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Welcome to the city of ****** no need to know my name I'll be your tour guide.
Follow me as we stroll down ******* Boulevard where they live life so care free ***, drugs, ******, the daily routine.
Make a sharp left on SlutVille Road where prostitutes salute the almighty dollar.  Another hard left now we're on Addict Street where addicts get high to mask their pain. This city only has left turns, no right turns, no hope insight but anyway let's pay a visit to the ****** of ******.  Corrupt politicians, slimy city officials making profits off the plight of the people.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
I'm going to have to write this over.  I wrote this before I wrote Currupt Avenue.  I want this to match Corrupt Avenue.
There's more to a woman than her body and curves.
At the core of her brain is a thunderstorm that rains down wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, flooding the soul of man with love in it's truest form.
There's more to a woman than her physical beauty.  She's a living, breathing, ocean with waves of compassion leaping up from the depths sweeping man up in her current allowing him to swim in her essences that is woman.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
An affliction that's everlasting
lives lie in ruins in the allies of agony in the slums of misery
Reflections of shattered families reflecting through shattered glass
Screams of lost souls echo while the fall through the cracks in the pavement.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This is old I'm gonna write another version.
Welcome to the city of Morphine
Where it rains acid and you feel no pain
A city where everyone is numb to the world
Where people dwell in the slums of misery
Shattered lives and shattered glass cover the streets of Morphine
Fiends wander down the alleys of agony

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
Not finished this just popped in my head.
Imagine making love amongst the stars
with the Milky Way for our bed while the galaxy watch.
As the planets orbits around us our ****** would be like that of a supernova creating our own constellation.
Interstellar lovers traveling the cosmos on a cloud of star dust.
With the rings of Saturn I thee wed making you the queen of my universe

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
With a smile as bright as the sun that warms my heart
You chase away the darkness that clouds my life.
With skin that rivals the marvels of the universe time itself stands still and take notice.
With the moon for your crown and the earth for your throne you give a whole new meaning to the title Ms. Universe.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
I just love how people lie on you just to throw mud on your name.
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