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To my fellow poets who read my poems about drugs I want you to know I'm drug free.  I'm writing a poem that tells a story but I'm also writing individual poems about that story.
Welcome to the city of Morphine where it rains acid and you feel no pain
A city where everyone is numb to the world
Where people dwell in the slums of misery
shattered lives and shattered glass cover the streets of Morphine
Fiends wander down the alleys of agony.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Space and the bright galaxy has always been my escape.
I’m not my own creator,
And the untamed monster
I make,
To be believable and harsh.
So kind hearted and fine art,
Renewable human cycle, my role model use to be Michael,
The way he moved,
Swift and light, is the exact same way I would move
In the bright space and galaxy;
Light and smooth
Marijuana and Corinthians;
My problems I soothe.
Last night I hugged and kissed the moon. It smoked my marijuana and
Its head with my groove.
You’ll think I’m delusional with a few loose screws,
But I feel perfectly normal,
For this on spare times is all I

      #Lord Knows

-Marci Henderson
He pulls away, precariously balanced
above the raucous creek slicing through
the campground’s city-like togetherness

she protectively hovers, hands cupped
inches from his slender back, prepared to grab
honoring his need for independence

the crooked lodge pole leans
toward what little sun is bestowed
upon it by its larger brethren

a mother, a child
a tree, a stream
soft light.
They say you're a figment of man's imagination
A way to explain the unknown
They say science is the one true God
That there's an explanation for everything
That they can solve any problem with a mathematical equation
Is it true what they say?
That you're just a figment of man's imagination and that science is the one true God
No of course not.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
The first step to gaining knowledge is to recognize one's own ignorance
To take a stance against stupidity even if it means standing alone
The second step to gaining knowledge is to inhale a whirlwind of knowledge and exhale understanding
To fly on the winds of wisdom

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
Greed the **** of Lust stands before her with an outstretched hand and ask "Where is my Currency?"  
Lust reached into her pocket and gave Greed the gold bills.  "Greed you act like you don't trust me" said Lust.  
"Lust you are my wife and the ***** who I ****.  We are a couple that were wedded in darkness.  Trust you?  I do but not a hundred percent.  I'm all about wealth and power and you're attracted to wealth and power.  You're going to be taking a shower in wealth and power" said Greed.  "I'm going to see to it that you keep your word Greed.  We may have been wedded in darkness but we are still husband and wife.  You're great with currency and I see your willingness to obtain your goals.  You promised to put power in my hands and lay riches at my feet.  Remember that" said Lust.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
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