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I am a single mother
Can you feel my pain
I wear too many hats
Too much stress on my brain
Can someone take this burden of my back
I strive to make it but sometimes I lack
Society leaves me
Through the system I go
Making me feel inferior
Bringing my spirits low
Man cannot help me
So on my knees I fall
Through my pain and weaknesses
God will restore all
In him I find hope
For today and tomorrow
He wiped my tears
Eased my fears
And took away my sorrow
I whisper
As I sit and meditate
I just want to feel you near
As I close my eyes and hush
I feel your sweet embrace
Things aren't what they should be
But I know your here
I wait
I trust
And I do not fear
I'm not moved by what I see
But by the God that lives inside of me
Little acorns, fallen by the tree
anchored into soil.
You had just begun to grow,
when mother wilted.

The comforting shade of her branches, gone.

The support of her vital roots, gone.

Yet you remained.

Little sapling, snatched at by a predator, tooth and claw. You held tight to the soil, setting shallow roots,
clinging to the earth,
rich with remnant memories,
You set your branches up, grew quickly, reached out with earnest energy,
to shade the acorn below you.

Gnashing teeth, fangs of a predator. Violence, a flash of red lust into your branches, pulling, ripping.

Yet, for your acorn, adopted, your remained.

Through the jealous filter of grief, you remained.

Through the threat to your own body, you remained.

And even though Mother is gone,
you have taken her place.
Your roots winding deep into fertile soil, finding your way through paths
she first dug,
you find your strength
as protector,
to the little acorn beneath you.

The comforting shade of your branches, remain for her.

The support of your vital roots, remain for her.
A little poem stirs me awake
in the morning, before the alarm goes off.
It follows me around as I brush my teeth -
dashing left and then right, pecking
continuously at my unkempt scalp

In the afternoon it is the shadow
that sweeps the dusty street behind me,
imitating my short heavy steps
pretending to be on its own journey

I nudge it gently away as I enter the office
but it is the words floating from my boss' mouth,
the hot tea warming my assistant's cup
the glass windows as they swing back and forth,
and the tiny drops of water that magically
turn to air as soon as the cleaner's mop leaves the floor

In the evening when I sit to read a book
it ghosts ahead of my eyes,
stooping after every few words
to put the next into a plastic bin,
transforming the page
into a crossword puzzle

Until finally I throw up my arms
shuffle to the overpopulated table
and begin to unravel the message
sent from the neural galaxy
that was awake when the rest of me died
We have all the time in the world, we say
But how much time is that anyway?

A world of bloodshed and poverty,
governmental discrimination, and anarchy.

People avoiding this harsh reality,
Our hearts ignoring their silent pleas

No, life is far from being a dream
Our world is tearing at the seams

*Is humanity a miracle
Or disease?
"Smile to your shadow,
It won't smile back...
Say something to it,
It won't reply back...

It won't ever say anything to you,
Yet, It will always follow you (Like a fool)...
When the times are good,
When the times are bad...
Ever felt such a belonging?
No you didn't!
Bet your Shadow did.

(Let me be your
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