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 Jul 2015 kim kusserow
 Jul 2015 kim kusserow
Be Someone's Light.
Even if you can't be your own.
 Jul 2015 kim kusserow
It's funny
How a beautiful morning
Makes everything seem like it belongs.
 Jul 2015 kim kusserow
Isha Kumar
Here's to those
who seldom sleep.
To those in the shadows
who silently weep.

Here's to those
who feel all alone.
To those whose company
are the thoughts they own.

Here's to those
who sing of silence.
To those who are
sick of violence.

Here's to those
whose world is a stage.
To those who hide
their sorrow and rage.

Here's to those
who toss and turn.
To those who watch
their dreams crash and burn.

Here's to those
who starve for affection.
To those who face
merciless rejection.

Here's to those
who hide their past.
To those who think
love never lasts.

Here's to those
who wait for a letter
to tell them that in time
it all gets better.
Note to self : Keep that chin up, buddy! You are loved.

— The End —