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 Jul 2018 John Stevens
When we fall asleep at night
There is no control
Over what happens in the interim
exept for the glorious entity
Who wakes us up
To a brand new day
Sleep well
 Jul 2018 John Stevens
Why are you like that my children ask
Climb into my head I said
And you will find
I'm not afraid of you
And you are not afraid of me
Regeneration of good values good parenting equilibrium
 Jul 2018 John Stevens
I thank you God, for creating me female, for showing me that Strength doesn't always come from muscle.
I thank you God, for creating me a preacher's daughter, aware From my earliest days about what you have done for me.
I thank you God, for creating my red hair, making me unique Among my friends and peers.
I thank you God, for giving me great friends growing up, allowing Me to see the beauty of friendship from a young age.
I thank you God, for my smarts and intelligence that help me Excel in school, and my ability to help others who are struggling.
I thank you God, for my ability to make new friends easily, and Talk well with kids and adults alike.
I thank you God, for giving me my writing, soccer, and Photography talents, which I can use to praise Your holy name.
I thank you God, for giving me my way with children, and Allowing me love them and help them see you.
I thank you God, for those minutes of solace you give me in the Middle of the night, when I can't sleep and I don't know why.
I thank you God, for allowing me to love; my boyfriend, my Family and friends, animals, the majestic world you have created.
Thank you for the reassurance of your forgiveness, and all the Little things you do for me that I don't even recognize.
This list could go on and on, but you know my heart.
Thank you, God.
 Jul 2018 John Stevens
It was totally unexpected
He was her first for so long
But she cast him out into
The raging tempest of the cruel sea
Where serpent and sirens devour
And she found him on the same
Shore amongst the rocks.... without rage....
He had returned to her happy and unscathed
And as their hearts embraced
She whispered softly in his ear
Ironically you have come back
From the same place that I have been
Sometimes your first is your last and sometimes your last is your first
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