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 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Levi Andrew
It feels like I'm walking..

With no destination.

I'm lost with question.

And not a single answer.

I'm searching for it.

But, I'll never find it.
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Micheal Wolf
Tousled hair,  bare footed, wind in her face and sand between toes she runs to the water, doesn't notice it's cold.
Screams with delight as she splashes the waves, clothes drenched not a care.
Castles built and moats filled, then a photo shoot with a massive grin
These are the days I can never forget, a photo to cherish for ever more.
The day we went to the shore.
For my daughter
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
I keep hearing them say,  it'll get better in time.
It'll be worth it.
I promise you please don't give up, it'll be worth it.
and I do not understand.
anything can happen in time, and what if it simply gets worse as it has already?
it is my ******* ******* and I am its ******* worthless *****.
who cannot simply walk away.
But how do you walk away from something invisible?
how do you walk away when it is all you have?
the only one that's been there. My little friend who isn't really a friend at all.
I am going insane.
I have full conversations with myself in my head, and sometime I laugh out loud while having them.
because my little friend was always there.
and every time I try to escape, to overpower it, to run away,
it gets worse so much ******* worse,
and I just can't anymore.
Not really a poem.
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
I let it back in. I let it creep into my soul.
no I let it unbury itself from the grapple it was under.
I let it walk out of the shadows and bowed down to it.
it referred to me as "autumn" and I couldn't respond, because the girl that was once here, was cut up into little pieces, and forgotten but myself.
I let her rot away, under the skeptical of other's all while she had that smile upon her face.
and now, here we are in the same body.
no place for her dearest to go.
HAHAHA she is trembling, afraid of herself,
and ****. have I ever been more proud, my greatest work of all?
sitting here, begging for me to leave.
honey, sweet pea, **** yourself.
because I am here and now and you aren't getting rid of me.
you should have done that 3 years ago.
you should have listened to the whispers.
instead of slowly fading away.
Lets lie down,
On your bed,
Let's prove to each other
were not dead.

Crumpled clothes,
Hair a mess,
Breathing hard,
against your chest.

Smelling sweet,
Of love and sweat,
Pillows strewn,
Sheets all wet.

A happy girl,
Rosy cheeked,
With her man,
Ain't love neat.
Internal self narratives dreaming and waking
The well runneth over and dry
The only thing easy is so complicating
As luck sees fit not to comply
I've two left feet, and I stumble so clumsy
My rhythm defies elegance
Define to deny your indecision
Take a mistake, make a chance
Watching or riding enlightening lightning
While striking throughout every gale
Finding a smile, even in something frightening
True beauty will always prevail
A laugh and a tear in each strength and each fear
Sometimes falling can feel oh so grand
Plain as day or unclear, only always sincere
Who am I? I am who? Who I am.
We are each of us entwined
In our heart and in our mind
But we're broken, and we're battered
And we're shattered, and we're torn
We don't know just what we're saying
Til the memories start replaying
And we see what truly mattered
And what we were fighting for
The second hand keeps taking
Little pieces in our waking
As the dreamer that now screams inside
Cries out for something more
And our hearts keep on repeating
Throughout all bent on defeating
Both the strength and sanity we find
When we feel there is no more
The smiles keep returning
Through the lessons we are learning
For our memories still bring laughter
Just the same as they bring tears
This journey we have taken
Both forgiven and forsaken
Will soon be forever after
Be it days or weeks or years
So no matter what was done
With every battle left unwon
We're still here, and we're still standing
Even when we feel we're lost
Every love that left us bleeding
Every fear we kept on feeding
Every last misunderstanding
All gave more than what they cost
For the knowledge we can gain
From every single ounce of pain
Shapes the way we see tomorrow
And everything that we hold dear
Even when we're far apart
We're forever heart to heart
Be it smiles or be it sorrow
In my heart, you're always near
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