The thing about me is
nothing happened to me
nothing that warrants me thinking that I'm
I wasn't traumatized
My family wasn't bad
I wasn't bullied or teased
I was, to put in the most simplest form,
Born broken
Nobody had really broken my heart
My heart was just made to be broken
I was lucky
There really isn't any other way to see it
I wasn't born with an incurable disease
My parents weren't mean or even remotely abusive
There isn't anything to blame for how I turned out
You see, the thing with me is, I was
Born broken
A cracked star that faded a little everyday
and nothing had happened to me
maybe that was the problem
Or maybe damaged things weren't meant be healed and I will just spend my days writing sad poetry and thinking sad thoughts
But that isn't really that bad
After all, I was born broken and nothing about my life was meant to be whole