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What's said is said
What's done is done
I didn't stop you from leaving
And now you're just plain gone
My heart is ripped open
The world just seems broken
My life just full of nothing but an emptiness void
Grandpa you always taught me to go after my dreams
and when I fell you would help me to get back on my own two feet
You were sent from the heaven above
to fill my broken heart with hope and love

When I got angry, upset and depressed you would hear my silent yell
I guess that's because you knew me quite too well
I will never forget the lesson of life of which you taught me as a game
you taught me to many things to be forgotten how can I possibly be the same?

I guess the time came for you to leave
God saw how you were suffering and couldn't just perceive
I have to get use to this life without you and its a difficult change
Your memories will be played over here in my head where I will rearrange.
Ever since I could remember
I have been so intrigued and intensly curious about space, the planets,
galaxies, the moon especially, black holes, and time travel
I would be in the happiest place on Earth at the Rose Space Center in New York City
The cosmos
They're mysteriously beautiful, captivating, divine
I vividly remember being 7 and 8 years old, looking up at the stars
with my dad or even alone and thinking
"What's out there? What is space?" I would crave to know.
I would pace back and forth thinking, just thinking for hours and hours a night what it all could be.
I now see that that was just my way of experiencing curiosity for something much bigger than humans (which I understand now is the Universe)
Realizing that there is something out there no one on earth could ever explain.
An energy, "god", a being, whatever you wish to call it.
That was my 7 year old mind conceiving those thoughts for the very first time and understanding what I was actually thinking.
The conversations my dad and I would have in our backyard about space
have become my most precious and cherished moments I have with him
I get lost in thought when space arises
It is a topic that I feel very close to, connected, one with
It brings an almost nostalgic emotion to me
A deep seeded love
I currently experience this same emotion with a few other cerebral passions,
but the thought of space was my very first
The second passion is something that is very special to me due
to the long hours and days and years I've spent learning as much as I possibly could
About 5 or 6 years ago, I realized that I was increasingly curious and infatuated
with human behavior, body language, emotion
The natural drive in me that insists to look into other's minds has
never faded, only increased
There was a critical point in my metamorposis/enlightenment where I just stopped
I stopped everything that made my existence anything but an existence
I stopped talking
I began listening
I stopped looking away
I began watching
I stopped moving
I began sitting still
I had become a true listener, observer, meditator
Watching body language and two people having a conversation is
mesmerizing to me
How they move to express a notion
How odd we truly look
I apply the things I've learned in my everyday life
I notice patterns and quirks about everyone that they most likely don't even notice
It comes very naturally to me to be able to know just a little about
a person and figure out the rest entirely on my own
And when I later find out I was right, it just makes me
feel even closer to that person
(For a very, very long time, I would conceal my thought processes and the things
I was truly passionate about because I always knew I thought very differently
than my peers
I began to believe, maybe I was just "weird"
But during the early stages of my metamorphosis/enlightenment, I realized that I am not.
I am special. I am something not everyone can be
I am something that possesses a soul so warm and spacious that it took me
17 years to grasp and connect to
My soul is as light and wispy as the finest, graceful feather getting
blown by the gentle wind on the bay
No one else can feel the way I feel
The way my soul feels when I am experiencing love, or friendship)
The third, most exponential passion
The absolute most mind-wrenchingly perfect combination of the cosmos and Psychology
It welcomes me to solve my instinctive, cerebral yearning drive to probe into someone
else's mind, soul, body and see them for exactly who they are
in their natural soul state
Astrology explains everything, absolutely everything
I ever was, am, and will be. It is so incredibly dead accurate about me that
shying away from this study would be the biggest lie to myself
I became genuinely interested and educated in Astrology during an odd time
during my metamorphosis/enlightenment, but has definitely
molded my energies into who I am today, right now at this very moment (cliché, yes I know)
and guided me toward true, deep, self love and a mind of endless possibility
The feeling I experience when I am speaking to anyone about Astrology and they
ask me all these questions about it,
being able to give them in-depth answers is the greatest
feeling in the world
I lose complete track of time and could talk over night not realizing
how long I have been talking for

It's the passions like these that make life beautiful
The passions like these make one wonder, act, and seize
the things they were destined to be here for.
I am blessed by the Universe Herself
Her love for me is so pure and prominent that I have fallen in love
with Her
Maybe this will all come together in some sort of way
that would make me think
"So this is why..."
I wonder
I love
I see
I feel every beat and moment as pain
Heart-wrenchingly, beautiful, euphoric pain
The sorrow feels almost refreshing

My soul is swimming inside me
Simultaneously building up while breaking down
Slowly contracting
Slowly expanding
Light and deep motions all at once
Moving in melody and rhythm
Inside me continues to contract and expand

When I exhale
I exhale deeper
My physicality only mirrors my experiencing soul of pain inside

This is what pain feels like
It is by far the most raw of a feeling
Identifying it as a feeling seems disrespectful
It is much greater
It is an experience
A spiritual
Auric experience
While killing it heals
 Jul 2014 Jay Altezza
Michelle K
So many are times when we are told we are insignificant,
That our voices don't matter,
"You are too young to know what is going on. You'll understand when you're older."
A few of those times, they're probably right but what about the others?
What if somehow I understand the situation more than you do,
But I can never tell you that simply because I respect you too much?
Why is my level of wisdom and maturity determined by my age?
Have I not lived enough to know or am I simply too young for your liking?
What do I have to do to prove that I'm mature enough to understand?
Or is my proving evidence of my immaturity?
These are just but a few of the questions I will ask and definitely not fear to ask ,till I get the respect I so dearly earned,
Whether you see it or you don't.
 Jul 2014 Jay Altezza
Michelle K
We cease to feel when we've felt too much,
So much, that we no longer know how it feels to have happiness, let alone being happy.
So much that we don't know what we have, till it's no longer there or it ceases to exist.
The worst is only the worst when compared to the best.
The best that I lost.
The worst that I fought.
It'll never be enough!
Well I guess I had to figure that out for myself!
some want it, I don't want it, I
want to do whatever it is I do
and just do it.
I don't want to look into the
adulating eye,
shake the sweating
I think that whatever I do
is my business.
I do it because if I don't
I'm finished.
I'm selfish:
I do it for myself
to save what is left of
and when I am
approached as
hero or
half-god or
I refuse to accept
I don't want their
their worship,
their companionship.

I may have half-a-
million readers,
a million,
two million.
I don't care.
I write the word
how I have to
write it.

and, in the
when there were no
I wrote the word
as I needed to write the
and if all
the half-million,
the million,
the two million,
I will continue to
write the
as I always have.

the reader is an
the placenta,
an accident,
and any writer who
believes otherwise
is a bigger fool than
It looks like no writer
can escape the clutches
of their true inspiration.
I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish I was more,
Than a safety net,
To catch you if you fall.

I wish you'd care,
Even though,
I'm always there.

I wish you'd understand,
Take your place,
And hold my hand.

I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish you'd notice me,
But instead,
I feel so small.
I am just a second thought,
If a thought at all .
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