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LycanTheThrope Nov 2015
She was conceived of fire
And fate

Her long winter breath
Curling down
My hate

Mist on her fingers
Beach tides

Snow ladden leaves
In Autum's lie

She's sick of November
In grey

It's almost December
A wolf's prey

*Who would ever save a golden moon?
It's time to write again.
  Nov 2015 LycanTheThrope
Jeffrey Pua
Let me court you and bend my pride,
Venting foolish passions,
Vowing with my heart,
     Volleying pebbles to your window.

Do not forsake for my sake,
     Say, you are the fickle Moon
And I'm a grumpy Narra tree,
That I'm the dizzied Sun and you—
A pirouetting world, that we are
     Two islands of the Archipelago.

But never say, impulsively say,
That you are the shooting star,
     The Perseids, a meteor shower,
For it is then, love,
That I would have become
The melancholy,
     The Universe.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
LycanTheThrope Nov 2015
Making a silent switch I sew
Tied to tides to break me
Raised to drown its hold
Till it's undone
You know I've known wrong
Laid on my own one ray
Bleed me till were one spot
Save me break my legs
Make me run
You know I've known wrong
Wake me
Writing step by sole
Washed away by repeat
Named by all I tow
Under the sun
You know I've known wrong
Washed up
Set your sail my way
Leave me till the hook drop
Raise over and stray
Save no one
You know I've known wrong.
Peter Wolf Crier
  Nov 2015 LycanTheThrope
The Tinkerer
They call him,
The Merchant of Death.
He wanders the earth eternal
Searching, His men to find.

They call him,
The Merchant of Death.
By his side, a record..
Of every man whose time has come by.

Clearing it, he shifts.
Clip after clip
Never leaving a man behind.

It is said, every bullet has a name,
A name on it's head.
The target, through which it shall fly.

They call him,
The Merchant Of Death,
For on each bullet,
The name .. *He signs.
War. When one truly knows what one man can do to another man.
When one truly believes in heaven and hell,
When on believes that the reaper shall come.
  Nov 2015 LycanTheThrope
The Tinkerer
That day, the last day I met her. She
told me something I Will always remember. She told me,
"We might Never meet again, never see each other,
But it'll be okay, time will allow us to Forget, we'll move on to live
beautiful lives, You and I. Full of newer memories, newer joys.
So, for the last time, My Love
- Adieu."
Removing the clutter,
The life of a hidden love.
Milton! thou should’st be living at this hour:
England hath need of thee: she is a fen
Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen,
Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,
Have forfeited their ancient English dower
Of inward happiness. We are selfish men;
Oh! raise us up, return to us again;
And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.
Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:
Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:
Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,
So didst thou travel on life’s common way,
In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart
The lowliest duties on herself did lay.
  Nov 2015 LycanTheThrope
The doctor closed the fist-shaped hole
Of your absence,
With little black knots,
"Come back in six months;
We'll check up on you"

I'm sitting on the table,
But there is no doctor.
There is me and there is you.
You're whispering
Sweet nothings into my ear,
And tearing my stitches out,
One by one.
I can see the hole again-
"Code Blue"
Only it's not blue,
Your eyes are green.
And I when I wake up later,
You're back.
I try to talk, but you interrupt-
you tell me I'm pretty.
"Begin compressions"
Blood is everywhere.
Months pass.
You are lying in bed next to me;
You kiss me on the mouth.
"Charge to 300"
You are gone.
Please don't come back.
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