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Holly W
Canada    A word after a word after a word is power- M.A.
kalica calliope delphine
26/F    ॐ celestial being. infj. word prophet. magical thinking enthusiast. recovering addict. 8 years sober. gsf. dream weaver. midnight songbird. tangent queen supreme. wayshower. knowledge seeker. ...
Anna Zerkle
27/F    Full time Paramedic. Full time enthusiast of cats and all things small. Cooking is my favorite hobby as well as video games. New to poetry ...
Rachel Glen
24/F/Michigan    When the Moon chases the Sun out of the sky and the air stills, I feel closer to forever. A blanket of quiet to allow ...
Renée Brookes
25/F/Washington, US    •| Follow my IG account: @renee.brookes|• “We say what we feel, then we stop ourselves and just walk away.” - Chiodos
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Abbottabad Pakistan    Books, Feelings, Chains of Life, Burning Fire, Misty Panorama, Love Symphony, Blooming Spring, Colours of Universe, Amidst Sand Dunes, Drizzling Rain, Violent Waves, Rising Moon, ...
CDO, Philippines   
Irate Watcher
30/F/Denver    Maw, I wanna make pictures with words.
Emmanuel Coker
London    You can always find me here...BBM channel» » C002BB207 and website Thanks :)
Sad things, serenade me.
Dead Lock
Hello. I'm a little negative.
Scarlet Rose
It's far too easy to hide what I'm thinking with a pink dress and a fake smile.
Colorado Springs    I AM;
Neverland    All my work is my own, written and thought up by myself unless otherwise stated, I really hope you enjoy it. Yours demonically Non™
Ana Sweeney
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