thing
it can't find love
it can't find worth
nothing, for the table, to bring

but the hardest part is figuring out how to live
this thing called a life that i would so willingly give

i wasn't told or was unaware
that i could grasp
or enclose or ensnare
the possibility of happiness
the feeling i feel i have failed to truly feel
i feel i haven't felt many things that are really real
my happiness is the one thing my darkness is able to steal
i must find a way to fight it
or i will never truly heal
Feb 2011 · 807
The World Is My Loneliness
Marco Jimenez Feb 2011
the world goes by so slow,
it passes with lifeless eyes
as i breathe on the cold ice of humanity.

the emptiness of my soul
weighs down my body as if,
... as if there was something in it.

so i sit on the ground.
... the snow is falling so gently.
it might be soothing,
if it weren't for my loneliness.

i talk to the silence.
i tell it "... im so cold."
"i don't want to be here."
but the silence wont reply,
and that's okay,
i don't expect it to.
it would be nice though,
but i know the silence doesn't care.
so i just sit with the silence.
god its so cold.
my heart is trembling.
my body is shivering.
but my eyes are still,
lifeless like the world.
i barely move my arms and legs,
they're slow like the world.
and now my skin is cold,
cold like humanity.
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
Must Be Beautiful
Marco Jimenez Jan 2011
i see the grass covered in dead leaves
it looks sad
tainted in a way
the grass seems to be dying
the scene holds such a still silence

the trees hang over with thousands of naked arms curving down
its almost as if they're pouring all of their sadness,
all their sorrows,
and all their tragedy into the ground
and seeping into the entirety of the earth
straight to its very heart
and gently slicing into its soul

making the ground weak
and all are fearful of a dark cloudy day
because what is left to trust
if the ground falls apart and the sun and the sky are no longer here for us?
and family and friends are no use because they're afraid as well

so what will the world come to when sadness, fear, and sorrow come to seize us all?
what will the passing days and years go by as?
will all the world sink into the cracks in the ground,
and crumble into an eternal oblivion?
that we may finally meet that which we are all destined to face
something so unavoidable,
so inevitable,
so undeniable,
the most expected moment of our lives.

the end of all things.

must be beautiful.
today was just such a dark inspiration
Jan 2011 · 996
Faceless Memories
Marco Jimenez Jan 2011
in the darkness
a figure lit by an extremely dim light presents itself
with a fading hand
it summons the spirits of my life
faces from my much sorrowed past appear
as every tear falls from my eyes
i feel guilt and shame
a shadow of sadness clutches me
i try to hold onto those i no longer have
but they just slip away like sand in the wind
and all that is left of them are faceless memories
everyday i wish i could see those faces again. but i no longer know how to find them.
Marco Jimenez Jan 2011
the soulful food i give
so i can simply live
is for a heart not settled
and beaten and belittled

a plate of sadness
of anger and of love
such passion
so much passion

passion of the romantics
the oh so hopeless romantics
the ones that live for love
and breathe despair without it

but need despair nonetheless
and walk a miserable happiness
a happily miserable life
felt to be ****** to the blessed

thus are the insane aspirations and antics
of the oh so hopeless romantics
Dec 2010 · 2.0k
Invasion (War)
Marco Jimenez Dec 2010
as the bombs fall from the sky
i am close to my friends
i don't want to see them die

the birds in the sky
drop forces of fire and destruction
of hate and horror
walls of fire and air
that push and burn the innocent
we run with the urge to shout and scream
but we cant
we try to push out the fear
but it wont leave
we stop under shelter
I'm shaking

I'm shocked to see such terrible beauty in the sky
i never thought id feel this feeling that i might die
I"m afraid of never getting the chance to say goodbye

i have to get to my family
i have a feeling of where they are
i have to leave my friends
i will see them again in the ranks
a dear friend and mother figure gives me direction
before i set on my way
i got to tell her goodbye
but my friends didn't say goodbye today

I'm scared
i know i have to be strong
but its so hard
and i have so far to go
i don't know if I'll make it
but i know i have to try
because who is this person I've tried to be my whole life
if i don't act on what is right?

and then it all ends
This is a dream i had. i just woke up from it and i immediately had to write it down and share it. i wrote about what was happening, what i felt, and what was going through my head during all this. i couldn't think of an easier way to share this than through poetry.
Dec 2010 · 1.9k
Marco Jimenez Dec 2010
speak to me
for i no longer speak
my eyes are restless
my heart is weak

my life is a realm
which stands at the helm
of the worthless dead
whom live inside my head

do not break in
leave me be
to all that my weary
restless eyes see

let all that my heart
cannot hold back
rise from the death
and corruptively attack

and like gods among the wrath of the earth
let their power free
and cause such devastation
that only devastation can be
Dec 2010 · 662
Let Me Hold This Silence
Marco Jimenez Dec 2010
Let me hold this silence
As long as it’s mine to hold
Let me wander atop the ocean
As the moon shines on the dark water

Allow me to cry
Please don’t make me speak
If I die then just let me die
I have a heart and right now it’s weak

Don’t try to make me happy
I already am
But right now I feel the need to be sad

I don’t want to look up
At the brightest light in the sky
I want to look down
And watch the tears fall from my eyes

I want to see the ripples they make
How insignificant they are
Among the waves of the ocean
It’s too big for any purpose I should be left to have

Just let my beautiful sadness be
I hope that in time
You will just let me be

Let me hold this silence
Allow me to cry
And if I die…
Just let me die
Dec 2010 · 733
Hopeless Romantics
Marco Jimenez Dec 2010
I could miserably fall in love with you
I could love your darkness more than mine
I could watch your sun rise and set
Every day until the end of time

We can be hopeless romantics walking through strange places
Watching all the happy and all the sad faces
Living with the angels and demons we love with all our hearts
And accepting life's end when death finally starts
Nov 2010 · 592
The Leaves of Me
Marco Jimenez Nov 2010
Give me the strength to let you see
These leaves of me upon this tree,
I hope you can someday forgive what I’ve done,
I know it didn’t hurt you,
I’m the hurt one,

None may ever know who I truly am,
Not even I see the soul in my hand,
A faceless and invisible nothing in my heart,
A simple memory
Torn apart,

Under this tree of good fortune and good will,
I see the goodness but am saddened still,
For as I look down I see hundreds of pieces,
One life lost,
One life ceases,

One life crumbles everywhere I step,
I feel such guilt I can’t cope with or accept,
I can only keep walking as more pieces fall from this tree,
And all the pieces fall
Into the leaves of me,
Oct 2010 · 811
I Am Who I Am
Marco Jimenez Oct 2010
I am the rain
I am still with movement
I am the wind
I change mood but never feeling

I am the tree
I sway in wind and in silence
I am the water
I am in chaotic peace

I am the stillness
Nothing to show or prove
I am life and death
I come and I go

I am the heart
I give life as well as death
I am who I am
I can’t change nor take that away
Oct 2010 · 586
Marco Jimenez Oct 2010
lonely is the night that has no true love,
fire can't tell what you are thinking of,
one place is far and two are near,
better to live in death than in fear,
holding something can feel like a flower,
knowledge gives strength and wisdom gives power,
you can't know the right without knowing the wrong,
love makes you weak but also makes you strong,
death is imminent, it will come,
life is precious, you only get one,
do not be silent if you know what must be said,
living at all is better than being dead,
you have more than the things you own,
sitting beside ignorance is sitting alone,
let your life go to where its meant to be,
all should always know that all are always free,
dont be afraid to share a bit of your wisdom. one who is wise need not show all his wisdom to the world, yet one who is wise will share when needed
Sep 2010 · 875
The Perfect Weather
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
If the clear blue sky
And the stars of night,
Could combine together,
Then the sleep of stars
And the color of light,
Will have made the perfect weather,

Such weather in which
The sun and the moon,
Stop in the hour of twilight,
An hour in which
The creatures of day and night
Take flight,

The perfect hour
Extended until the end of time,
The perfect weather
In which I may take your hand with mine,

An ambient moment
To tell you one thing,
Under the twilight in the sky
And the winds that sing,

I will love you beyond the stars,
Beyond the oceans sleeping in the sky,
Beyond the light no shadow can touch,
Even beyond life after I happily die,
true love has no limit. if you disagree, then you know not what true love is.
Sep 2010 · 927
I Wonder
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
I wonder what it’s like to live for someone,
I could give it a try,
To live in their name,
And even to die,

I wonder if I could live in the forest,
Survive on what it wants to give,
Breathe for every day,
What an interesting way to live,

I wonder about the ocean,
Absorb the sun and the sea,
Travel the world,
Be completely free,

I wonder about the clouds,
Spread my wings and fly,
Be like a bird
Soaring through the sky,

I wonder
sometimes i just like to sit, stare into nothing, and wander off to the places my life might take me someday
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
a fresh scent always comes from her hair,
and as i catch it i receive a blow to my chest,
it flows through the softness in the air,
such beauty that i can breathe at best,

it hurts my heart that she is oblivious to my love,
so painful to know i may never hold her hand,
and though i know i cannot hold her back,
i cannot bare to see her with another man,

because this man is not right for her,
he is not the man that she deserves,
i want to tell her so very bad,
but i am forced to keep my self in reserves,

it scratches my skin as i try to sleep,
it whispers into my ear every day,
it pulls my hair as i sit and weep,
it drains all my hope and strength away,

and i sit here staring at a picture of her face,
dreaming of the one i long to hold,
and i let go in this strange place,
as all my emotions begin to unfold,

so i must resort to simply dreaming
of one day meeting a girl that's for me,
i don't believe it's possible,
because how could something so perfect really be?
if i cannot have her then i must let her go. i deserve someone that i can touch and feel instead of simply dreaming.
Sep 2010 · 3.6k
The Jester
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
The jester dances
For his king host,
The king host asks the jester,
What makes you different from most?

The jester replies
In an interesting manner,
He bows forward
And taps his head with a hammer,

The king host laughs
then tells the jester to go on,
The king host then whispers to his queen,
Is this jester a *****?

The jester begins to dance
As he says aloud,
I am no more *****
Than wind is cloud

The king host keeps silent
With a puzzled look on his face,
As the jester dances and hops
All over the place,

The jester begins to speak again,
Oh people what you be?
You are what you are
And all that I see,

For look at our king host,
As I have perplexed his mind,
With simple words that I spoke
Not rude but kind,

Oh look a bee!
Look what I see!
So close to me!
So happily free!

Oh king host be as this bee,
Do not be thrown by a simple thing as me,
Oh king host be kind and wise,
For every man comes and dies,
Oh king host finish your war,
Win it with honor but fight no more,
Oh king host know your lands,
There is much to be offered from many hands,

As for me the jester,
I travel to the next king,
And I travel with a smile
As I dance and sing,
be the jester of your world. laugh, play, dance, and sing, but offer what wisdom you have by all means
Sep 2010 · 1.8k
Broken Home
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
The walls are cracked
They’re stained with water
Don’t try fixing it
Just don’t even bother

The sinks don’t work
The pipes are always leaking
All the beds creak
I don’t even try sleeping

The doors won’t close
The handles won’t stay
The grass won’t grow
It just rots away

Every window is broken
If not shattered
Its always so cold
As if it ever mattered

All the paint is chipping off
All the wood is breaking apart
It reminds me of my wounded body
It reminds me of my broken heart

It reminds me of myself
Of what I’ve come to see
That this broken home
Is a reflection of me
the worlds we live in are reflections of ourselves.
Sep 2010 · 1.7k
Robot Children
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
go to bed
go to sleep
go to school
don't weep

follow the rules
don't disobey
do what we want
or you'll be cast away

get good grades
learn what we choose
don't follow your heart
or else you'll lose

the world is not nice
it's completely cruel
don't fight it
don't be a fool

i am older so i am smarter
you are younger so you are dumber
because to us
you are just another bar code

we are your owners
you obey our command
we created you
we brought you into this land

we can destroy you
we can unplug you from the wall
no one else is in control
no one at all
sometimes the kids who have nothing are the kids who seem to have everything. a lot of people just want robots but all kids want childhoods.
Sep 2010 · 468
Create Yourself
Marco Jimenez Sep 2010
feel your flow,
feel who you are,
feel the light
that connects every star,

create your waves,
your body of emotion,
your passionate love,
your powerful devotion,

lift your spirits,
be as the kind river,
move with its motion,
don't be afraid to sweat or shiver,

breathe the wind,
the calmness of the lake,
the beauty of the forest,
the sweet melody you make,

listen to the water,
listen to the trees,
listen to the earth,
and be the mind that it frees

fall into a dream,
close your eyes,
be quiet and calm,
as you soar the skies,

reach out your hand,
think of who you are,
and when you open your eyes,
you'll be holding onto a star,
i always enjoy going to many different places just to close my eyes and listen to all the life i can hear around me. its my meditation. you can discover a lot about yourself when you really focus.
Aug 2010 · 574
I Don't Know
Marco Jimenez Aug 2010
i don't know what to tell you,
i don't know what to do,
i know my heart is aching
all because of you,

i know that i am lonely.
i know that im in pain,
i know my heart cant take much more,
i know i like the rain,

i can't predict your moves,
i don't know whats in your head,
i don't know how you feel about me,
i don't know if your ever lonely in your bed,

i know i wonder about you,
i know your on my mind,
i know that your random actions
surprise me from behind,

i don't know what your wondering,
i don't know if you think about me,
i don't know what you want,
i don't know if i'll ever be free
this is how i feel about her.
Jul 2010 · 550
The Wind
Marco Jimenez Jul 2010
the wind moves the water,
the water does not resist,
the water continues to sleep,
the wind continues to persist,

the leaves hanging in the trees
can hold on no longer,
they fall into the wind
as the wind becomes stronger,

but the wind blows too hard,
and all earth becomes stone,
it freezes all the water
and all is left alone,

water is no longer gentle,
wind is no longer kind,
earth is no longer soft,
and all is left behind,

all has become pathetic,
life no longer exists,
only one thing is certain,
the wind still persists
a dark and sad look on what life can sometimes feel like
Jun 2010 · 3.3k
Look At Your Smile
Marco Jimenez Jun 2010
look at your smile,

calming the waves
and flattening the seas,
stopping the sky
and all that it sees,

look at your smile,

freezing time
and brightening the day,
taking all the darkness
and sadness away,

while here i  stand,

my body numb
and eyes gazing,
my mind blank
and heart blazing,

while i stand here,

loosing gravity
and feeling no weight,
frozen in time
in this joyous state,

look at your smile,

ending all sounds
and silencing all voices,
altering reality
and changing all choices,

look at your beautiful smile,

more beautiful than the heavens,
more beautiful than land and sea combined,
more beautiful than mother nature,
more beautiful than any creator has ever designed,
inspired by my poem "100 Reasons"
Jun 2010 · 540
100 reasons
Marco Jimenez Jun 2010
if i broke into 100 beautiful pieces
then id have 100 beautiful ways
to do 100 beautiful things
for the 100 beautiful reasons that i love you
im not sure whether to continue this poem
May 2010 · 641
Early Ended Love
Marco Jimenez May 2010
what am I to do
with all these feelings I have left
I got them for you
but they never reached their best

our love began
but it didn't last
I tried to forget
but it remains in my past

I sometimes see your face
in windows and open doors
and I am reminded
that I was once yours

and as I sit here
alone with your picture in my hand
I feel you slip away
like fingers through the sand
May 2010 · 1.0k
Choose Not To Fall
Marco Jimenez May 2010
Life is something meant to be lived
Living is just another way to give
Giving ensures kindness will be returned
And kindness is better given not earned

Fear is something not to be afraid of
Being afraid doesn’t leave room for love
Loving means there is no hate
And hating can destroy a beautiful fate

Strength helps to create confidence
Confidence helps to gain common sense
Common sense helps you to know what to do
And knowing what to do creates confidence within you

You are the one who must make a choice
Choosing means that you have an inner voice
Your inner voice is what dictates who you are
And who you are will take you nowhere or somewhere far

If you are afraid to fall then you'll fall because you are afraid
You may believe all you strength has gone but it has always stayed
If you believe in yourself then nothing will stop you at all
And you will be invincible because you choose not to fall
Inspired by parkourist Daniel Ilabaca.
May 2010 · 528
This Girl
Marco Jimenez May 2010
This girl,
Is one of those friends,
That you meet once,
And the friendship never ends,

This girl,
Will laugh and play,
She’ll make you smile,
Because she smiles every day,

This girl,
Has one of those faces,
That’ll take you away,
To one of those special places,

This girl,
Has a great heart,
A beautiful life,
Of which you always want to be a part,

This girl just can’t be found,
She’s the only one walking around,
There’s no one like her any place,
Not on earth or in outer space,

This girl,
Is one that you can’t find,
But you meet her once,
And she’ll always be on your mind,

This girl,
Isn’t like the rest,
She can ask you once,
And you’ll do your best,

This girl is so much fun,
She loves to laugh and play,
I think she’s the one,
Because she’s in my heart every single day,
these are my feelings for the girl that got away that i never built up the courage to say to her.
May 2010 · 843
The Cruelty Of Death
Marco Jimenez May 2010
Oh the dear pain and agony
Keeps always haunting me
The reality of pain
Returns once again

The heart and bullet
The gun and brain
Pull it
And let blood fall in rain

End a life
Or take yours
Choose a path
Pick one of the doors

Your eyes or ears
Your head or chest
Your demons or fears
Your worst or best

Something you love
Will be taken from you
And you cannot resist
There is nothing you can do

It could be death that comes
Or the bullet of a gun
Or a man on the street
Or even your loved one

Nonetheless you will receive
The cruelty of death
And you will not be granted
Your one final breath.
May 2010 · 656
I See You
Marco Jimenez May 2010
What does my heart mean in this center of time?
Where all I see is what I wish to have as mine,
Yet I do not have the beauty of the last piece to my heart,
And I don’t hold in my arms that one missing part,
I hold a hole in my chest which gaps the space between me and my true self,
And this space can be filled by only one and no one else,

This emptiness in my heart belongs to you,
I leave it for what you would choose to do,
Because whether by your choice or not,
My heart is what you have always got,
And the ocean of my soul is in your hands,
Along with all of its outstretched lands,

You have me whenever you heart pleads,
Because you are the missing space that my heart needs,
And these tears I have held for such a beautiful sight,
I will continue to always hold in your eyes of night,
And with the entity of my soul and my entire being,
Not even god can comprehend what I am seeing,

I see you in all that you are,
I see you in all places near and far,
I see you in my soul and in my heart,
I see you at the end before I even start,
I see you happy and in love,
I see you are the only thing I ever want to be a part of.
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