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  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
                       •the   ••••••••
         old man wi-    ••••••••
    thered•as suns    ••••••••
  would set....over    ••••••••
many days•follies    ••••••••  
he committed, then    ••••••••    
unencumbered•fina-    ••••••••       
lly caught now    ••••••••         
he pays • like an unca-    ••••••••         
ged bird,  he had left his    ••••••••            
perch• not looking                                              
back, leaving behi-                                                
nd hatchlings  and                                                  ­
nest• he discarded                                                    
his­  roots  when he                                                    
left them  in the lu-                                                      
rch• flew to pursue                                                      
what­  he had thoug-                                                      
ht was best•now he's                                                    ­ 
ailing thin.....he seeks                                                     
to reconcile • reached                                                   
to his sons...and left a                                                   
voice message•asking                                               
atonement for  his cri-                                             
mes so despicable and                                          
vile • for now he lays con-    ••••••••   illness and    ••••••••         
rage•hours tick by as his    ••••••••       
days blur into weeks...•    ••••••••      
his frail  breaths weak-    ••••••••   
en as he succumbs in    ••••••••
  bed•finally the call    ••••••••
     did come bearing    ••••••••
           the absolution    ••••••••
                   he seeks•    ••••••••

just a minute too late,
for the old man is already
Concrete Poem 21 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
TigerEyes Dec 2015
He thought he was in touch with the Lord
ranting, and raving from the pulpit
with his Bible like a sword!
I was five and Oh, so bored
thinking this is so twisted, and messed up
these men wouldn't even allow make-up
"Get thee behind me" is what they'd shout
Again,  I'm only five thinking this is f-d' up
No doctors for bleeding ears
just a ton of painful crying tears
loss of hearing being just one thing
that her religion brought onto me
the pain that I endured
you can't imagine the nightmare that occurred
but my Mother denies it to this day
saying to accept it all today
like lying to yourself
putting your feelings on a shelf
I cannot deny this past....
but, I have uncaged myself at last.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove December 5th, 2015
  Dec 2015 TigerEyes
/                                  /             /           /    /           /    /
/             /                       //          /        / /        /
/           /     /    /             /                       /        /       /    /
//               /        /     ••        /               /    / /
/      /           /      •••   /                 /   /
/            /         •lift me up over-          /             /
/      /    head•for i only seek to shelter    /      //
          you•from the sun who'd scorch you red          /
•from monsoon rains that'll chill you blue•you
may at times think i'm cumbersome to carry•when
the winds of change put you in all kinds of weather•
but i can collapse and fold... i stow away easy•keep me
close and i will spring to your aid... whenever, wherever•
such           is my           pro-   ••   mise           to...           you•
•                   •                  •       ••      •                  •                   •
•••            cta-                   
•••          ble                 

soon you'll find my words to be true•
that i'd forever be your brolly
For my family.

Concrete Poem 22 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
behind those impenetrable barrier
i saw a beautiful  man wearing black
his face is veiled by white cloth
he seems so lost
the stained blood in his veiled cheek
like he cry a thousand droplets of blood
the dulled in his eyes and the gloomy of the place
i aim to touched and smashed those invisible walls
with the mighty of my own hand
but not even my entire power can resist!
only you can shatter those walls if you're at inside
i attempted to shout at him
'help yourself darling!'
but not even my powerful voice
could penetrated those barriers
i cried at his painful situation
to my horror
he stares at me!
with his icy cold stare
he smiles!
those smile...
i remember those smiles i used to have
he slowly walks into my direction
and touched those invisible barriers
but he didn't attempted to fractured those walls
he talks but i can't comprehend what he whispered
i follow the move on his lips saying
'it's okay. i'm okay here'
he smile again
those painful smile
slowly, he unveiled his face
but what frightened me are
his face!
his looks!
that is me!
what's going on?!
i felt dizzy
maybe my mind is tricking on me!
slowly, my vision became blurry
drifting away in this melancholic place

i black out

the man in my dreams
humming slowly
as i sway with this sad song
dancing the rhythm
of this broken sonata
feeling this heartbeat
that started to fade
if only you could see
the dreary tune in this piece
you would rather listen
than see the lyrics within this song
crumpled sheets of paper
scattered all around the floor
with every sheets
there is a written tale of us
seeing this sheets
makes me wonder
when will i be able
to touch the sky?
give me love, darling
give me love cause lately
i am craving for more
give me love, darling
so the tale of these crumpled sheets
will became true
give me love, darling
so this piece will cry with joy
so i beg
like beggar in the street
so i cry
like a baby in a crib
cause lately
i don't understand
why i am craving for more*

give me love, darling

©IGMS 2014
Inspired by the song of ed sheeran
TigerEyes Dec 2015
It's none of my business what you think of me
it's clear you believe that you're too superior
to ever see
to see the me that's inside you
to believe in the goodness inside me
and, everything that is true
instead you want to tear my spirit down
you enjoy twisting my words around
I can't change you
only me
I will be a peaceful warrior
you will see
I will grow from this experience
and, be the best person
that I can be
but there's something you don't understand
you've lost my respect as a human, and a man
and, I will not give myself away
I am responsible for my own happiness today
if that means removing you from my life
well, baby
I'm removing your back-stabbing knife.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove December 5th, 2015
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