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Jun 2020 · 503
Real celebrities
J Mathew Jun 2020
Loyalty and Honesty
Are such old fashion qualities.
Now Hatred and Envy
Are real celebrities and followed by paparazzi.

These celebrities have made us blind,
Destroying this world that was just fine.
They were first created in our mind
And flows down to our heart via our spine .

Now the devil is laughing and saying lol,
We have prioritized these qualities above all.
We do not understand that we are all equal
We have stoop down so low to find everyone's faults.

Many are teaching about goodness
But practising in our daily life is the hardest.
Injustice, bloodshed is what we witness,
But have no power to stand against evil's greatness.

No power doesn't mean we are weak
It means we are allowing the devil to play hide and seek.
Right in our minds, hearts and cheek
We have becomes fans of the worst freak.

                                            J. Mathew
I'm writing this with my experience from my life that I have to face everyday......P. S Don't mind me if I'm being rude here
Jun 2020 · 423
J Mathew Jun 2020
Everything around us shines like a diamond,
But we are trap in a quagmire of cons.
Nepotism, Conspiracy and Conspicuous consumption,
Has chain our real life and precious redemption.

Trapped in fear and others overpower,
A slave we are at our back, nothing is clear.
What happened to this world that was once so dear
We are no longer our own master but just someone's gear.

As days, weeks, months and years roll by
Hoping for a change one day while we thrive.
Never will it happened in this life
Unless we really open our eyes.

While they were smiling and in a lifeline,
We never understood what's behind their minds.
And now when their photos remain just a shrine
We see their real talent and act like we are so kind.

Stop pretending like you care now when they're  gone.
What's done can never be undone.
Posting condolences now and mourn
Are so fake and have no place in a dustbin when they're thrown
This is what I wrote for one of my actor who I really liked in Bollywood because of depression he took his precious life and all this is because he has gone through a lot of fights against injustice
Jun 2020 · 528
J Mathew Jun 2020
At 3 am I sit on my couch
Placing my head between my knees and slouch,
Waiting for my phone to reach 100
But thousands of memories are reverting in my head.

I think, ponder and contemplate
Couldn't get any answers straight.
All the bemuse have covered me up,
So full that I feel now it's enough.

I asked myself a simple question
Am i doing something wrong?
My brain says you are very right
But my heart says you're on the wrong side.

I move forward to the window
And waiting for the sun to show.
But thoughts do not leave me alone
Made me feel like I'm just a drone
Doing nothing but just mating is not for me,
I'm to collect nectar even while I'm in a spree.

Then I woke up from everything,
I have confused myself in just a blink.
All I think about is past and future but not the present
I stop and say I'll live and cherish every moment.        
                                                By J Mathew
This is my second poem which I wrote at 3 a. m while I was thinking about the meaning of life

— The End —