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Now, there was this kid,
Never felt good enough,
No matter what he did.

Felt like he was a burden, a hindrance,
Always in the way,
No tears with his disappearence.

He learnt how to hide this,
Put on a smile, and hide the sadness,
They weren't theirs, only his.

He got his first chest hair,
And his first thoughts of ending,
But they wouldn't care.

He told himself everytime,
Keep on the mask,
Let them know you're fine.

He fpund and loved his first,
And she never knew,
That love was the worst.

He went in too deep,
He either loved 100% or felt nothing,
Never a step, a leap.

He learnt how to control,
With the help of doctors,
He put the darkness in a hole.

He went on to find another,
This time this love made him grow,
Not just a girlfriend, a lover.

He became a man, with a beard,
Made mistakes,
Learnt what he feared.

When she left, he knew,
He can't be alone,
Thats when the darkness grew.

Sleepless nights, and tiresome days,
The darkness crept back,
Falling into his old ways.

On top of a building site,
He looked down at his future,
He had given up the fight.

Placed his belongings on the ledge,
Stepped up,
Toes hanging off the edge.

He closed is eyes, tears down his face,
The fake smile beaming,
Release will be at the base.

He didnt fall forward like planned,
He fell backwards,
Face buried in hand.

Lets try again, step to the line,
This time he'll do it,
But he hesitated thia time.

A text. His phone flashing away.
"Where you at you *******?"
Typical thing his friend would say.

He had a surge of relief, a sigh,
A change of mind.
He still doesnt really know why.

A few months passed,
The darkness still in control.
Will this ever end he'll ask.

He looked hollow at sight,
He wore a smile, but it was clear to see,
His closest asked if he was alright.

I'm okay, he said. Everytime he lied.
He took every pill he had,
Fell on his side.

The luck he had, that awkward fall,
His body rejected his attempt,
He knew he was a fool.

Felt **** for days,
No sleep still,
Self torture in different ways.

Then something happened, a click,
He needed to live, he needed help,
He was just sick.

He made a decision,
To help others,
He had a vision.

To use his experience as a guide,
To help others in need,
To be there for them, far and wide.

The darkness lost its hold,
And he found a new love,
He felt warmth, not just the cold.

Years went by, living a happy life,
Yes he had ups and downs,
But he felt strong with her, through all their strife.

Yet, again, the darkness creeps in,
Slowly getting stronger,
On its way to win.

He is confused. Why now?
His life isnt perfect, but still,
He doesn't know why or how.

Its different. He familiar with its ways,
He still hides it well,
But you can see it in his gaze.

He knows he needs to talk.
Take action slowly and in time,
No need to run before you can walk.

He won't let it win,
He's got too much to live for,
He knows he needs to destroy the darkness within.

I know this story too well,
I know it because he is me.
This is my story to tell.

Please, if you can relate,
Talk. Let it out.
A doctor, family, a mate.

Or me. A complete stranger to you.
I'm always here,
I'm always here its true.

Just talk.
This one is a bit of a mess. I got caught up in the moment and ranted. Its a bit raw. Kinda forced at times maybe. Either way, the message stands.
I fking hate you.
You always make me see the negatives.
The half empty glass.
You bring me down when I'm in a good place.
You make me procasinate.
Festering on my fat a

You get inside my head.
Yet again, thats where you live.
Thats where you were born.
You left me once.
And I felt unstoppable.
I was better, I could have sworn.

Then you came back.
To show you never really left.
To try and take control again.
You make me feel so worthless.
You make me feel unloved.
You give me this excruciating, silent pain.

You will not defeat me.
I ignore the thoughts of death.
I will not do that to me.
I will not do that to my loved ones.
I will defeat you.
I will promise you. You'll see.
I'm sick of being tired,
Tired of being sick.
I create this negative atmosphere,
The air is polluting and thick.

I can't help but see the negatives,
In everything I seem to contact,
Relationships, friendships,
Its like their only here under contract.

I feel like no one wants me,
To be around, even for a chat,
"Get the f*k away from me,
You ugly, hairy, fat, tw

I know its all in my head,
But reality distorts in there,
I know people love me,
And people truly care.

But the wave of darkness,
Surrounds my skull,
I'm scared I'm loosing this battle,
The void might swollow me whole.

I try to be the light,
That makes people smile,
But I'm hidden behind this light,
I've been hiding for quite a while.

The face is a broken image,
But broken on the inside,
I don't want people to see this,
Thats why I hide.

Please, if you know me,
Just talk as if we're fine,
Ignore any insecurities,
They're not yours to deal with, they're mine.
Don't trust anyone.
That's what they say.
Don't trust anyone.
I don't think that way.
Trust. The most valuable thing.
On par with loyalty.
You should always trust someone.
I trust me.
You should trust you.
Trust that you'll make the right choice,
That you'll step up when needed,
Morality needs a voice.
Trust that you'll be there for them.
When their tears need a shoulder,
When his troubles needs comfort,
When her heart needs a holder.
Trust in yourself.
Then trust will come to you.
They'll trust your decisions,
They'll trust everything you do.
But be aware,
Trust is fragile.
Be careful who you trust.
Trust yourself, to keep your trust agile.
And when trust in someone is returned,
And when it is equally reflected,
Love will grow,
And your hearts forever connected.
Trust her.
Trust him.
Trust me.
But most of all, trust yourself. And you'll love yourself. And life will be better.
Written with a friend who seems to be having trust issues at the moment. Stay strong buddy.
I sit, elbows on knees.
Frowning. Thinking.
Sometimes I just stare at the wall,
Not even blinking.
I think weird and random thoughts mainly.
Like, Who decided to drink cows milk?
Who on earth would eat those silicone packs you get inside shoe boxes?
Who decided to use silk?
I think deep thoughts too,
What am I doing with my life?
Am I happy?
Should I make my girlfriend my wife?
Sometimes I can be here for a few minutes,
Normally, I'm here for a bit more,
Sometimes, my legs go numb,
And my feet get sore,
And that's when I wipe,
Stand and flush,
Wash my hands,
And realise I've now gotta rush.
Trying to sleep but my eyes open wide
With voices whispering from every side,
Battles in my mind and nowhere to hide,
a futile resistance against the rising tide.

Thought after thought taunting my soul,
As this constant barrage takes its toll,
Eating away slowly now a gaping hole,
My mind going crazy and out of control.

I know not why I cannot rest,
Thoughts of random is all I possess,
A decent nights sleep, and I'll be blessed,
5 minutes and I'm unimpressed.

I always loose the fight to sleep,
I've counted every last ******* sheep,
Watched them 'baa' as they leap,
Watch them land in a heap.

I give up, I might as well,
Just leave my sleeplessness to dwell,
Bid my dreams farewell,
Cos everynight I'm met with hell...
So once again,
My heartbreaks over something that was only in my head,
But don't ever forget,
I meant every word I should have left unsaid.
You walked away,
As if our love and all we had was nothing,
Yet I fought on,
Cos to me, you, and all you came with, was everything.
I no longer want you,
But you will forever be in my heart,
You're so special to me,
I knew you were from the very start.
Yes I have moved on,
I'm getting on with this life of mine,
I'm no longer being sad,
And no longer just pretending to be fine.
I may not love my new girl,
But we have only just begun,
We may not last,
Yet, she may be the one.
Who knows,
We may be in love once again,
But for now,
I'll think of you every now and then.
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