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Storms donot last.
The rain started to fall on the window sill.
Harder and harder as I sat still.
Thunder and lighting soon turn to wind.
As the night begins.
I look out the window once more.
There I saw snow on the ground.
Blowing and bitter cold.
The storm stopped and the night was quiet.
For storms don't last forever.
Does evil exist?
Well, does it, or not?
I demand an answer
And if it does, hold that thought

Because if wrong does exist
We must face the reality
That calling something wrong means
There's a right way things ought to be

But if wrong does not truly
Exist in bright colors
Well, what, then is justice
But a meaningless construct?

If the **** of a child
In all histories and cultures
Can be called pure evil
Even by society's worst prisoners

If the ****** of innocents
Is forever and always
An evil in society
That can't be tolerated

If imprisonment of a woman
Like chattel for sale
Being held as a *** slave
In her own private hell

Or murdering Jews
Like ******'s evil plan
Or starving millions unjustly
In Stalin's Ukraine

Or killing the masses
For political expedience
Culling babies in China
Or locking up dissidents

If beheading of heretics
Is inherently wrong
Or even violating your privacy
Or invading your home

If these are universally bad
And there's meaning in words
Then there's universal good
That our souls are drawn toward

Something more than just philosophy
Because that lacks authority
And if good is defined by the majority
Then what about the minority?

Tyrants run roughshod
When rights come and go
At the whims of the powerful
Because what they say goes

No, evil is something
More than laws, or from cultures
Or philosophical sophistry
From ivory towers

To try to stop badness
Is really to defend
That there's a god of pure goodness
Who wants us like him

We can discuss who that god is
And what is his substance
But the least we can do
Is acknowledge his existence

You can say that religion
Starts evil wars and such
And you might just be right
But you've just proved too much

Because if there is no god
Whose nature defines goodness
Who are you to call war bad
Or **** evil, or hate, darkness?

Who are you to sit in judgment
Of the religious who you think hate you?
If there is no moral standard
That makes hate wrong, and judging too?

If morality is nothing more
Than just a social contract
Then it's just he said/she said
And there's no moral compass

You see, your compass is as good as mine
And that may be fine, generally
Until the ****** asserts his own
Warped idea of morality

What makes his wrong
And yours universally right?
That's a tough question
That keeps philosophers up at night

Because indeed, if there is no god
There's no guilt to assuage
For the wrongs that man does
Because there is no such gauge

It's like measuring empty
Without knowing what full is
Or like trying to describe love
Without knowing who God is
To all those who know deep inside there's a god who created you to be good, but you keep trying to convince yourself otherwise.
If we ALL say, we hadn't sinned.
Then the TRUTH isn't in us.
We All can say sinner am I.
We know what for?
And the circumstances to why?

We just keep the secret hidden for the right time.
A cheater violate many sins.
One the affair.
The other lying to keep it hid.

A liar violate many oath.
Lying to the boss.
Until they get caught out and about.
When they claim to be sick.

Yes, sinner am I.
I just won't author them within this poem.
Sinner are you.
And similarly you keep your own truth hid.

Like parents that adopts kids.
And pretend they never did.
But as with all truth in this world.
They will eventually emerge.
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
I practice what I preach,
but we all make mistakes
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
David Hall
I am dying
The thought occurs to me every now and then
Jolting my psyche like a bucket of cold water on a sleeping drunk

I just turned 32 this year
I can already feel the cold tendrils of deaths advance
Some days I can even smell its putrid breath on the back of my neck

I’m not dying of anything immediate
No nothing as glamorous as a drug overdose or a gunshot wound
My death more than likely won’t make national news

I am dying
It is a slow and pitiful death
Caused by a lethal mix of age, apathy and neglect

Every day I poison myself a little more
Complex carbohydrates and processed sugars in every meal
Caffeine carcinogens and aspartame to wash the poison down

I can feel my muscle waste away
As I sit 10 hours a day answering the same inane questions
Over and over again to earn the right to what’s left of my meager existence

I am dying
This must be the case because I am certainly not living
At best I am merely surviving, simply continuing to exist

Maybe tomorrow or maybe in 20 years
Even if I quit my job and start an organic vegan diet
Even if I exercise, meditate and confess my sins

I am dying
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
JC Lucas
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
JC Lucas
The best part
Of wakeful life now
Is the hazy
Twenty seconds of consciousness
On either end of sleep
(When I may as well not exist).
Because in that diluted fog

I don't feel anything.

I don't feel sick
To my stomach
I don't feel
The crushing weight of reality
I don't feel good
About the good times
Or bad
About right now
I don't feel

Anything at all.

And it's wonderful.
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
SG Holter
I now know
Why little girls crying
Into teddies say they're
Now I know that none of
My songs of heart-

Break were real. I had
No idea.

It's like holding your breath
When you know that that car is
Not going to

It's the chill down your neck when
You learn that somebody
Just like you
Passed away. Suddenly.

It's the feeling of knowing you're
Losing your grip on the roof of
A burning
Skyscraper. Air.

A soldier, a landmine.
Looking down to see
That your body
Is broken.

I now know why country music
Is so close to God at all times.
Why amputees grieve over
Lost limbs.
Why girls cry and boys drink.

It's going to bed, certain that  
The sun will not
Rise in the morning.
Mama told me

Never Fall in love
with a blond girl

God above
Seemed to say the same thing
But I ignore my God and
yours never meant **** to me
Now this blond girl
she makes me half
as good as I can be
Or is it bad to say?
All I want is today.

Start over start all over
Is it something different?
1-2-3 go!

Mama told me don't you ever
fall in love with a blond girl
Lord above
he would be so angry.
The blonde is bad enough
don't let her B White!
No that just ain't right
but I had to
put up a fight
with my God and I
don't care about yours
going to stick with her for sure
She makes me so complete.
I didn't know I was empty
until she filled me up
now my cup overruns
with formless fullness grace
And I see her face in my dreams
Yeah she's wearing my
favorite pair of blue jeans.

Now on your knees
Mel kneads

Happy birthday girl from You
it means a lot that you stuck
around by my side cuz you knew I'd
be alright one day.
How did you know
something I didn't know myself
I was ready to retire
put myself up on the shelf
But you made me
Come back out and I'm
so **** glad I did

With you I'm finally rid
of all The pain.
Oh My heart is
a crane it
keeps reaching out to give
love love love
Whatever love you
give to me is multiplied
And it pours forth
like the sun Shines
a need.
If you would like to ear the song
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