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The prettiest faces hide the ugliest secrets
I know this for facts because I'm always asked to keep it
The prettiest mouths say the most terrible things
I know this for facts because my ears heard it all
The prettiest eyes seen the worst sights
I know this for facts because I've had to close them
The prettiest bodies has the most scars
I know this for facts because I've had to cover them
The prettiest minds have the darkest thoughts
I know this for facts because I've had to erase them
       ~Corona Harris~
Just because the Title says Cinderella don't think that it's a fairytale
The best thing about having
big dreams is that no one else has to believe in them for them to happen,its just you.
They're yours alone,your responsibility.
If people frown upon them,
That's their business
When you work towards making them come true,its for sure they aren't meaningless.
So don't give up!
Great dreams give meaning to life,they're like a driving force.
everybody said time will heal but 9 months have gone by and
i still slit my wrists at 1 am because i need something to numb the pain of my heart.
i lay awake in bed at 3 am because I lost the best thing that's ever happened to me and i will never be good enough to get him back.
i don't wake up when I'm supposed to because being asleep is better than being awake.
i don't eat anymore because my stomach is tied in a knot and there's constantly a lump in the back of my throat.
i don't smile anymore because how could anyone when they are in this much pain.
i am broken and i don't know how to put the pieces back together, or if I will ever be able to.
so time doesn't ******* heal.
When life has you down-turn to our GOD
When there is not even a glimmer of hope
TURN to our LORD
When your tomorrow does not look promising
Talk to our LORD with the use of prayers
When there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel-
Again confide in the LORD-
Any salvation is feasible with the help of our LORD-
When you feel anquish or anxious seek his guidance-
Allow our LORD  to cradle you in his arms and make you feel
whole again-
May GOD  look over you at all times -until you return home to HEAVEN-

— The End —