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  Feb 2021 jude
It’s rare to find
people who

  Feb 2021 jude
She said "I'm falling in love."

I said "I'm falling apart."
What's the difference?
  Feb 2021 jude
the words spilled from her mouth

here i sit,
as my best friend,
tells me
you have another.

i shouldn’t care.
but i do.

no matter how hard i try,
the poetry for you in which i write,
never ceases.
it just keeps pouring out of my soul.
it sometimes seems as if,
the poetry i write for you is what keeps my heart beating.
what keeps me breathing.

but now, what am i supposed to do?
do you think she will love you?
do you really think she will love you?
please tell me.

it’s hard to think of you with another
because we used to be so in love with each other.

it’s been a long time since we last spoke,
but it feels as if all the memories of us i have were just made yesterday.

you have another.
who will never,
love you in the way i could.

but my question for you is,
will you love her in the way you could towards me?
  Feb 2021 jude
I walked to school today

Knowing I cried myself to sleep last night

Knowing no one knew

Knowing that was my power that I owned over everyone else
jude Feb 2021
as my necklace hangs on my neck
i think back to memories i’ll never forget.
even during the best & the worst,
the chain on my heart will not fall apart.
it sits here with me every day,
doing more than i could ever repay.
no one can imagine what such thing does
it keeps me safe, & feeling loved.
jude Feb 2021
scissors & knives
fill your place
salty tears
roll down your face.
you scream & shout
but nothing is heard
your red lips pout
as small as a bird.
you hide your pain
behind a grin
days are the same
patience is thin.
everything *****
wanna say bye
who gives a ****?
just going to cry.
jude Jan 2021
everything stops.
slowed breaths, heavy eyes.
you feel ready to dissolve forever.
but you wake up after
what feels like seconds.
in reality it’s been hours.
but you’re awake & alive
just to see your walls again.
the walls of pain & doom.
the ones you’re trapped inside of.
every day is the same
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