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We are outcasts
Children born into dark
We listen to music that relates to us
We try to stand up and make our mark

Everyone thinks we cut
Or that we are depressed
They joke around and say mean things
Think we worship Satan and try to bless

But that's not who we are
That's not all we do
We cry, and laugh
We can love too

Yes, we may cut
And we may want to cry
But all you think we do is
Wish that we could die
Yea...this is inside our minds
I lusted for someone's love
But I do hate my pride
I landed in Paranoia
Isolated, away from civilization

I wrote for help with bloodied fingers
But not an aircraft flew by
I thought I will die
To rot under the horrid sun for the day

Dusk finally came by
I sat on the sand
Dry as my hope
Rough as my life

I realized I was lost in wonderland
Peeking through every corners
Greed represented my hands
I am evil, it dawned to me as I stayed longer

I ripped a beating heart out of a chest
Torn it apart in half
Watched how my victim took its last dying breath
And threw the lifeless body in its untimely grave with the others

Is this the price I shall pay?
God forgive me, what else will I say
But how come I am still alive

Maybe I am better off here
Alone with the devils of my past
Starving for blood that is to be drank
Wondering how long I will last

I then lost my humanity
My instincts are my true friends
They kept me alive
I became a predator, always in search for a prey
I saw myself in the edge of destruction
As where my heart stood
The pain in its eyes grew
As I watch it crawling to the edge

I grab its vein as i felt the blood
Rushing out of itself
It struggles to leap
As i struggle to stay

It screamed at me
Screaming everyone who had killed me
The past who had haunt me
The could have beens that never cAme to be

I lit a cigarette for it to overcome the pain
The smoke that it'll inhale
No one killed it
But me
Not a face, but an eye,
a single glowing eye.
Watching you and I.

We think it cares, but it doesn't.
It just floats by, disinterested.
A glowing eye in the sky.
An illusion of something that cares,
blind to love and heartache.
Unaware of suffering,
ignorant to it all.

The light it shines, is not real.
Shallow, hollow and devoid of devotion.
Empty of emotions.

Every night, it watches you and I.
Watching but not seeing,
a single, glowing, blind eye.
Title referees to the left eye of the Egyptian God Horus

— The End —