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Jun 2015 · 1.2k
love is unexisting here
kassie robinson Jun 2015
"I love you , but you made me!" You say as you slap her across her beautiful face.

All the had "done" was speak to an old friend.

She speaks her mind or speaks at all and you beat her when you are alone.
She wants to leave you but every time she stands you shove her further down then before.
the reason she started that dreaded habit, and instead of holding her when she's is in pain you beat a once strong and unharmed girl.

You tell her you love her
The only love you have for her is that you love to BEAT her when she is herself.

She gives younger everything.
She makes you her king.
And what does she get in return ?
Your fist on her once unmarked body.

She has to cover herself because of the marks you leave on her.

But she's not just your punching bag she's your *** slave too, huh?
In your mind you can have her bruised body whenever you say.
When she tells you no you call her mean , horrid, demeaning names.

But you love her , after all the things you've done
how DARE you use the word we hold to the most high regard
She is smart , beautiful , sweet , caring , loving , bubbly , and outgoing
And you crushed every once of respect she had for herself and her opinion on how she deserves to be treated.

But she's gone now she left you FOREVER.
because love NEVER existed here .
Like the poem I have writes before I'm taking you into my past. Yes happened to me. I just want to say , yet again , stand up . do not be some abusive ******* (excuse that) puppet. If he can't love the beautiful female you are he doesn't deserve you at all. Please please please I beg of you , of you are in an abusive relationship leave please. NO ONE deserves to be treated like that ever . if u need help with it message me I would be honored to help , and I will NEVER tell a soul I swear it.
Jun 2015 · 551
how is it ok?!?!
kassie robinson Jun 2015
She's pretty isn't she?
No, she's just pretty fun to make fun of.

That's all this world has come to.
If your not like me your wrong and weird and a monster.

But who's the real monster here,
The young innocent child whose only "crime" was to be themselves ,or the child that holds them self above everyone else?!?!

How could anyone stand for this , how could you not interfere?
Do you not understand that pain is NOT just physical, but emotional too?
Those mean , horrid words that were thrown like knives from your mouth , could ****.

This poem like a few of my others , comes from experience. I have lost friends to bulling and fought the battle myself. Please do not let the struggle go unnoticed. I have dealt with and continue to deal with bullies. BE STRONG AND TAKE A STAND!!
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
kassie robinson Jun 2015
No matter how hard we fight do we ever REALLY recover from the habits that scared us in the past?

Are we ever really ok , even though we tell our selves everyday that we are better now?

To me it seems as if every time someone "recovers" something happens and they spiral even farther down then before.

So , recovery, does it ever truly 100% happen, or do we just try to make our selves blind to what is still there even after all of our hard work?
I see this all the time and I just thought I'd share this with y'all.
Jun 2015 · 690
kassie robinson Jun 2015
The stars aren't they beautiful?
As they shine down on us and show us the way.
Like little eyes watching over us.
Jun 2015 · 396
kassie robinson Jun 2015
My eyes glaze over as he tells me that he's through.
I had done as much as I can to try to make him stay but he's done and now we're through

I had done it again , I hadn't been good enough for him to tell his parents.
Now I'm invisible , just a vivid thought.
May 2015 · 285
kassie robinson May 2015
The only thing to graze my skin now  his his hands hold me in a storm.
The only plain I feel is when he tells me he has to go.
His words sew up the gashes inside of me.
The way he looks at me makes me blush ,
And then he'll laugh.
He calls me out of the blue and he knows when something's wrong.
When his lips touch my cheek and my hand is in his nothing can hurt me.
He knows when my therapy appointments are , he knows plans for everything , he knows my past . and what I want from the future.
Don't assume that I'm not getting help.
May 2015 · 192
kassie robinson May 2015
He's the king of my heart
He's the sweet to my tea
And he's the reason for the smile on my face
I love him
He loves me
May 2015 · 479
kassie robinson May 2015
Fake smiles
Fake laughs
Fake jokes        
True tears
True pain
Truly broken down inside

nothing but a whisper in the wind,
A single drop of rain in mid summer,
A drop of blood in the ocean ,
A hill in the desert
May 2015 · 248
scarred skin
kassie robinson May 2015
He tried to keep me safe
He tries to fight my fight
His fingers feel the scars but he says he loves me

How could someone love a girl with scarred up skin??

He stays up with me all night to keep me safe
His voice ... Oh his voice makes the pain melt away.
                      I love him

How could he love me?

He clams he has me in his heart
He says he'll never leave me
I have him in my heart

How could he love me , and all the lines too?

He kiss the voices away and holds me till the tears dry up

He loves me no matter what i look like .
I know now.
I see it in his eyes,
Feel it in his touch
I hear it in his voice
And its obvious in what he does for Me.

How could I have been so blind?

— The End —