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William J Donovan
75/M/Charlotte, NC    I've lived on a pinball machine. Frantic off bumbers and flippers and tilting. I love the action but I'm fading and my balls are lost.
Jeremy Betts
41/M/Washington State   
Jme Love
44/F/Cloud9    I think. I feel. I write. Sometimes i share sometimes i dont. Im no different than anyone else. Just trying to make it in a ...
Imran Islam
31/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
Parastoo Abbaszadeh
21/Two-Spirit/Urmia    trying to understand this world as it's created as. Instagram:@parrrry809 ¤•☆я свободен☆•¤
Max Neumann
M/Inner Shelter    Writing poetry since 2002
16/M/bumfuck-nowhere, kentucky    he/him, tired
Michael Messinger
M/Ohio    Also known as Mike Mezz. I wrote my first story when I was eight. I've always been a songwriter and recorded several of my songs. ...
Marietta Ginete
PH    It felt like it could've been forever.
For Kindle:
My name is Heaven
21/F/Moonlight    I am not sure. Writing poetry is like the only way my words can actually be understood. It’s the only way I know how to ...
atticus wilson
22/MTF/The abyss of life    I don’t know anymore... I don’t even know what that means
McKenna Pickett
Shane Roller
I used to write quite a bit, but after a long break getting back into it.
Nimrod kiptoo
23/M/Perth, WA    Call me heartbreak-kid
42/Turkey    I like poems.Poems are my dreams.I am a poetr.I and poem are very good friends.I have ten poetry tecnichals.Everyone is a human.My poems says life's ...
Monique Matheson
26/F/Arizona    I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. I'm not good at speaking, so I write instead. Thanks for reading.
Mark Tilford
Louisville ky    Thinking - always
Anshita Mehrotra
Micrography-Mike D
48/M/Massachusetts    “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” -William Wordsworth "Creativity requires the courage to let ...
Joscelyn Bradbury
18/F/somewhere among the stars    poetry. a true story. -instagram @joscelyn.bradbury
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