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I desire you
To know you
Every last piece
To be the arms you run to
The lips you long for
I want to kiss you
Bite you
Tease you
And leave you begging for more
Desires are fickle things
Your heart has empty corners;
You'll never know I'm there.
I just need a place
to rest my weary bones.
 Jun 2015 Lauren Hutchings
It's a funny thing how
feelings can fade away
without a warning.

Just like your love
for me vanished within
the heat of my pride
Evaporating within
the tense atmosphere of
our own screams.

All because my lips
trembled as the words
crawled out of their
hidden crevices
*all too soon, all too soon
in a meadow on the bluffs
little stars clutch clinging
to earth and sky all for us
the eye. petals are rolling
in on misty winds surprise
more for the eyes, and all
of meadow so live above
is tapestry higher than sea
colours meshing with leaves
birds, bees, faces of flower
scents of sweetness in air
a patch of ground bursting
for you and me with poetry
The angel of death embraces us all
One specific day
He comes to collect each and everyone
Destined to be the end of us all
That is-The end of the current physical form we are in
Not the eternal end
For we all go on
Perhaps to another realm
Or we remain in deep sleep for judgement
Maybe our spirit or soul Is instructed to Attach itself
to a new upcoming life
To get a second chance
Or merely to feel a different life
Have varied experiences
In the form of bird, a tree, a speck of dust,
a drop of rain, a tiny pebble, a ray of light,
a smudge of mud,
For there is life in everything
How is there life in even a stone?
For the Supreme Lord made ALL
It is all an illusion under his sway
He created all
so this means all is in him and in him all
We must see God in everything
Living or non living
Animate or inanimate
Moving or stagnant
In air, land or sea.

From the beginning
It was always known and told to us all
That death WILL come.
It's the natural ending season of a phase we called being 'alive'
The winter season if you may
But we must be certain that it is not the permanent end
Some other step comes
only seen to the departed
Some other form it takes
Where it exists or just waits
Death is absolute that it will happen.
But it is not the absolute end.
It is simply a parting.
A farewell
A goodbye
To the face you see that soul as.
Goodbye dear soul
May your next journey be one of light, peace, love,
joy, eternal bliss and comfort.
Travel safe.

25th May  2015  9:38am
Wrote this at a funeral.. After delivering a eulogy.
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