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Hey cold gray decrepit wall , paint me a pretty picture this morning because I'm too 'unstable' to be let out ..
Draw purple sunsets and seagulls flying away because I'm to'combative ' to be walking about ...
Good morning minimum wage , mad at the way the creek flows orderly , keeping the peace in the psychiatric world , strong arming sweet people to consume their numbing drugs , walking around like your in the WWE ,  NFL or something ...
Drink machine doctors , twenty second physicals for a thousand bucks , not even looking up with an apparent hundred percent hearing loss when your patients happen to speak up !
Good day Nurse Loser with zero patience , handed out drugs like your poisoning the hogs .. Now that I'm gone I wish you all the worst , I hope you find a Gaboon Viper hiding in your purse ..
Hello kitchen staff , how could I forget , how much sugar does it take to sweeten dog **** ? Trapped in a room with food a rat would refuse to eat .. Standing indignant by your slop like your a Food Channel cooking queen !!
Copyright February 16 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
The streets come alive when so many
Sleep softly into their dreams.
      The newer L.E.D. street lights pierce
The secrets on the Old 90.
    The women that the sun does not touch
Is aglow in the moonlit pavements,
Because she is a nocturnal,
     To be seen by those who cannot see
The bright sun, she shares herself
With the secrets, only known to those
That never stay.
       And to better fit into the list,
To better know the secret is to become
Something other than what is expected,
      A desertion of your standardised
Places, where scars can be hidden,
Everyone can dress as royalty,
     This is more common and natural,
Becoming the creature we all seem to
Leave behind.
     And here there are lovers,
Beckoningly fighting one another
For a chance at one night,
An embrace in the eternal momentary.

    And the thirst is deep,
The desire is a window to the stellar
Places, a deep freedom in the nocturnal,
        An occasion set for nightly meetings
Of souls with shadows that seem to chase,
       Street people on the Western venture,
An exchange of souls at home in the night.
A series of poems I will write to my city, my home, and the unique lifestyle of the city night.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Sharpen the knives and load the guns, empty another keg of ***. Beat the drums and pull the cannon taught. Trim the sail and hoist the jib. Fly the black flag from the rigging. Turn into the wake, and head for our prize. Laden with gold and pieces of eight. Taste the salt spray we can hardly wait. Laying siege to a treasure ship. Come on now don't let her slip away. Mark your lines and make your aim true. There is still a good deal to do, before we can line our pockets with loot. Swing the wheel hard around, hear the cannon pound on the hull of the unsuspecting ship. Thunder echos across her decks, throw the grappling hooks and what the heck. With a cutlass and pistol I take to the fight, and if my luck is just right, I will have my fill of pirates ***** tonight. Gold doubloons and pieces of eight, my won't the ladies think I am great, when I sack this ship and return from the raging main.  So on me hearties and cut them down, Davy Jones watches them going down. Singing the pirates song as we go.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
Poetry, my companion poetry,
Always with me in the grind,
The one I speak to in the solitary
         You were born out of life
That was silent until I met you,
From the fountain of words
That I am drunken from.

       Your grace in the theoretical
Chaos is what keeps me focused
As I trace the oblivion into form,
Together birthing inklings of
The journey.
     And you are the voice of wombs,
The beginning of my dreams,
The ending of my awakening,
      At times we collided and formed
The polyhedron shaped mirrors
Always conflicting the original reflection.

     But you are my friend,
All that is real in this surrealist
Pavement, I am not myself without
Your balance,
     Both crazy and sane,
Still I have not known the difference,
And I have no cover without you,
I become a picture of a child,
     Lost in the city,
Lost among the sea of eyes,
All staring at the orphan.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Bianca Reyes
I was happy being a mountain range
Admired by those wishing to explore
One day I caught sight of quite a beauty
This mountain range made me eager
To explore peaks and run down slopes
Feel every dip and groove of rough terrain
And find my way through every cave
I want these plates beneath me to quake
So that my range can be with your range
Let me be the snow that covers you whole
To feel myself melt in your warmth
Say you'll have me and give into desire
Allow my prints on your wonderful earth
For the future explorers to envy
Maybe then my yearning for you will cease
Or maybe I'll stay exploring forever
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 16, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
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