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a quiet whisper
of truth

really love before
you *die
Gentle whisper in the silence of early morning
Dark Moments...
Sometimes I desire
the pain that
hurts sooo good
Illicit pleasure
runs through me
Intoxicated from it's
forbidden taste
I fear...
I'm too easily seduced
 Oct 2014 Emily Kaminski
I just want to leave, leave my whole life behind.

Everyone I’ve ever known, hated and love.

Left behind without ever being there.

I want to chase the sun that lies just above the horizon.

The horizon that has always imprisoned me with a ****** life.

I’ve got nothing to show for it except writing these ****** poems about love and life.

The yellow sun is enough of a reason to make any man chase a dream fading from memory.

I want to grasp the sun and let it rest upon my ill woken palms.

I want the warmness of everything that has ever been in my hands.

Has anyone ever touched the sun?

The naturally sweetened honey sun?
the old man that lives
in my head...
woke up today and said....

nuthin new under the sun.
at sometime son,
we all be...
******, muck rakers.

if you think,
you above that.
you must be livin,
in a window-less,
glasshouse,  son.

sitting  on,
stoneless ground
and smilin...
cause you just don't know,
how downright, dumb,
you be.....

take it from me...
we all born into sin
and we all sometimes,
still like to put
a toe tip in
and swirl it all around....

see what can be stirred
see what can be found...

it's what we do with that
that makes a man, gentlefolk
or street-grime......
he calls every body son.....
an i call him rip.....he does not wake up too

just kidding....inspired by
an old friend of mine....

i believe the first line
comes from the bible...
 Oct 2014 Emily Kaminski
He sees the world in a admirable light

She sees the world in a pleasant light


They see a beautiful world
Sometimes pleasantries come in pairs.
Momma may have called her a bad influence.
But, aren't you still on Daddy's insurance plan?
C'mon step up, and be a Man.
Go out to dinner with the dangerous girl blowing smoke rings.
She's the same as you, were all sinners.
You never know she could be hiding angel wings
under all that thick Blue hair.
She's sort of like a car crash
you can't really help but stare.
What if she's an Angel and God sent her to you as a test.
to see if you'd give his beloved angel your best.
But you were to busy worrying about what
Mom would think and Dad would say
And how She might effect your grades.
But..What if you failed the most important test one day?

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn

nothing resonates
in the human heart
like the word



Catherine Jarvis
(C) October 5, 2014
For my friend Joe
Who just made me cry.
(in a good way)

 Oct 2014 Emily Kaminski
She was one of the passengers that passed away in a train collision yesterday

I walk these barren streets carrying the newspaper, with her name on the front page

As I walk, I am saddened to see her name being used to wrap fish at
the market

I am saddened to see her name being stuffed into gift bags at
the toy store

I am saddened to see her name littered all across the streets without
anyone caring


I am finally happy to see her name being wrapped around a bouquet
of chamomiles

She always loved chamomiles...
They may not be important to others but to you they can mean the world.
Black skies...
Blue moon...
Storm clouds destroying everything on the move
Bad dreams...nightmares
Then there is you
Your eyes are like precious jewels
Your smile so scary because it is so perfect
Leaving me to daydream thinking about you
Ignoring the the black skies that surround me
The thunderstorm that strike the ground before me
Out all things that live on this earth you're the only one that scares me
Because you're so beautiful
And I am me
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