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Jack R Fehlmann Nov 2015
Preface, the time in life
before I ever knew
comprehending these people
Who I was, wasn't, just motions
A whisper of grey shade
In a uniformly ordinary world
Living was to be breathing
No attention, motivation, desire
Just another waste of existence
The day since passed
The pinning moment you befell
Alluring all things for reasons
This is me now, willing, able
Determined and deeply in love
All things have reason, purpose,
Desire in living, seeing a future
All things followed you.
Jack R Fehlmann Nov 2015
Preface, the time in life
before I ever knew
comprehending these people
Who I was, wasn't, just motions
A whisper of grey shade
In a uniformly ordinary world
Living was to be breathing
No attention, motivation, desire
Just another waste of existence
The day since passed
The pinning moment you befell
Alluring all things for reasons
This is me now, willing, able
Determined and deeply in love
All things have reason, purpose,
Desire in living, seeing a future
All things followed you.
Jack R Fehlmann Nov 2015
I want to be everything you need
The way that she can breathe life into me
Making her dreams my only desire
I will change in any way she needs
I want to carry her in her place
Above me,  worthy and effortlessly
Beauty and my everything
She Fills me completely in many ways
I need to be,  or do,  or bring into being
All the best and all the precious things.
As she reignited this forgotten man
I now and here after swear my heart
Offering all my days to her for her to keep.
  Oct 2015 Jack R Fehlmann
Daisy Arcos
We were born into a world of shallow minds and deep disturbances of young millennials mimicking mindless mimes because we were told to stay in line but be yourself but follow me but think "originality."

A generation full of copycatting individuals with monotone mindsets mulling over social ladders and trends dictated by invisible monarchs of industry inviting and spoon feeding insecurities masked as improvements.

A generation spending more time pretending not to care than on passions stifled by our peer pressuring playmates who are all prescribed Vyvanse, Adderall, Ritalin for their incurable imaginations deemed "learning disabilities."

A generation of temporary friendships because no one can connect with each other but we can connect to the internet and chat with strangers and share thoughts, photos, and secrets to a virtual audience that loses interest in an entanglement of wires forming a noose around our sincerity.
Inspired by "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg.
Jack R Fehlmann Oct 2015
Hidden more and more often.
It seems that I never come out.
Shame and need, habit and sickness
stay with me and they encourage
Locking the ones that care out.
one door when locked indeed
brings four more around
so nobody needs to see
me at my weakest, breathing poison
work in progress...
Jack R Fehlmann Oct 2015
So what?,.
So you lied to me.
You might have tried to spare my feelings?
Maybe...  A way to be polite...  
I know.  
I've done it myself.
But then you look me in the eye...
Girl that was over the top!
Deceitful and ugly
....  Goodbye
Jack R Fehlmann Oct 2015
Found beneath silk like wrappings
Smoldering barely, the coals create,
The Embers of my innermost, the splendor
In light and warmth; our light blue,
fluffy white deception hides the truth
As it dwindles and grows transparent
And the Twilight is made of dark hues
Accentuated by points of distant light
Numbering more than can be imagined.
Points of light stabbing through
Unfathomable distances between
Incredible places, unobtainable
As we realize and reluctantly accept
our place amongst the countless others.
Truths at first alarming until
surreal sets in to soothe and
ease the discomfort of knowing
How unimportant and miniscule indeed
We are not the center of creation.
We are simply One more
Of the countless others, Looking out
Wondering how?
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