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Chloe Dec 2015
Your sweetness allures,
Dripping with sugar-coated,
Destructive untruths.
Chloe Dec 2015
My darling, I might,
Be going utterly insane,
For I can no longer tell,
Which way is up or down.
My thoughts mere words,
Flashing pictures in my mind,
Faces of people I can't name,
Touches and feelings I can't explain.
My fingers are frenzied,
Out of control with minds of their own,
My limbs manipulated,
By the monster once locked away.
My screams and shrieks,
Rattle the cage where the demon hides,
Wearing down the walls of which I've built,
To save the world from myself.
Alas, I dread the hour that has come,
Where the cage smashes open,
Releasing the beast into my brain,
Destruction and pain shall forever reign.
Chloe Dec 2015
My love for you crosses the seas,
Fills it with the tears of my passion,
Which fall from the skies heavenward,
Pure as the angels I imagine there to be.

My love for you is untouchable,
Invisible and delicate as the wind,
Powerful as a raging hurricane,
Destructive and beautiful as it spins.

My love for you is fiery as a flame,
Burning, alive with the throes of adoration,
An everlasting blaze through the night,
Illuminating everything within.

My love for you is undoubtable,
So when you ask me how much,
My love for you is in numbers or scale,
Know I love you more than you'll ever know.

Quick jot in five minutes, listening to Ailee and Wheesung's "That Woman".
  Dec 2015 Chloe
Meghan Doan
i had a dream last night that there was water in my lungs.
i could feel the ocean wrapping careful hands around my limbs,
caressing my thighs with soft seaweed,
my hands with gentle current.

i could taste salt on my lip,
the way a first kiss with a new lover settles and stains on the skin above your tongue,
i could taste the care the water was taking in taking my life.

taking it's time, the ebbing ocean snaked across my midriff,
hands on waist, wasting away at skin with salty touch as sandpaper
scraping away at my sense of self

i dreamt the water changing pace from calm glass coffee table top,
held flowers and coffees and your feet and mine,
overlapped and intertwined
and into
pulling your hand from my waist
and your salt from my mouth

i dreamt that i saw nothing,
felt nothing
but your salty sandpaper hand scraping skin across my collar bones
as you pulled your coral reef body away.
the glassy water turned to pavement
and you left me in rapids under black ice.

i had a dream that i was trapped under ice,
with children skating on top
and i couldn't hear or breathe or scream
but i could feel their skates on my insides
they cut my hair with their blades
and as they spun in circles above me
i spiraled further into the depths of an ocean
that felt more like a fire.

i had a dream last night that there was water in my lungs,
and it hurt less to breathe then
than it does now that you're gone.

i never thought about how it would feel to cough the water back up,
until i realized how much it hurt going down.
and i was never scared of the ocean
until i saw it's vastness unescapable
it's arms
and it's love
and i realized nothing's everlasting.

i was never scared of drowning
until i woke up puking the water i drank before bed.
and realized there was nothing more in my stomach
but salt.
Chloe Dec 2015
My baby is gone,
She's left to the skies,
Leaving me mellow,withdrawn.

I imagine her eyes,
Azure like the bluest seas,
Turning stormy when she cries.

How she squirms at a sneeze,
Those cherry, cherubic cheeks,
Enchanted by everything she sees.

The way her little hands seek,
My ring finger, her lifeline,
Listening deeply as I speak.

But alas! The babe I once called mine,
Left my side, without a sound,
Before her time.

I touch my belly which once was round,
The hollowness and emptiness within,
And envision you, heaven-bound.
Read a sad story of a miscarried child today, and felt in the mood to write something about it.
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