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27.9k · Jun 2015
- TIME -
Jasmina Jun 2015
Long long time ago,
When this very moment,
is a chain of past,
I will ask you  - my darling,
If tomorrow
will last.
In memory of The Moment.
4.2k · Oct 2013
Psychedelic terror
Jasmina Oct 2013
Wrinkles on my brain.
They suppress the screams
of the lucid echo, that is tagging along me.




I woke up and found myself sleeping still.
I heard my friends' laughing drill.
I felt my sweat leaking through the sorrow.




Now, it was too late -
My dreams were far gone already.
I was behind the horizon. Tragedy.
2.8k · Oct 2013
Nightmare wisdom
Jasmina Oct 2013
I am a blind follower.
Asking WHY?
Begging through cry.

Can't you see my sorrow
through my pale skin,
as my mind leeks out of my see blue eyes?

I am at the crossroad
haunting my voice through deep foggy forests.

Don't be just another passenger
who misspells my agony.
Hold my hand.
Help me forgive myself.

(Hey you!)
Hold my hand.

….Hold my hand.
2.6k · Dec 2013
Old Lantern
Jasmina Dec 2013
Old shine of a lantern pride.
Wise though, and bright enough,
Holds the secrets that never have shone.

Old shine of a lantern shy.
For jealous souls to cry at dawn,
As brightness of wise is not to expose.

"Shy or pride,
Dusk or dawn,
Envy or lust,
all was once based on trust."

Another shine from the old lantern pride,
That left us all,
with a warming thought.
1.2k · Oct 2013
Me, My Sacrifice
Jasmina Oct 2013
My brain smashed in pieces,
My tongue in thousand knots.

(Head on your shoulder,
I cry, my lover!)

My arms folded due to disgrace.
My wisdom far away on lonesome place.

Eyes full of rain,
Thoughts interrupted.

Heart of jealousy,
Fingers, muted. Dangerously.

(Sweat still the only witness,
Vein on my forehead. Companion.)

My pillow -war front.
Bullets enter upon,
and create eternal wounds.

Shush that sound!
Sew my distress.

(Help me! I need some rest.)
1.0k · Nov 2013
Syrup Nightmare
Jasmina Nov 2013
I let the words slip,
down my rosy sweet lip.

I free the horses from my hair,
to run down my Sahara pristine back.

I drop my necklace
on your pillow, and let her ****** you -
whispering, touching your inner caves with echo.

I tear my dress,
as if I want to write a misspelled poem.

I hear that sound of destruction.
I open my eyes.

He is still here.

(Breathing heavily...)
“Everything is fine. It was just a bad dream ***...”.
I think to myself.

But my sweat tells me away.

I wish I never wake up again.




                                    ­                                                       (Turns on the other side and leaves again)

                                                               ­                             ...Walks and disappears into the wood...
978 · Oct 2013
The words became my enemy
Jasmina Oct 2013
Yet, to be born,
From unconscious freedom,
the debt of silence,
Followed by pretentious dark, nicely sliced abyss.

Yet, to be.
Reaching out my last scream of silence.
Calling for words so sad and away from me.
Barely visible, trough dim smoke of agony.

Has yet come already?..Please!
Delusions are painful,
and the abyss in coffee brings out the taste of inner fear
and yet not felt claustrophobia.
913 · Jan 2017
What are we?
Jasmina Jan 2017

Time on my hands -
like blood at a ****** scene.

My face muscles frozen as I kneel before
the last form of belief that shall ever exist.

But a time traveler that has but witnessed extinctions and destruction.
The last human shadow abandoned by moral values.
A forgotten and abandoned generosity at the cemetery of Existance.

I can barely remember how I got here,
As never have I imagined the world this place to be.

Never have I thought that wrinkles on the heart can tell such sad stories,
Nor did I imagine how hard it would be to keep the waterfall of words
from running over the cliff of the lips.
For, some eyes in this world have witnessed greater pain
than it can ever be fairly monumentalized.

But grotesque images
And some predecessors' stories.
Nothing do I see but what world of agony wants me to see.

The energy of sorrow and despair
outbalanced the warm and bright rays of circle of birth.

But soulless and narcissistic
yet self-abandoned creatures,
that criticize and worship
random crumbs and pieces of good deeds.
As for the better seldom does anyone know.
But our true forgotten existence -
Mystery of humanity, that surprises as a sudden shock of electricity -
That is nothing but a last sign of natural instincts that existed in
someone else's stories of what we had used to be.

Nothing to remember -
But melodramatic elegies
Of wars and losses,
Self-Abundance and social negligence
celebrated at the Inferno of wasted souls.

What do we love?
What have we become?
Jasmina Oct 2013
When the morning hits,
Sunrise mourns.
When I see you,
My stomach roars.

Glass full of toxin.
Room's insidious criers.

Tell me,
Why am I here?
Why are you so scared?

Look through the window.
It is easier.

Like freedom.
Like space.
Like something I long for.

Forgive my language.
For, toxin speaks out of me.
But still...

Morning waits for me, just to say:
“Hey girl, you are not free...”
830 · Dec 2013
Still just like frozen
Jasmina Dec 2013
The feeling of life slipping out of my hands,
the time passes by,
counting its full rounds,
and me,

Looking for a way to be alive again.

Searching for a glimmer.
Loosing under dimmer.
like frozen.

People are whispering, my life is slipping because they made lies about me.

Tired though,
Back on my knees.
Crawling, with the look in the eyes.
The look of disillusionment.
The look of a genius.


The one that shall never be understood.
"Still" can be perceived as a time or period of time which has gone by so far, but also as a physical state of something/object not moving. An interesting lyrical pun made here, is what I like the most about this poem, besides the emotions that started this ball rolling. Thank you all for spending time reading it, even if you do not fancy it the way I do! (: Any suggestions are  indeed welcome.

Another important thing is that this is the first poem I wrote with my student, and I am really proud of it.
823 · Oct 2013
Love Reincarnation
Jasmina Oct 2013
Paintings that reflect.
Lover that comes back.

We are but echo
of years passing by,
in needless of pain,
WE are born over again.

Paintings that reflect.
Years passing by.
I want you here again -
Even if pain is the only prize I get.

Lover of past,
Husband of morning,
Skeleton of night,
Let me be your scarf when painful
wintercarnation hits again.
804 · Sep 2014
Born yourself
Jasmina Sep 2014
Look at the sky, let your dreams fall on your eyelids,
just like summer rain would, if you had ever let it.

Touch your hair, with eyes still wide shut,
Oh, hear that honey-like silk craving to live again.
Stamp your foot.


Now is the moment when you grab yourself, when you cry of happiness.
Now is when you realize that nothing but yourself is worth enough to touch the life for the first time.

Be the baby ready to live,
Spread your palms and touch your smiley cheeks.

I was yet to be born,
I am born (again).

Not when others tell you to be,
but when your inner self becomes ready.
740 · Feb 2017
Jasmina Feb 2017

I don't want to write it down.
I don't want to give those thoughts life form
cause once you put them down on that soft pillow of memory….
Once you do that,
It becomes truth!
The one that haunts you....
The one that comes in your dreams
The truth that never knew lie-if.

You become its slave,
You share your lunch with it.
You just dream about that moment trapped on paper
that moment you decided
to give your thoughts wings to eternity.

Your words -
your destiny,
yet even sworn enemy.
Hidden agendas behind poetry. Sometimes hiding behind metaphors helps to avoid slap of reality.
729 · Jan 2017
Jasmina Jan 2017
If we could write a motion memento
Just a couple of sentences long.

Just long enough for people to stop and live
the moment along.

If we could stop and tell the world the point of it all,
many eyes of disguise would laugh as they think they already know.

How could we forget and loose our point along the way,
And keep on walking breathlessly, as if the secret has never been told away.

We share our memories and our tears
We live in an irrational emotional fears.

If we could write a motion memento
Just a couple of sentences long

just long enough to catch attention
in this fast living world.

Just long enough to remind you
that all you have is NOW.
715 · Oct 2013
Jasmina Oct 2013
My voice is trapped in the cave of forgiveness.

My shallow palms
crave for stillness.

Forsaken with presence.
I lose my patience.

Cannot look still.
My eyes disillusionment's pill.

Pigeon from the cave sends me a message -
He, speaks instead of me and says;

Everything will pass.
642 · Dec 2013
Did you...
Jasmina Dec 2013
Pain in life, sure it is,
through the pillow of reality,
comes easy like sensuality.

Did you dream of surreality?
Did you fail for reality?
...Or you just came across banality?
Lines created together with my dear friend Mirza Dindić, and overshadowing piano sounds slipping into the beer...
"Did you..." is not a question, but a confession.
640 · Oct 2013
Seasons of Lingering
Jasmina Oct 2013
Once upon a time,
I felt cold breeze
whispering me something.
It was hard to decipher-
so, I thought to myself
“I must be imagining things again”.

It was summer,
the Sun was trying to burn my pale skin.
I was hiding,
still not crying.

Then, it was autumn.
It was my birthday.
My springtime.
When I get born again.
Only butterflies around me.

But, just when I would try to understand.
They would die.
All of them.

I still linger here.

How many seasons yet to pass,
For me to feel endless, everlasting grass.

— The End —