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20/M/Home    Took the shackles off my feet so I can dance -- dancing in His light
Risa Njoroge
32/F/Virginia    I am angry, but then I pretend to be happy, this words bring me some sun!
S Olson
18/F/London    If I could make the world as pure/ And strange as what I see/ I'd put you in the mirror / I put in front …
Kim B
61/F/Youngstown, OH   
Eva Rushton
Nova Scotia    Writing poetry for the everyday people. A lot of people have a hard time understanding poetry so I am writing so they can read and …
30/F/Toronto    "I bit my tongue like it wouldn't bleed."
Bo Tansky
100/F/Florida    I'm an artist, a poet, a mother, a friend, a visionary, an intuitive empath, and an INFP.
Trelon Grant
19/M/Charlotte, NC    When the acorns gleam and oft abound, it is easy for a person to lose themselves in the cobwebs. I write to convey abstracts as …
Mathew P Nangolo
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia    #instagram @mathewnangolo @ #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …
23/M/My room    I just hope people enjoy.
Call me Oliver
M/Dream    These are most of my life diary entries. Take most of them with a grain of salt. I’ll leave my most deepest and loving of …
27/F/A happy place.    Feminist and unashamed. I write for the hopeless and broken-hearted. BPD enthusiast just trying to find my place in this cold world. Follow me on …
22/M/south africa    Heya im Thyreez! (Thy for short if ya want.) I Hope a blessed day for you. An aspiring writer and a person just looking for …
Ryan Riviere
29/Swamplands, US    i am still in the swamplands. where is JN? god, I am thirty soon
Kristo Frost
The Moon    Poet first, lawyer later, plenty in between.
18/Cisgender Male/Kenya    I love poetry
28/F/USA    well, go on... read then.
17/F/Windhoek.NA    I love coffee and writing depressing poetry..some of my poems are on poetry nation under my full name but I am in the process of …
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