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 Nov 2014 Lili
I should've guessed, I should've known.
If there's a lightning, thunder will come.

That I was a guest, this wasn't my home,
but I was just too afraid to be alone.

Winds might change after tomorrow
and the sea my pain could somehow swallow.

But today there's this mountain of sorrow,
that blocks the sun, and makes me feel hollow.
I realize



The Reason



The third 10w in a series of "#mytruths", click the tag to read them all.  More to come. Thank you.

       All of this


   Just makes


       Go *
number one in my 10w truth series
You don't really wanna know the truth,
Do you?
I'm scared of what you might see,
Or that you just won't believe...
I think I'll try this new thing called
Granted, it's not really new to me
I'm all for telling everyone else the truth
But I need to be honest with myself
There's just certain things I don't wanna believe
If everyone else can see,
Then I'm really gonna try for you
I guess what they say is true...
"The Truth Will Set You Free"
This is the first in a series I'll be posting, every evening I'll post a 10w "truth" about myself.  Starting tonight, let's get some honesty trending...
 Nov 2014 Lili
Ashley Browne
Ominous clouds roll in.
I hear the crack of thunder.
"Not to worry," the youngest pipes up.
"We’ve always made it home, before."

Yes, but…
For as long as I can remember,
We've only ever had
Blue skies!

What a streak!
Such luck!
Now, I'm not so sure.

How can you be expected
To make it through the storm
When you’ve never
Sailed a windy day?
 Nov 2014 Lili
Ashley Browne
friends exchange
knowing looks and nods
i wish i could hide
shrivel up
doesn't matter anyway...

i'm invisible
 Nov 2014 Lili
Ashley Browne
 Nov 2014 Lili
Ashley Browne
My skin dries out in winter
My nail-beds crack and bleed
So I reach for the lotion that
My fingers really need

But if lotion soothed each part of me
That was no longer whole
I'd squeeze it all out in my hands
And rub it on my soul
 Nov 2014 Lili
Ashley Browne
dad left
for his second tour of duty
on my third birthday

mom kept
a jar full of jelly beans
on the living room coffee table

every night
she gave me one to eat, saying
"when these jelly beans
are all eaten up,
dad will come back home"

i would sneak another,
to help dad come home sooner

one night
the phone rang
and i watched mom
wipe away a tear
as she filled
the jar
On this Remembrance Day, I think of all those who have served, with a special thought for Dad.  And though she has no medals, I also think of Mom; every tour of duty Dad went through, she went through too, taking care of us on her own.

*** Edit: Thank you for all your kind words!  Due to a recent outpouring of sympathy, I feel it necessary to clear up the fact that my dad did in fact make it home from this mission; his tour had simply been extended for an additional 3 months.  Still, it isn't easy being part of a military family - and that's what I meant to show. ***
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