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 Jun 2015 Duzy
 Jun 2015 Duzy
I wish to construct a poem that has rules and guidelines to follow.
I want to perfect the art of composing a page of black and white sorrow.
I'd like to articulate all that I'm feeling with grace and with poise to spare.
But what's there to say when I haven't the space or the heart or the mind to care.
 Jun 2015 Duzy
Lucy Ryan
 Jun 2015 Duzy
Lucy Ryan
wrap your arms
around her waist
her face
soft in sleep
white sheets
around you both
- like something brief
might change
 Jun 2015 Duzy
online dating,
love is what I am hoping to seek
conversing through technology
having hope
that some day,
face to face,
we may speak
hobbies and morals spewing,
we let our excitement easily leak
filling in that lonely gap
3 days in
is its peak
then slowly declining
these "relationships"
end with the week
 Jun 2015 Duzy
Just Me
Sin is Good
 Jun 2015 Duzy
Just Me
**** curves, addictive words.
Sweaty bodies,
Lust is born.
 Jun 2015 Duzy
Ryan M Hall
2:00 AM
 Jun 2015 Duzy
Ryan M Hall
It's two in the morning and you are keeping me awake.
Thoughts of you dance around my head all night.
I am losing my mind without you by my side.
It's two in the morning and you are keeping me from closing my bloodshot eyes.
I'd like to think it's just the coffee or maybe even the nicotine that keeps my mind active. Soon I will have to make a choice.
To sleep or watch the sunrise. Both are pointless without you laying in this bed.
 Jun 2015 Duzy
My Pastor said hi last Sunday morn
Asked how I was and said bless you my son
He invited me to join the men's group there
That met after church at a quarter to four

I froze in my seat unable to speak
How should I reply without sounding weak
To make him know and understand
It would be dishonest to join a group for men

I know that my body still looks mostly male
But hadn't he a hint or even a clue
From my painted nails, earrings or perfume
Or the pink bracelet I wore on my arm

I smiled and replied that I'd give it some thought
But I realized that was really an easy way out
I wanted to somehow make him know
That God made me transgender
Though sometimes it doesn't show

Join the men's group no i can never do that
but the ladies group yes I would really enjoy that
But they will never accept that or understand why
And it would sound very odd if I tried to explain
So this transgender Christian will sit quiet and smile
Knowing just who I am, next to God all the while

© Lj Mark 2015
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