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May 2017 · 1.5k
Lilly Tereza May 2017
I was not supposed to get this far;
I should not breathe this air.
I'm riding a wave of borrowed time
I don't believe is fair.

I'm older and wiser
and fatter and poorer
and I'm burning my fuse
at both ends

But tomorrow I'll wake up
and put on my make up
And try not to let down my friends.
How is everybody? I think I need this outlet again. It has really been a while. It would be nice to catch up with anybody who wants to shoot me a message.
Nov 2015 · 671
Bedtime thoughts
Lilly Tereza Nov 2015
I can't explain the thrill I get
When he sweetly holds my hand,

After a morning of wrapping those same
Fingers around my throat.
Nov 2015 · 437
August 20th, 2013
Lilly Tereza Nov 2015
"No!" she shouted,
Pushing herself as far into her bed as she could.
Pressing her hands over her ears,
blocking out everything
but the music
blasting in from her ear buds.

She dissolved into the sound,
Forcing her mind
To let go
Of feelings such as touch and smell
Until she was weightless,
Floating into a void
Rather than sitting in the smog
Of cigarette smoke and alcohol
That was omnipresent in her house.

Just relax, she thought.

Letting the guitars and voices
Of her saviors wash over her,
She fell into a half sleep,
Where the only thing
Other than the music
Was the longing to live here,
In a void of nothing.

Because if there's one thing she'd learned,
It was better to feel nothing at all
Than nothing but pain.
I can't believe you're making her feel this way. I wish you would just leave. I'd rather have no father at all than a father like you.
Nov 2015 · 4.5k
Senior Year
Lilly Tereza Nov 2015
Feels like we're tied
Up in a world
Full of people trying to
bring us down.
In four years I've watched
My best friends' smiles
Turn to frowns
Only to be replaced by
Red lines on skin,
Straight like the coke she snorts
Just to get high
And FEEL something
For a little while.
This is old but I can't sleep
Nov 2015 · 559
Lilly Tereza Nov 2015
You cut me open with words of hate
You filled my gut with lies
You made me think the worst of thoughts
You made me hate my life

But I would do it all again
So your bullets wouldn't hit her
You ******* drunk just stay away
Don't touch my little sister

Daddy you're the devil
Without the trace of an angle's grin
So finish off that bottle because
Your heart is lost in sin

I'm all grown up and far away
I'm sure you miss your punching bag
Can't you see how beautiful she is?
Please, don't ******* hurt her, Dad
Oct 2015 · 344
Red Lines
Lilly Tereza Oct 2015
Same song, different tune
Cuts so fresh, but they're not new
Weeping softly, think of you
And open up the veins so blue.

I'm sorry.
Feb 2013 · 686
Lilly Tereza Feb 2013
Oh, I have been released.
My river had dried.
I was dying of thirst.
But now words flood my mind.

I want to make,
To create.
To BE.

Oh, I have been released,
And nothing could feel
So good.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Six Years
Lilly Tereza Feb 2013
On the year that we met,
You wore all black
I wore baggy clothes
And greasy hair.
Yet you saw through the acne
And the atrocious appearance,
And I saw a light
In the dark.
You took my shyness
And replaced it with strength.
And I am forever

On the second year
My clothes fit
Though they were oft’ stained
Splattered with paint
And you were away with band.
You’d pick on my crush,
And we fought.
But at the end of the day
You’d still call and say sorry
And I would cry,
And you’d tell me it would be fine.
And things would be fine.

The third year was a charm
You grew up faster
I wore tie die
You wore skinny jeans.
We never left the other’s side.
People would call us names
But you just laughed
And kept your head held high
And taught me to do
The same.

The fourth year was a tragedy.
News like a spark
Our whole world burning down
And yet that last day
You still let me cry on your shoulder
In the middle of band
And stayed strong for me
Even though we both knew
It hurt.

The fifth year was a struggle
10 hours
Like a force field
Keeping us apart.
Tears were shed.
My life was changing.
But you were always there
Like a rock

This sixth year has been a miracle.
I did not think I would see the end of it.
But the miracle is that I will.
And the miracle was you.
Who told me to shut up.
Who taught me to wake up.
And thanks to you
And all of your strength
There will be a seventh year.
And an eighth.
And many more to come.

Friendship is like Love.
It is seldom true
Or pure.
But our friendship is both.
And I wouldn’t trade it
For anything
In this beautiful
For the best friend anybody could ever have.
Feb 2013 · 864
An Old Song I Wrote.
Lilly Tereza Feb 2013
This is not a suicide
Ignore the bullet through my eye
The carpet splattered with my blood
Just shows you what the world has done
To me.

Just wait and see.

This is me breaking lose and running free
The product of society.
When Fake is real
And Real’s a lie.
Just goes to show that no one tries.

We just can’t help ourselves,
We doom the world.
The future of every boy and girl.
Dying trees and smog filled air.
I can’t be the only one that cares.

They tell us to express ourselves
While telling us how we should think
It’s like they throw us in the ocean
Then say that it’s okay to sink!
Feb 2013 · 715
A Change
Lilly Tereza Feb 2013
I'm done putting faith
In the Faithless.

I'm done giving my heart
To the Heartless.

I'm done trying so hard
For the Lazy.

So now, I'm living
For Me.
Lilly Tereza Feb 2013
Busy Busy
All around.
Lost inside a world
Of sound.
Breakfast food
Is being served
Much too loud,
Can’t hear a word.
Children laughing,
Baby cries,
Teachers run
With bloodshot eyes.
And yet amid the
Morning roar,
Sits a hungry
Little girl.
Apple gripped inside
Her hands
She obeys her tummy’s
Strict demands.
Hustle Bustle
Drowning out
Her shocked and fearful
Little shout.
Thieving apple,
Evil food,
Took away
Her baby tooth.
Jan 2013 · 3.5k
Zombie Zombie
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Zombie Zombie
Can't you see?
What those pills
Have done to me?

Do you know?
Does it show?
Who I am
You do not know.

I am you.

Remember when
You laughed and Sang?
When sounds of poetry
Did ring?
Forever in your mind?

Zombie put away your drool
Find a mind
To be your tool.
Get a grip and GO!

Zombie Zombie
Where's your art?
Remember when
You worked so hard?
To make sure it was good?

Zombie Zombie
In your haze
Please wake from your
drugged out daze,
I'm waiting here
For you.
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
The death in my heart

Weighs heavy on my soul.

I cannot go on.

I cannot pass go.

So please take my

Two hundred dollars.
Jan 2013 · 844
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
And let the pain engulf me
And erase the thoughts of you

Because anything
Because everything

Can hurt less
Could do less damage.
Jan 2013 · 722
All The Similar Differences
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Two people.
Same things.
Such different meanings.

A man walks into a room,
Taking a seat at his chair,
As a woman walks in to another
And sits down on a bed.

He is in a prison.
She, in a hospital.
He has killed.
She bears life.

As his family comes to watch
Hers pile in to the room.
They strap him to the chairs,
They strap her to the mattres.

I.V. in his arm.
I.V. in hers.
And as he screams,
She wails,
Both in agony.

So similar.
So different.

And Endings

Life and Death.

Hand in Hand.

Jan 2013 · 886
A Long One
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
This is a long one,
Though just the beginning
Of a story to be told
To you.
Poet, or lover
Of poetry's sweet touch,
Indulge yourself.
The written word is dying
Sick and Ill
On Time's death bed
Rotting away
Until the day when
All that is left
Is a swift
And the art
Will be gone
For good.

Scattered as my
brain my be
I see the coming of the
end of all
I love
So dearly as
To share with it my
Deepest secrets.
Poetry is my blood,
Tick and red,
Falling away from the nicks
Of life
And landing softly
In your eyes.
Oh reader,
See and believe
That it is up to I,
And up to you,
To Write
To Breath the words
Of poetry.

This is a long one,
But we're near the end.
So don't let my
Oh reader,
Keep the love
Jan 2013 · 653
Writer's Mentality
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
There is nothing,
I should say,
More insane than the Writer.
For who should be more
In love with the written word
Than a person
Who gives up meals
And social Events
To indulge in the
Most heinously addicting,
Act of writing ones thoughts
Down, permanently,
For generations to read
Long after it makes since,
If it ever
Jan 2013 · 519
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Jan 2013 · 468
Scream Of Screams
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
A scream rises like bile
From deep within
To my mouth.

I try to swallow,
But it rises again.
That scream of screams.

I swish it around,
Blow it slowly, quietly,
Through  a  p a r t i n g  in  my  lips
Jan 2013 · 675
When I am Dead
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
I do not speak of years to come,
I rarely speak of days.
I do not know
What tomorrow holds,
But let it come,
Come what may.

And should it hide
It's weary head,
And if, my friend,
My years should end,
My secrets are yours to hide,
When I am dead.
Jan 2013 · 510
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
You think you're mad?
Because I talked about my Ex.
You think you know hurt?
Because I can't let go.

I sat there, broken
While you told me
That you lost it to another
While your heart supposedly belonged to me.

I sat there, as you stomped
On the broken pieces of my heart.
With her! My Best Friend!

Don't tell me to move on
Don't tell me to shut up
You're lucky
That you can still call me your girl.

So don't tell me that you're mad.
When I'm not the one
Who broke your heart.
Jan 2013 · 408
You and only You
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Slip your arms around me
Rest my head upon your chest
Hold me tightly as
I listen to your heart.

Hold my hands in yours
Bump noses as we lean in
For a kiss to light my
Heart and clear my head.

                                                                                            Never                                                                       .            
Jan 2013 · 450
Stolen on a Sidewalk
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Yellow will forever be ruined
In my mind.
Your yellow shirt
As you touched,
What was mine--
Only mine--
To give.
Not yours to take
On that lonely sidewalk
On a dark
Jan 2013 · 588
Boldly Hidden
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Rid me of the
Absolutely disgusting
Presence that I hope
E**ventually fades
Jan 2013 · 705
Rainbows in the Sky
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Who the
****'s to say
How a person wants to love
And how they live
Their day?
Guy on guy,
******* girl,
What's the matter
With our world
That that defines
A human?
If a man
Wants to sleep
With a man,
Make sure he uses
A ******.
If A girl wants to kiss
A girl,
Don't shower hate
Upon them.
Love is love.
Not parts.
Let that rainbow flag
Wave free
One day there'll be
A better world
Where we
Can love
More free.
Jan 2013 · 418
To Feel.
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
Oh, I know what it is
To feel.
To see life,
And know the emotion-
Raw and in bridled.
It flows through me,
Two halves of my whole.
Does it glow?
Or is it burning down?
Who cares?
I know what it is
To feel.
Jan 2013 · 443
Life is a Theater
Lilly Tereza Jan 2013
I am an actress, and I am good

Fore you will never know the me

That wants to quit the act.
Dec 2012 · 478
Death's Whisper
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Another day,
Another dollar,
Spent on things
To **** us all.

Mass destruction
By mass production.
How much is enough?

A bomb to **** the earth,
but who's hands
are the wrong hands?

Can you ever

Invent our doom
To set it aside
an gather dust?

No, There is something else
On their minds.

A secret,
But we won't be let in.
Left to watch them
Dec 2012 · 450
Windows Only Listen
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Too many windows
Now just broken glass.
I told them 
There were too many windows.

Speaking of which,
There I am.
In a pile of broken 
I told you sos.

But nobody
Saw the sign.
The warning in
My eyes.

But I really don't mind
Because they're the ones
That let 
Me get away
Dec 2012 · 455
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
He's gone

No! He'll be back...
He promised!

But as much as I remind
myself, I still hear

He's gone

Left on a plane today
never to come back one day

Shut up! He will! He'll be
Happy too!

You just don't know!
I wont listen to you!

Won't listen to ME?
Listen to yourself.

Can anyone else here me?
No, It's me, your bad health*

My mind was tricking me
As it so often did.

He's gone and I'll miss him

He's only a kid.

But *He's gone
Dec 2012 · 1.5k
Military Twitch
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Army films.


Marine films.


Navy films.


Air force films


Too many memories
Of a me
I was not proud
To be.

And yet
Much too proud
to have been.


They call commands again.

Do not respond


Must not respond


I need to leave
Dec 2012 · 414
For who?
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Oh me
         Oh my
                Oh why?
                      I have
                           A notebook
                                       From head
                                                  To toe
                                          ­                          Poems
                             ­                               That
­                                       Meant
                         For other's
Dec 2012 · 1.7k
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
CRASH*              The
                     ­                       Edges                                     ­   BOOM
    BANG                                             A
     ­                                       Night                     ­       CRASH
                                                  ­  Made
                BOOM                            Noticed
­                                                                 ­   Only
                                                            ­                 By                                 BANG
                                                          ­                       Thunder
Dec 2012 · 9.7k
Ice Cream
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Abandoned on the side walk.
Drips slide down
Like the tears
On that poor kid's face.
How all of his problems
Boil down
To an ice cream cone
Abandoned on the side walk.
Dec 2012 · 397
Sharing Stains
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012




Or could you say

Hands like fire-
I still feel them crawl
Along the earth
Of my skin.

Burning what's left of life.

Leaving filth
And a Stain
That only you
And I
Can see.

But I dont want to share
With you.

Leave it to you
To make me.
Dec 2012 · 400
Define Me
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Could it be
That I am only
What others say?

Instead of who
I want to be?

Who I think
I am?

Am I truly
Just defined
By a test?
A grade?
A survey?
A paycheck?

Is there nothing more to me

That what

They think

They know?
Dec 2012 · 670
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Twitch twitch
Twitch twitch

The theme song
Of an *episode

I wish
Was only one
I could watch
On T.V.

Meds that do
At making me
Lose the
They're trying to
Dec 2012 · 572
Crawl Away, Sweetheart
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Crawl away,
I walked in strong.
With arms
Around my helpless body,
You killed me.
Cut me open
With a trail of
Tainted kisses
Down to the places
I asked you nicely
Not to touch
I guess
You dont speak
Dec 2012 · 431
Three Words Apply
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012


Dec 2012 · 579
Snakes and Feathers
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Fall away flesh.
Shed like serpents skin.
Leave me with feathers
And wings to fly.

I feel them
Longing to expand
And flourish,
Soaring in the sun.

But alas,
They are trapped,
Like me-
In this silly
Dec 2012 · 585
Only When It's Late
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Only late at night
When it's nearly dawn
And insomnia takes my brain
For a night on the town,
Do I truly let myself relax
And think of you.
I look up at the sky
A crescent moon is your smile,
Lighting up your eyes
Making them twinkle
Like the stars.
The blanket,
Soft and warm,
Embraces me
Into It's loving arms
That will never feel like home
Compared to a moment of rest
In your safety.
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Your smile makes my heart stop
and speed up
at the same time.
And even though you've
hurt me lots,
I know you're always mine.

The simple way
you say my name.
Your pretty light brown eyes.
I find it's never hard to say
the "Love"s, the "You"s, the "I"s.

And when you wrap
me in your arms
and hold on to me
I hope you'll never let me go,
I'd stay there,
day and night.

Your warmth,
Your touch,
Your comfort.
Your stories and
Your stares.
Your kisses,
Hugs, and
Your "I'll always be there"s.

You said to list
the reasons why
I love you
like I do,
but babe, I've tried
to tell you,
I love you cuz you're **You
Dec 2012 · 441
Mumbles of my Mind
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Digital Diary


The best part?

It doesn't                              Need
                        To  make

                                                                                               See me slice my veins
                                                                Watch me as I fall
                                                                                               You'll never really know me
                                                                At all.

Does that bother you?
Hope so.

                                         Left                  Right

Dec 2012 · 482
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Rain Rain
Wash away
The desert sand.

Mud Mud
Swallow all
The people in your path.




Rivers turn to oceans,
The sand dunes turn to waves.
Crashing, Slamming
Down on us--
Save, or to be saved?



Dec 2012 · 499
Oh Daddy, Dear?
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012

Did you see me?
I finally reached my dreams.
Daddy are you proud?
Why the tears?
Please look at me!
                                                             ­                                                                 ­                                             Dad?
I said I'm sorry.
I'm trying oh so hard.
Of course I am!
Dad, dont you see?
Won't you hold me
In  your arms?
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                           Father?
You seem so surprised.
Did you not see it coming?
I won't be home for Christmas,
And It isn't cuz it's snowing.
I tried so hard to reach you
but the journey tore me up.
So sorry sir,
You've lost me now.
I'm gladly giving up.
Dec 2012 · 404
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
                                                      Spare a kiss?
                                                          Broken hearted?
                                                      Wish was lost?
                                                      In your veins?
Dec 2012 · 388
When I Slip
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
My heart beats fast
                                                                                 When I stand still
Skin that feels the wind rush past--
                                                                              Wind that isn't there.
I hear the roaring crowd
                                                                             Of nobody. I'm alone.
Bright lights, blink fast
                                                                                  In a dark room.

Screaming in your head
Alive while being dead.


                                                                                                                                        Can you hear me now?
                                                                                                                                         I'm calling out for you.
                                                                                                                                                                       In the
                                                                                                                                                      Ever darkening
Dec 2012 · 715
Mars to her Sister
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Earth, my dear, you're rather ill.
Those pesky bugs,
you have them still?
Come on Girl, get a grip.

Your infection has been spreading,
Poor Moon is looking gray!
I even think they've got to me,
Though not as bad, I'd say.

Jupiter's been talking,
These rumors aren't kind!
I swear I didn't tell him,
He heard through the astroid vine.

Sister dear, I love you,
I swear you used to be hot!
Even the Sun took intrest!
Though now, he'd rather not.

Get rid of those pesky buggarts,
You're powerful, you know.
Just **** 'em off and heal yourself.
Just let those vermin go!
Dec 2012 · 953
Teacher Teacher
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012
Teacher, Teacher,
Leave me be
Can't you tell
That I can't breath?

Mind malfunction
Push it down
Hide from all the
Peers around.

Silent screams,
I bite my tongue
Don't know what to do,
I'm young.

Teary eyes
Stare up at you,
Teacher, Teacher,
Thought you knew.
Dec 2012 · 795
Lilly Tereza Dec 2012

Talk to me when you're fine...

You didn't have to hide

Too much drama

Attention *****

My problems,
That took courage
To spill to you.

I'm so sorry,
That they can be
A little

I wont make
That same mistake
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