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 Feb 2015 Jake
Sean Flaherty
The addictive aroma of
Well-aged nostalgia, and a
Hurricane-yellow sunset, was
Striking from the Western Side.
The east, full of forest. It
Often goes Unappreciated. 

Sat alone, and gritting his teeth
Over it, his forehead wet,
Losing patience, sweating 
Droplets, wiped up by the
Dollars you couldn't afford to spend.
Outwardly expressing: "Overwhelmed."

Born of the burning woods, and 
Left to ash, again, with the leaves, the
Scent settled, clearly set on
Sticking around. 

In the mood to bleed, and
Drag some metal, through the 
Dirt caked on your legs?
Filth burns brighter indoors, and my
Power's just gone out. 

But you cast quite a shadow, when 
Lightning interrupts the black.  
"Storm'd been on it's way for a while.
I'm relieved, it finally hit us. 
Fair weather felt dishonest. "

Long hair's got a few more days left in it,
Bags under his eyes, not quite full, 
Intent on the ideal, and
Going out on his shield.
Decrying the Curse of the Under-employed.

Barking beckons him back, and 
Beneath his broken heart, beating,
Beyond a reasonable doubt, 
Buggering on. Exhaustingly enthusiastic. 
The howled woofs, and selected drum lines.
Droning, diligent, 
"And pleased to meet you, darling."

He flips open one of his 
Boxes, counts to seventeen, and sighs. 
Puts a cigarette between his lips. 
Lights it. Counts to sixteen, and sighs. 
Closes that box, and buys another. 

"One third of what he says is nonsense, but
When you talk, he listens." And 
Love's a vice, he can't help but
Nourish. Hiding in fog, and
Drowning in his cheap whiskey. 
Perfectly cornered, writing a poem about it.
Very self-referential, but hopefully, also, relatable. I think this may be the best poem I've written. I may revise a little over time.
 Feb 2015 Jake
Sean Flaherty
Boring holiday in Purgatory,
Among old fires, now flat.
Hornet-colored, swears she's seen me,
Stinger-out, the gorgeous brat.

Lunar-citrus sour,
Twice, at least. Of course it's more.
Pale, and terrified of foresight,
Uninspired by the cure.

Poison-focused, smoky heart.
You'll find the best nightlife in Hell.
These horns scratch Heaven, battle-scarred,
And my tail's not hidden well.

Uncanny observant stars, 'neath
Sleepy lids, catch a red,
That's not unfamiliar.
Past light, she flew, brandished
Guns, in both hands, left-rusty,
But right, always silver.

Rolling studded, bony wrists,
Somehow, mortal in her gaze.
One shot, un-taken, doubt persists,
Losing games she doesn't play

Sulfur-sweat-soaked barrel
Bets the other bullet
"Can't miss."
One canon scrapes my temple.
"Point the second
Between my hips."

A smile! As I am
Obliged, the danger
Briefly gone, but
Then again,
A trigger pulled
Wouldn't quite be worth the song.

"Mean to **** you," now informed, I
Stood up straight, and heard the plan.
My gorgeous rival unaware,
This demon's such a tired man.

Still, for your opaque aura,
Weary throats scream life-alive.
Wondered by unhappy beauty,
Disconnected from your drive.
Normal dealings not requested
Sweetened suffering, in slime.
Assumed, the mantle of the satyr,
Took a breath, and finally rhymed:

"Well honey, you can't **** the Devil,
But would you do me a favor, and try?
I've been wondering, for quite a while now,
Just exactly how it'd feel to die."
Maybe Lucifer wrote Right City, Modern Real...
Watching from the side lines, like always
Funny how everyone puts me here
I wonder if its the way I talk, or my lack of personal space

Fading into the background now
Silently seeping into the dark
You didn't even notice

Three words could change our lives for good
And ironically, they're not 'I love you'
Even though I meant that too

Always second, never first
Take me by the throat to see
That I cried your name and bled your sorrows
All without a purpose

Breaking down the walls
Putting faith in your scars and mine
Only to end up right back where I started

Typical girl with a typical dream
Can't seem to shake it, or grasp it if I wanted to
Tried to find a way inside your mind
Ended up in your bed instead

Stupid girl with a stupid dream
You said it like you meant it
I believed you, I really did
But heavens too good for me
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
What happened to us
What went wrong
Timing, Communication, Emotions
Everything happened with us

Now its just you and I
both just lost
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
I will miss you,
but not all of you
only the short glimpses
of when you were
the real you
by our world
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
She said "come back to me"
Every morning
the rays of light lit up
her divine face

I hated to leave
for once I had something
that made life
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
 Dec 2014 Jake
Zac Mac
For years I have been searching
for one beautiful box
and there she was
but when opened the box up
I found that what I was longing for
was gone
taken by
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