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 Oct 2014 Jacob Giggey
I want to be with you,
maybe not forever,
but at least a little bit longer than never.
-Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.
 Sep 2014 Jacob Giggey
 Sep 2014 Jacob Giggey
If I get lost, promise you'd leave me be
Let me walk alone in my circles
I'll find my way back...almost instinctively
Through looping thoughts and scribbles

If I should trip, promise you'd let me fall
Scrape my knee and scream a voiceless scream
Weight of the universe may seem crushing to shoulders so small
I'll walk it off and regain newfound steam

If I show signs of buckling, promise you'd let me collapse into nothing
Let me fold into myself...into an unnoticeable speck
There is solace in this space when the walls are caving
Soon I would reinvent and renew from that wreck

If I suffer a cut, promise you'd just let me bleed
Let the black of my soul gush out
Within it I would find the seed
To which all of my rantings are about

If I should begin to write, promise you'd read my scrawls
Take them as they are and not to heart
Just thoughts versus words that mean much or nothing at all
They'd stitch me anew when I start to break apart

If I keep losing myself, promise that you'd let me be
The circles I tread are very much predictable
They'd always lead me around... Don't treat me differently
Just stay where you are... I'll come back round, fresh and able...
It's crazy
I try to pull away
but I don't seem able
I promise myself no more
but when I see you I forget about everything
It's crazy

Sometimes were like a river
constantly traveling in one direction
other times
it's like a tug of war
trying to pull away
I promise myself no more
but when I see you I forget about everything
It's crazy

I don't know how
but you some how creep into my mind
I only have to close my eyes
and you appear
I try to pull away
but I don't seem able
It's crazy
Late at night is when I think
And try to I clear my head
I often stay awake all night
Just laying in my bed

As soon as I get comfy
Thoughts start racing in
I start to question everything
and regret my every sin

At first the thoughts are gentle
Like what will I do tomorrow
But as time crawls by; they escalate
Till I'm drowning in my sorrow

I think of all my failures
Every detail of what I did wrong
After hours of reliving pain
I convince myself I don't belong

I suddenly feel isolated
and like the silence will never end
I feel like I will never escape
There's too much I just can't mend

I feel overpowered and worthless
Like I'll never do anything right
I hide till the world fades away
And I'm awoken by the light

I realize a new day has come
It's time to put on a brave face
I put those negative thoughts away
Until I return to this place
 Aug 2014 Jacob Giggey
11:16 PM
each time i attempt to sleep, each time
i try to push and shove the thought of you out of my head, i fail. miserably.
1:27 AM
every moment spent with you engulfs my brain. every smile, every laugh we shared, the time you first asked if you could kiss me. an ocean full of memories i'm drowning in.
2:01 AM
i realize my days and nights have lingered on for weeks now and still you aren't here, nor anywhere near. still you are away. still you are there. while i remain here, in this bed, hopelessly missing you. hoping wherever you are, that you are hopelessly missing me too.
2:33 AM
i realize you'll never be here.. ever.
2:47 AM
my bed feels so empty and i can't stop tracing over the place where your body once filled the empty space. keeping the other half of my sheets warm.
3:13 AM
you've managed to make it through another night of running through my head. i keep scratching down things that will allow you to escape my brain and rest on my pages, but i stopped, because i got jealous of the pages, and wanted you to rest in my arms.
6:39 AM
the sun is starting to peek through my blinds. his eyes now opening, waking up to kiss the horizon good morning. i prepare to close mine, forcing myself to sleep, and imagine kissing yours goodnight.
days and nights for me all sort of seem to run together
There is a prison in your head,
with ice-cold walls named bitterness,
with red-hot wardens called hatred,
and sharp-jagged bars made of disinterest.

There is a prison in your head,
a prison you know fairly well,
a prison visited quite often,
a prison life is always hell.

There is a prison in your head,**
which grows upon suffer,
and shrinks down by relief,
which doesn't grant releases,
as long as you haven't belief.
If i were to write drunk poetry,
You would call me foolish,
But my words dont lie,
they flow,
Like a river,
which knows no end
and a few rocks
which hit you,
like they hit me
but they mean no harm,
so let them be
i walk through
a sea of fire
but it doesnt burn me
whats the use
i wont scream
So it passes by,
and i stand still
burning with out burning
in my fiery dreams
Never answer questions about yourself when drunk, you'll find out things you don't want to know.
Blue* is cold,
Like beauty which falls,  
Called rain.
Like the warm blanket I sleep with,
While they starve.
Blue is the colour writers write about,
When they speak of heartbreaks.
And the colour of the monsters,
Under your bed.
Blue is the red and white of the Americans,
And the Ashoka Chakra of the Indians,
The colour of the eyes of the Germans who lived,
And the colour of the tears of the Jews who lost.
Blue is the skin of the dark hued god you pray to,
And the sky he looks at,
And the sky I look at,
Blue is the fading Sun,
And the sleeping Moon,
The stars in the sky,
Which we wish upon,
Which are already dead,
Like all our dreams.
Blue is the vast ocean we can not cross,
But we have,
With our metal birds......those aren't blue.
Blue is the blood the women bleed,
And the Palestinians in Israel.
And the sleepless children fighting wars.
Blue is free health care,
And overpopulation.
Blue is religion,
And it is death.
Blue is the glazing over your eyes as you read this.
Because *blue
...isnt a colour.
Blue is not a colour.....only a word.

-Inspired by Magritte - ceci n'est pas un pipe
 Aug 2014 Jacob Giggey
I tore my heart out
and placed it on a piece of paper.
It drowned on the ink
of your unwritten words.
So I love no more.
My first poem here.I'm so excited

— The End —