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Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
A woman needs her needs 2 be met.
A man, wants his large ego stroked.
Be tender men, til she's really whet
Her appetite. Wait until it's soaked
Before wanting your dish be served.
She doesn't want your dish to come
Before she's had her appetite curved;
Really fulfilled by proper attention.

Her appetite need be proper licked,
In need more than your easy dish;

Take the time to get to know her likes
Before you just stuff her with the same
Dish she could get anywhere she likes.
Passionate suitors know how to tame
The appetite which pangs with time.
Go slow. Be generous in your love.
Be a master chef for only her. Shine
Will come when you polish thereof

Your skills at satiating true hunger.
Real men know what a tongue's for.
And don't forget to use a slow hand as well...
Trace her outline with a gentle brush. Don't just spill paint on a canvas and call it Art. Even Jackson ******* denied the accident. Each drip and splash meant something to him. He never finished a painting without true satiety.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
A woman asked me today which brand of underwear I wear. I told her Members Only.
The old man with no luggage
wears a pilling houndstooth jacket
and suede fedora with a
leather strap and horse-bit buckle.
Stark seams line his trousers.

He has:

Wirey gray hair, calloused wrists,
a popped blood vessel neath his thumbnail,
and deep crevices in his palms.
He folds his boarding pass into a kite,
as he looks into the sun
through the tiny cube of a window.

He sees:

The geometric shadows
cast in early afternoon.
And skyscrapers.
They cut through the sprawling
grid like an artery.
I noticed this man on my way home from SF and I was struck by his character.
I bade thee apace, to bring thy comely countenance close to
Mine face. A carcanet around
Thy neck I shalt wrap, every
Jewel made of mine inner-
Being; hush, mine lips art
Dry mine queen, I need
The most of thy skin to
Cure this winter's chap.
Coëval we were; now
Distanced by glass an
Shores, I crieth til mine
Lungs burst, just to
Be in thy presence.
To face the same view,
To smell thy ocean essence.
Fingers I use to write and jot down
Words that art stuck in mine throat;
Mixed in with quiet fears, worries, hopes. I dive beneath this red blanket, in loneliness I do cope, thy warmth do I hope; to slip into this space. Imagine I, imagine I do, of a panoramic place to explore open and closed doors, wherein the soil clings to ourn feet, where the normal word's art "mi amour". How I do wait, even eternity; to be one in thy freshet of bubbling lovingkindness.
O' how I am pent; awaiting mine chains to break to fly to thy abode.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©earl Jane nagley dedication (agapi mou).
Title Tarrying woe;
Tarry: means waiting or wait.
Woe means distress or pain

Bade: invite (someone) to do something. (2nd form literary).
Comely:pleasant looking.
Countenance:persons face or ****** expression.
carcanet: jeweled necklace.
Chap:(of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, typically through exposure to cold weather.
coëval: born at the same time.
Crieth: old form of cry.
Art: are.
Wherein: in which.
Mi.amour: my love.
freshet: flowing stream.
lovingkindness)tenderness and consideration toward others.
Pent: confined.
Abode: home.
  Feb 2017 Jamie L Cantore
I am lost to the midnight moon.
I sleep beneath her,
during the warm months of June.
I lay beneath her,
and hear her sweet tune.
It tugs at my heart,
just like a balloon.
I gave her my heart
to wrap in a cocoon.
I pray when it hatches
the sky turns maroon,
because I need her to hear me,
as I sing my sweet tune.
I need her to know,
I'm coming for her soon.
I need you moon. Earth is getting unbearable.
  Feb 2017 Jamie L Cantore
Olivia Still
This is writing about forgiveness.
It is about failure.
Do me a favor and think about a time that you have failed.
I can't think of one instance -
there's too many.
But this one will do.

I see the look on his face when I tell him I know.
Not acting.
A sadness created by a downward spiral three years ago.
And **** who am I to judge when I have not left mine?

And if it was an act he got me.
Things are complicated;
he can feel regret and still be self pitying.
At the end there was a moment when it rubbed me wrong, still.
He still blamed other people.
God I wish I knew what really happened
but only he does.

When an object is attached to a string and traveling in a circle it exits the path in a straight line ahead.
There are infinite points on a circle for the object to exit.

I see that same face on the girl who believed I stole her boyfriend from her.
I see that same face on the guy I told I didn't want to have *** with him anymore, on his birthday.
I see that same face on me, when the guy I had *** with counted me as a number. On a video.

Is the circle the person stuck in a spiral or is it the person looking down at the ball and string with a pair of scissors?

I am looking for confirmation that I am not crazy for wanting to forgive him for something he didn't do to me. He did it in the world I happen to inhabit but is it my civic duty, human duty, human right, friendship right to place him in a spot of an outcast? Everyone else has.
  Feb 2017 Jamie L Cantore
Scott Hamsun
Spring is just about on its way.
That means I can walk back to Sherwood forest!
I suppose I could go in the winter, or summer, especially in the fall,
but I don't want to go to far.
It's very special in the spring.
I like to stop short, and climb my mountain,
look across my town, (which is just trees) and try to find my house.
And Sometimes I go too far.
I go to the abandoned center of the town.
I go there to reminisce about things I wasn't alive for,
and I can claim the noble title of prophet, by simply claiming to be there for the passed.
But my heart still lies in Sherwood.
I can't wait for spring.
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