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Jenny Gordon Sep 2017
sigh* a day later, when Saturday's mad pile of work was a memory, it literally tasted like water.  Now, how did that happen?  

(sonnet #MMMMDCXLIV)

Mists waft with curious fragrance' odd detail
Upon the creamy surface of those scents'
Brown claim of coffee in my mug, to fence
Thin hope with old chagrin as morning's pale
Light watches from its cloudy vantage' scale
Of truth, where ghostly layers shift oer pretense
And grey asks white to call it blue from thence,
My breakfast:  ***** dishes 'hind th'exhale.
It's nat'nal cereal day, so in a poor
Excuse I added Malt-O-Meal to do
The favours with our wonted pancakes, fer
A whopping stack of edibles.  Yes, two
Eggs, bacon, and a touch of fruit.  If you're
Still hungry, there's no coffee.  I love you.

Don't give me lectures regarding old coffee as it's long been a favourite of mine over steamy fresh.  Yes, another old piece of work, to boot.
Jenny Gordon Aug 2017
I don't know what sprouted this mischief, the first 2 lines teased.

(sonnet #MCMLXVIII)

I'll have me fun in solitude as where
No supercilious frown may cast a pall
Upon my gaity, if't must be.  You all,
Who sniff at silliness, can with an air
Of sensible hauteur drink your despair
In prim tea cups, but as for me, grey's shawl
Cast off as t'were, for brief fun, why sip gall
If laughter tickles sans grim reason's glare?
Its in my blood, I think they said, that sense
Of jolly merriment a thread which'd run
From old to young 'mongst relatives, though whence
It came I can't quite guess.  And when 'tis done
I'll sit with you and be too glum, pretense
Of better ways a front.  Don't you have fun??

Yes, yes, Maggie at least will remember this.  And I think turning forty altered that since I unconsciously figured it was the new twenties, was that?  I have this penchant for fun, kick me.  If you don't...well, you know.
Jenny Gordon Aug 2017
I suppose it was a foolish thought to broach the topic?

(sonnet #MCMLXX)

'Tis those who read between the lines with care
And canny insight who best know.  But let
The same beware, for what is hidden's set
Not for mere show and at a touch may flare
Up with the violence of the wound just there
Beneath the surface' thinness, eas'ly fret
Though held as under guard lest it forget
And give a voice to what sense would not share.
Then we shall argue whether 'tis unwise
To keep such secrets, do you say?  Well, who
Shall profit by disclosure that the prize
Kept thus unspoken's worth the interview?
I move 'tis not so needful for our eyes
To see the e'il, as to restore what it'd undo.

The only question over 4 years later is whether I've casually dropped the more veiled rendition in favour of naked lines, and so, *sigh*...well, then what?  I'll give you half an ear, how's that?
Jenny Gordon Aug 2017
Composed while I worked, it is choppier than my mental version, sadly.  (My pet desire...)

(sonnet #MCMLXIX)

I've wanted to nourish love within these lines,
That thence the beauty of the mind, if't be
Such excellence to prove, yet how few see
Who say, "her coy reserve but half aligns
With that pink mini skirt--" as who divines
I actually think? might herein shine while we
Delve those far deeper wells my modesty
Or flirting glance, my pretty face, none mines?
Hence, Dearest, know that I write truly, nor
Am merely bandying words your touch would feign
Get thus the better of, when I adore
The way you think, the subtle cords that gain
My heart and set on fire, which I'd deplore
To outright say.  And still, I want that strain.

*sigh* IF by some wild chance ALL my work ever is published and some soul takes the time to read all, repetition will doubtless smack him, but then again, you kin choose favourites, right?  No?  Here, have some popcorn and just laugh.
Jenny Gordon Aug 2017
Okay, okay, cut me some slack, and...then?

(sonnet #MCMLXXI)

Those fairy beings whose visions animate
By their ethereal essence, which we thrill
To sans a second thought, my Dearest, 'til
The end do they not but deceive?  Inflate
My dreams to satisfy me.  And I'll hate
It when they turn to ashes.  Yet what will
You say?  For you are sensible.  Aye, ****
Them all and live in "now" content sans bait?
But, Love, these are what set us burning were
They not?  No, you will argue that was true
Though merely sensed, the kindling harbinger
Of happiness which could not but ensue?
Then hold me close and kiss away what'd stir
Grim fears.  Your love's more than enough.  Just you.

Um, yes, yes, yes...there's no point in recent sonnets, believe me.  But I found a few oldies that seemed irresistible....cut me some slack, eh?
Jenny Gordon Aug 2017
You know, this journal does not even contain half of what we know.  I hope we never forget.  

(sonnet #MMMMMMDCLV)

Now, while cicadas drone 'neath blue skies' pale
Glance, or to deeper shades of that, what hence?
Remember Starbucks' "Friends Day" for intents,
The prompt last night, as yesterday's detail:
We rode the bike path 'gain whose wildflowrs hail
As wont in clover's pink, and yellows thence
With brown eyes, thistles' purple, grasses dense
On either side, while goldfinch laughed t'avail.
I'd hated these auld trails we knew, as poor
Since Mum's death, but now I belong to you,
Oh! all's sae sweet like ne'er before as twere.
My car'mel fru-fru drink was tasty too:
Cuz I am yours.  That means I can't write fer
All that cuz evry minute's yours who woo.

I'd fully intended to ink that bicycle ride, sweeter than I've ever known before cuz of you, but you must captivate every minute; and to think I didn't realize Mrs. Sitz' prompt of "Friend" was on the same day as Starbuck's Friendship Day special.
Jenny Gordon Aug 2017
It's funny how I actually love how you reason with me, instructing me and turning me back where I belong.


Friends.  While soft blue skies gently fade, peach thence
Upon the heels of all we knew t'avail,
Ne wind now but a whisper that'd exhale
Twixt silent leaves ah, search the keener sense
Of:  that.  From Jonathan and David whence
We see lives traded cuz of that detail,
To what I knew with Mum, to in betrayl
My darling brothers, to yes, you, come hence.
The LORD called us His friends if we'd ah, fer
All that, keep His commands, yea told us too
What He shall do within this world as twere,
And love, forsooth, is crucial in that cue.
So then?  We love, and yield our lives in tour:
For friends, as skies turn now a deeper blue.

Turns out I can perhaps despite aught, churn out a sonnet, while you meantime own every minute and then some.
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