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 Jun 2018 John Stevens
Emma Liang
this is a poem about love,

             not boys, for once, or lesbians –
                           but roomie love.

my roommate is my other half,
like when we were little and chewed halves of gummy bears to make two-flavored ones with different colored heads and feet.

3:30 am on a Monday night,
all of our classes the next day, no homework done –
who else will stay up with me to read over each other’s oldest emails,
all disgustingly useless,
all marked as “sent with high importance”

who else will write poetry with me in the looming shadow of Chemistry tests
help keep the Spring terms exams and US History APs at bay
with jokes that aren’t funny but I laugh at anyways
because you are stupid and you think they are –

and everybody in the dorm thinks
we are insane, but that’s okay with me because we have

enough inside jokes to live on for a year
                    each other
Little that I know
that I was lost when
I could find no one around
To seek within me took lot of time
And the song that I listened too,
Over and over again
I came to know that
the singer had died.
It was shocking to me
When it came to light!

The tunnel seemed
unexpectedly too long
Expected to be patiently impatient
For the things I have never known.

Now I stand still
Let me know
Let me take the lead
And fear no more
Let me be me
To see how it goes
No more hestisation
Let me fall into the unknown ocean
And reveal it into splishes
and splashes
And enjoy the waves
As it goes!
A tribute to DJ Avicii whose music I still love. His untimely expiry shook the world. My life has ups and downs like all of you here. Hoping to stay here longer and read all of your precious poetry. Here I always feel like home. Yes, I am back home in hp. Hope all of you are doing well. Life is so strange and unexpected. Take good care of yourself all of you.
A date night with myself
With my best mood on
Flaunting my smile to myself
Amazingly interesting it will be
I said to myself
And left for a shimmering place
To eat and to be with me
Chicken biryani with kabab
And pulpy grape juice
My fav food I ordered
Food, me and love
All at once
With music on
To celebrate my me-time!
I haven't been alone outside and enjoying me-time for quite a long time but thanks  to my sister who settled in life hardly getting anytime for herself made me realize that being alone is not bad as I think. With time I might realize it. But surely tonight I enjoyed being with me.
 Jun 2018 John Stevens
Live like a spinning wheel
Always scrolls
Sometimes you win
Sometimes you lose
Sometimes you gotta fall
Before you fly
However, behind all of it
Store of kindness
Trust it
The sky isn't always gray
Don't grieve
Keep patient at all times
A storm will be pass
And the sun will shine
Give a hope light
To your future
If you have a dream, you have a will, if you have a will, you have a way
Everything we'd designed
used to fit us both;

All the songs we'd sung
used to sound;

But look at us now
words quenched, faces dismayed;

Where are all those castles we'd built; in the air
where are all those poems we'd written; in the stars
where are  all those gardens we'd planted ; with hope

And that fire that kept our spirits alive
Drifting through the winds of despair is now
in the end love isn't always eternal ....
if it isn't true
TV screens, social media,
All  anaesthesia
Just a regular dose of it we swallow
To keep us surviving
the reality that this world us a crumbling mess,
An empty hole, a worthless gem
A beautiful box that only offers lies and mistrust.

Popularity, celebrity
Everybody's searchin' for some worth, some place to fit in
Somewhere to stick their name in the hall of fame.
But take it's all anaesthesia, for it doesn't add or subtract a pound on the scale.

The hottest stars, the hottest gossip,
Father look what hypnosis,your kids are drinking.
Falling for the fake but sweet illusions and fantasies
Where time is turned to static and makes them forget of the long road ahead still to be taken.

Father look what anaesthesia your kids are taking in...
And sadly, it's strong can't let the truth through the door
Yet, we all know the blind can only run.into a trap if they ignore the voice warning in the background.

Father I wish you could open their eyes before the anaesthesia kills their sight...
For eternity
Anaesthesia is all around just ask God for the vision before it goes too far.
It exists in so many ways,
But in the end, it's still  there and still dangerous so what do we choose, ignorance or prevention.
It's more than just a country
It's more than just history
It's more than what people see
Cause they only see  a very small portion
And what I see,
Is the big picture
Much more beautiful than all Picasso's artworks
For to me,
It's mother nature's masterpiece
One that keeps on getting prettier with age;
How shall I say it ,
It's an international controversy'
It's Rwanda
Don't believe me ? Come see for yourself or just let the news and statistics tell you more
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