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Apr 2017 · 925
The Great Divide
Josh Murphy Apr 2017
The two of us are behind two faces.
Our two hearts broken in more than two places.

My one heart is focused on one partner.
My one goal is to please that heart of her's.

We'll bridge the gap and make amends.
And I'll prove that we are and always be, more than friends.
Apr 2017 · 691
Josh Murphy Apr 2017
Cracked down, beyond existence,
Smashed down, beyond resistance,
Worn down, beyond persistence

Fight through your pain to maintain your commitments​.
Mar 2015 · 673
Night-Time Comics
Josh Murphy Mar 2015
1) She despises those who are late, and rewards the early. She closes her gates, that could be described as pearly.

2) Her presence is warm and unfelt by most, to describe in detail would only be to boast.

3) Material to read is what she gives us. We would rather bleed than have her not forgive us.

4) Before we realised, it was time to leave. We wanted to stay as we knew we would grieve.

5) Leaving was tough so we tried not to look back, but however long we stayed, we’d never fill our rucksack.
May 2014 · 722
The Flowers Choice
Josh Murphy May 2014
Planted there isolated,
Looks at it from a distance,
The flower is stuck,
Questioning its existence.

Planted just out of reach,
From the sunlight it craves,
Feeling no better,
Than moss in caves.

Gazing at the sunlight,
Twisting and reaching for rays,
But this flower hasn't felt warmth,
In far too many days.

It begins to die,
Slowly bowing its head,
It could have tried harder,
But it chose death instead.
May 2014 · 500
What you are
Josh Murphy May 2014
You're the hard butter that rips my bread...
You're the moment my pencil breaks...
You're the gum stuck under a table that I accidentally touch...
You're the bent corners in my favourite book.
Apr 2014 · 2.8k
The Game Of Life
Josh Murphy Apr 2014
If life is a game,
Then I'm probably losing.
Beaten at every corner,
And I'm finally bruising.

But isn't it great,
To just play it with your friends?
'Cause remember if you end your game,
Then your friends game ends.
Suicide affects so many lives. For all of the people out there tempted, please keep this in mind. Don't be that person that ruins the game for others, because the game can be so much fun if you play it right and with the right people.
Apr 2014 · 921
Angels vs Demons
Josh Murphy Apr 2014
The war rages on,
Lead by an Angel and a Demon,
The battle for his soul,
No option of freedom.

They scream and shout,
Smash each other's skulls in,
Spill each other's blood,
But neither of them will win.

Angels and Demons,
Make his heart their battlefield,
They chop off each others limbs,
With the swords that they weald.

People think Demons are worse,
But Angels are just as bad,
At least Demons know what they want,
Angels are just mad.

Demons want him to suffer,
In depression and despair,
He thought he could rely on the Angels,
But they simply do not care.

Yea sure they fight back,
But not with their hearts,
They're just taking advantage of this boy,
Until the apocalypse starts.

He walks through school hallways,
Everyone is oblivious,
To the war inside his heart,
Why him? This is ridiculous.

They use his life as fuel,
And he realised he can't mend it,
So to cut off they're fuel supply,
He decides to **end it.
For when you have very mixed emotions and they seem to conflict each other and upset you.
Mar 2014 · 12.0k
Ticking time bomb
Josh Murphy Mar 2014

One day I'll have nothing,
To spend my time on.
Because I'll explode,
Like a ticking time bomb.
Mar 2014 · 874
No such thing...
Josh Murphy Mar 2014
No such thing as darkness, just the absence of light.
No such thing as cold,just the absence of heat.
No such thing as hate, just the absence of *love.
Trying to explain hate with science
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Falling down
Josh Murphy Mar 2014
Falling down a deep dark hole,
alling down to live with moles.
lling down after being pushed,
ling down after feeling lust.
ing down when I need you most,
ng down like a terrible host.
g down to the empty space,

down so I can't see your face.
Falling d
own to live a life of despair,
Falling do
wn away from fresh air.
Falling dow
n to where love can't live,

Falling down** *to where there's no love to give.
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Josh Murphy Mar 2014
Love is a candle,
Burning bright for two,
But with time it dwindles,
As does my love for you.

The flame is to be shared,
Not dumped on just me.
Because that's when I burn,
Please, just set me free.

Say how you feel,
Don't make up excuses,
Because your excuses hurt more,
Than domestic abuses.

The candle burns and burns,
Using up all the wax,
Until there is nothing left,
And that's when we turn our backs.

Only when our backs are turned,
That's when I realise,
That I'm the only one who's burned,
And I'm the only one that cries.
Written by request for a good friend
Feb 2014 · 677
Your reading shelf
Josh Murphy Feb 2014
I'm not myself,
Just another book on the shelf,
Showing my spine,
But it's not yours, it's mine.

Judge this book by its cover,
Because you don't want to discover,
The truth between my pages,
This book has been rotting ages.

As my pages turn yellow,
You read that I am mellow,
As your hands turn black from ink,
I pray that I would sink.

You think you know the real me,
You think that I feel free,
But no book can be himself,
When he's stuck on your reading shelf.
Feb 2014 · 682
Josh Murphy Feb 2014
Two** knights, fighting side by side,
One ready to ****, one ready to die.

Two truckers, driving in a convoy,
One is man, one is still a boy.

Two astronauts, floating in space,
One enjoys the view, one covers his face.

Two teens, after the same girl,
One goes for the gold, one lets him take his world.

Two killers, with knives at their backs,
One takes the life, one covers his tracks.

Two friends, talking about their lives,
One loves his friend, one envies his life.
Sorry for the lack of poems lately and then the quality of this one. I've been working on a writing project lately and got a bit side tracked.
Feb 2014 · 309
Small Ways
Josh Murphy Feb 2014
You don't see it yourself,
But I witness it every day.
I see it in your smile,
And the way that you say "Hey!"

You "make yourself beautiful",
And it's just in the small ways.
But you really don't need to,
As this is the truth presently... and always.
Feb 2014 · 447
Josh Murphy Feb 2014
No matter how hard we try,
How much we fight,
How much we work,
How many we ****,
How many we hurt,
How many we loved,
How many loved us,

**We are all forgotten eventually.
Jan 2014 · 364
One person can answer them
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
Why is it that impressions on a page express more than my words ever can?

Why is it that I can not speak the emotions that ink can easily represent?

Why can't I just live behind these scribbles and hide from the world?

These are the questions that I need answers to. But only **one person can answer them...
Jan 2014 · 403
Frozen me
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
It's frozen solid,
Too cold to touch.
It just wants another,
Is that asking too much?

It needs to find,
Another that shares the ice.
It wants to find,
Another who's cold, yet nice.

It doesn't require her to melt it free,
Just someone who can realize that it is me.
Jan 2014 · 857
Power of the word.
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
My eyes racing from word to word,
I hold in my hands a whole new world.

With these scratches on this page,
Today I'm a spy, tomorrow a mage.

I'm on a journey to the center of the earth,
Then I'm a teen questioning his worth.

I'm a girl suffering from cancer,
Then I'm Santa rushing Prancer.

I'm an assassin on the hunt,
Then a footballer about to punt.

I'm the boy chasing the girl,
Then in 80 days I circle the world.

I'm a man in an iron suit,
Then I'm a death god craving fruit.

Behind these words is where I live,
But believe me, It's a world I would never give.
Reading pretty much everything I can get my hands on lately. From novels to comic books to poetry to manga.
Jan 2014 · 411
Source of breeze
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
Grab the knife which leaks ink,
And scratch your emotions into dead trees.

Let the knife bleed your life,
Onto the corpses of our source of breeze.
Welcome to what it's like to be inside my brain haha xD
Jan 2014 · 487
Just A Kid
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
Just a kid,

In a little house,
In a little city,
In a little county,
In a little island.

In a big ocean,
In a big planet,
In a big galaxy,
In a big universe.
Just a kid. Simple as that
Jan 2014 · 702
Just so you know
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
I write when I feel like it,
Always have.

I don't pleed for anguish,
To feed my poems.

I don't beg for heartbreak,
But in fairness I don't need to.

I don't request sadness,
Which others crave for "inspiration."

I just sit back,
Take the hits,
And write.

Do people enjoy my poetry?
I think they do.
But I dont hope they do.
I enjoy writing it anyway,
So it's not as if I'm going to stop.
Bit of a rough day. Just thought I'd do a little writing. Always cheers me up xD
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
My Whale
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
You were my whale.
Dont take offence,
I'm not saying you were fat.

But when you left and they said that their are always more fish in the sea,
I loved you so much that saying you were a mere fish was an insult.

You were my whale.
My big beautiful air-breathing whale.
And I miss you, but I'm sure you don't miss me.
After all I just called you a whale.
Not my best work. But as my bio says, I write what I think, and this is what I spent most of my day thinking about.
Jan 2014 · 437
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
Why should I keep writing?
Why should I even put pen to paper?
Why don't I just stop?

Does writing get me appreciation?
I wouldn't say so.
But then again,
I didn't come here for appreciation.

I came here for me.
This was my choice,
My decision,
nobody elses!

Nobody can tell me who I am.
I just have to figure that out for myself.
Jan 2014 · 438
Answer your questions
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
Why don't you talk much?
Why that's an easy one,
Why would I talk when nobody will listen?

If they would listen what would they find?*
That's easy too.
They'd find *art,

They'd find poetry,
They'd find joy,
They'd find sadness.

But most of all,
They'd find *me.
Jan 2014 · 552
My Vicious Past
Josh Murphy Jan 2014
I run away,
But it's fast and catches me.

I stay and fight,
But it's stronger and beats me.

I throw it from a height,
But it spreads wings and flies.

I drown it in a lake,
But it knows how to swim.
Dec 2013 · 704
Josh Murphy Dec 2013
Invisibility can have it's perks,
You can run around and be free.

But then you realise that nobody can see you,
And you want to share this moment with somebody.

This is how I realised that Invisibility is not my friend.
As the very structure of my freedom... is the foundation to my prison.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
My Mask
Josh Murphy Dec 2013
I wear this mask to hide,
The pain and sorrow that dwells inside.
The crushed feelings, the broken dreams,
These tie my mask together at the seams.

My mask is a happy one,
With a grin from ear to ear.
But all this smile does,
Is shield everyone from my anger and fear.

My mask makes people laugh,
And for that I am grateful.
But in truth I fear if I take it off,
These people will become hateful.

They fall in love with my mask,
And that, I can clearly see.
But the thing about my mask,
Is that my mask... is not **me
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Sunflower Eyes
Josh Murphy Dec 2013
Why* does the sun radiate so brightly?
So it can seem half as beautiful as you.

Why do the birds sing so loud?
So they can sound half as joyful as you.

Why do the stars shine so bright?
So they can illuminate your beauty for me to see.

Why do the flowers smell so sweet?
So they can express the feeling we share.

Why do your eyes consist of more than one colour?
Because they are sunflowers that brighten up my day.
Dec 2013 · 635
Josh Murphy Dec 2013
We all have demons,
Some more than others.
We hold them back,
In fear of what they might do.

They live inside,
Scrapping at the organs.
They build a nest of despair.

They scrape together broken dreams and heartbreak,
To feed to their young,
So they will grow up to be strong.
And with this strength they will rip your life apart

But I won't let this happen to me.
**Will you?
Josh Murphy Dec 2013
Goodbye my friend,
I'll see you soon.
We'll hug like we used to,
Under the moon

But if you were to say,
That we are done,
I'll be on my own,
*Under the sun
Dec 2013 · 544
Artist in the Park
Josh Murphy Dec 2013
My brush, the sword.
My canvas, the enemy.

I unsheathe my sword and raise it to your throat,
I hold it there for too long, maybe to boast.
Then I swipe across your neck, leaving my mark,
I would feel guilty,
But nobody judges an artist in the park.
Nov 2013 · 465
Friendship Flowers
Josh Murphy Nov 2013
I see you across the room,
You look back at me and smile,
It probably means nothing,
But I love it for a while.

I wonder if you like me,
But then I wonder why you would,
If you were to say you like me,
You would hear my heart go thud.

I here from your friend you adore me,
So I bring flowers to your door,
And that's when your words **** me,
You say it is friendship... nothing more.
Nov 2013 · 353
Josh Murphy Nov 2013
If I was sad, you were happy,
But if you were sad, then so was I.

I wish it turned out as I hoped,
But such fiction would be a **lullaby
Nov 2013 · 7.2k
Tulip on a Rose Bush
Josh Murphy Nov 2013
When I look at you,
It's like looking at a tulip on a rose bush.

When I talk to you,
It's like hearing a puppy purr.

When I hug you,
It's like hugging a soft, warm cactus.

And when I kiss you,
It's like kissing a pleasant wasp's sting.

You are the confusion that is love,
You are my tulip on the rose bush.

— The End —