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Dec 2015 · 651
She Wolf
Maggie J Dec 2015
You respond
To both our calls
That, I believe
Was your greatest downfall

But which howl and growl
Will tug your heart
At the very strings
At the very core
Feb 2015 · 621
Maggie J Feb 2015
They say
Don't play with fire
But what if
I like the heat

They say
Don't let it burn you
But what if
I like the pain

They say
Don't let it scar you
But what if
I like being marked

They say
Don't play with fire
But what if
Fire's all I've got
Jan 2015 · 475
Maggie J Jan 2015
"What if I meet someone better?"
Words I would never understand
As to why anyone would ever ask
If they were already in love

They weren't
Jan 2015 · 379
Maggie J Jan 2015
I kept you in my dreams
Like a secret
I was afraid to tell
Lest you wouldn't come true

I drew you in my dreams
Like a painting
I dared not reveal
Lest you were not real

I loved you in my dreams
Lest I could not have
In reality

— The End —