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There is a love, that doesn't know a boundary,
it's unconditional and given free;
no limits to its everlasting arms,
security and comfort just for me.

There is a peace that passes understanding,
a quietness that has no name;
you give your burden up to Him,
He'll take away the awful pain.

There is a blessing, one can never measure,
it's like a fountain from on high;
it's a richness money can't obtain,
we should never pass that blessing by.

There is a joy, that fills the mind and heart,
that brings sweet solace to the soul;
a happiness that's a constant  pleasure,
it will fill you up more than you know.

There is a love, that flows just as a river,
winding strong and gently to the sea;
serene and calm, it lies there, waiting,
waiting patiently, for you and me.
I didn't expect for it to end like this
It was almost too easy
I said that I needed time
So you left me
Just like that
A year long love was gone
Like a storm, it was there
Did it's damage
And left
And now I'm here
Standing in the pouring rain
Outside your aparment
Phone in hand
About to call
About to ask for another chance
As I raise the phone to my ear
The door opens
You walk out onto the wet pavement
Memories assault me & fly away with the wind
The day we met disappears
Our first lingering kiss gone
All of those nights we spent together fly away
The first time you uttered 'I love you' shatters
And I'm left, empty
A shell of who I used to be
Because you're there
Walking past me
With someone else
She's clinging to your arm
Like you're her life-line
Just like that
All we used to be is gone
Like dry lightning in a desert storm
You're gone into the storm.
 Mar 2015 Little Azaleah
I had a dream.
You lay in front of me.
Things were out of our hands.
You were gone.
I couldn't stop it.
You just...
Gone forever.

I wake up,
And claw
The silver space
On the bed where you usually are.
And when I feel nothing but the sheets,
That's when the tears start to fall.
should I write a story based off of this? I kind of want to, but I'm not entirely sure If I should...
I was about
To pour
Hot steaming tea
To the two
Lovely teacups...
And then i realized,
I am alone.
"Hearts are breakable, and I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before."
I walked along the hallway
Quiet and shy
Nobody ever saw me
They often averted their eyes

Though it made me happy
To finally be noticed
By someone unexpected
And willing to listen

But it only lasted
For a few days
You finally gave up
And went another way

I walked along the hallway
Hopeful that you would smile
But instead you looked away
And pretend we're apart for a mile

Now it's time for me to realize
To break this sad flowing stream
It was never a reality
It was only a dream
The moment when you thought someone truly cared for you, but only ended up the one who will drag you down further.
 Mar 2015 Little Azaleah
I just want you
to be happy
but sometimes
and selfishly
I want to be
your happiness

'happiness is a choice'
you say
and you didn't choose me

I clung onto the idea
since you made me happy
it would be the same for you

What is happiness now?
where has it gone to?
In time, society has robbed us
the real meaning of happiness

Go on your own way
and pursue your happiness
for your smile, is my smile
your laugh, is my laugh

and I'll be happy
when you find your happiness
because I love you
always have, always will
 Feb 2015 Little Azaleah
"You never asked me to stay."
"I told you not to leave."
"So you left me hanging."
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