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 Dec 2014 Juju Juju
 Dec 2014 Juju Juju
I keep on running
until you can't chase me anymore
               let me be
               for once
go away

                 My lungs
                 I can't breathe
every time I try to walk away
I end up coming back in full circle

Don't chase after me anymore
                you are out of your reach.
 Dec 2014 Juju Juju
Britty Bruce
She's the girl that nobody every knows.
She has her own special glow.

Everybody is so blind.
But she has one boy in mind.

She wishes and dreams about him.
Why does she feel so grim?

She hates having crushes.
She always blushes!

She doesn't know why she's so invisible.
Why don't he see her visibility?

She sits low.
She has a birthday and she blows.

They clap without the thought of her wish.
She wants to be dead, She just another broken dish.

Sorry my lovely's.
I wasn't strong enough for anymore shoves.

That girl, who was never known...
That girl, Who is now known.
She boards the ship with all her style
Wondering all the while,
What has happened to her smile…

She should be excited
Happy as well
But all she can think of
Is damning him to hell

How could he do it
Just leave her that way
To board this ship
Alone today

This should have been like a romance novel
Instead it’s a scene from a movie of horror

Alone she stands
As the ship leaves port
He’s really not coming
She has no lover, no escort

Holding her head high
Trying not to cry
She heads for the bar
Hiding the scars

*Is he thinking of her, like she’s thinking of him?
Of course not
I hope she can swim…
 Dec 2014 Juju Juju
Luke Martin
Why don't you call me anymore?
I miss the tone of your voice.
Your slight lisp.
The way you stumble over my name.
Your flawed perception of life.
The vacancy of emotion when you lied.
My hands have always been weak.
When I was seven years old, they decided
that I needed to go to physical therapy
because I couldn’t hold a pencil.
I couldn’t hold the reins tight enough.
I kept dropping things. I couldn’t do
anything right.

I have always been inherently sad.
When I was nine years old, they decided
that I needed to go to therapy
because I couldn’t control myself.
I couldn’t appreciate what I had.
I never slept. I couldn’t do

I punched walls and kicked doors.
I ripped posters off of my
fourth-grade classroom walls.
Ten years old, I walked through the hallways,
All eyes on me because I was
Toilet Girl
I just couldn’t seem to
get it right.

When I am twelve, I’ll start
to write ****** poetry instead
of destroying things because
both are art forms but
my parents have to pay when I
destroy things.

When I am thirteen, I’ll realize
that it’s not just material objects
I have trouble holding on to.
I have trouble holding on to people, too.

I am fourteen, and I have just
been told that I’m not
doing anything right.
I haven’t hit a wall in years but
I guess old habits die hard because
I’m fifteen with
new scars on my knuckles

I am inherently sad and my hands are weak.
I write poems on my computer because
I still can’t hold a pencil.
But for someone with such
weak hands
I have a lot of scars on my knuckles.
I hope you know what love really is

and if you don't, I hope you learn one day
That love isn't a possessive way
and if you let your ego lead
You are sure to feel jealousy, pain, and greed

Love takes maturity

because it doesn't always work out they way you'd like
You need to be able to understand so you won't have spite
Love goes deeper than skin
and it touches within

You want them to be happy and even if that means letting go*

A smile on your face will still exist
You are genuinely happy for them and love has taught you to subsist
They are still around breathing the air you breathe
and that alone will always keep you relieved

Love teaches lessons that stick with you till the end
How I have felt once in my life and am blessed to say I have experienced such. I still love him to this day and always will.
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