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Lay back, relax my love
as I softly caress your mind
let me fill your life with peace
leave all past stress behind.

Let your soul soar with mine
gaze deep into my eyes
feel my love surround you
as we float the moonlit skies.

Filling every night with pleasure
enveloped in pure loving bliss
stopping the flow of time
together suspended in honeyed kiss.

Interwoven as one
uniting together, one beautiful light
now and forever a single thread
casting beauty through the night.
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Pagan Paul
Links in the chemist chain
laced in a double helix
defy the laws of the universe,
and the atavistic resurgence
creates isotopes of dream passion.
     Elements conspire in panic
     with a symmetry of casual chaos
     that mimics an atomic bomb,
     destroying its own creator
     in a cruel parody of birth paradox.
          Arresting the Iris of Dissolution
          with cuffed anxiety drowning
          in a pond of helium ore,
          carelessly drifting on acid flesh,
          coagulating in a soup of memory.

And the paradigm shifts again,
reality unfocussed clears, strains,
revealing your shuddering form,
next to me, keeping me warm.
Lids flicker and you open your eyes,
shining, smiling in cute surprise.
Moving my finger up to my lips
whilst I gently untangle our hips.

     Do you remember this night?
     Last night, tonight, tomorrow night?
     Time begins to slowly rewind,
     on the night you blew my mind.

My essence is filled with your heart,
a love I have yet to discover.
Whilst you wander between the stars,
my universe starts to recover.

So please don't break this silence now.
Please don't shatter this moment long,
I want this post ****** memory to remain
in the morning when you have gone.

© Pagan Paul (04/11/17)
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Pagan Paul
Soothing winds from the north
spread neatly across the world.
Bringing chills and ice and quiet,
hailing the arrival of the Winter Girl.

Her sire, Jack Frost, so proud.
Her mother, the Moon, is waiting.
Her silver white hair grows wild,
a testament to their Spring mating.

Her eyes sparkle and smile,
orbs riding on a golden tide.
Her head bows with mute consent
like a first time blushing bride.

And her entrance is most stately,
announced with a carpet of snow.
The Winter Girl is birthed anew
as northern winds begin to blow.

© Pagan Paul (2015/16/17)
Old poem previously unpublished
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Pagan Paul
Lead me not into temptation of thee,
taunt me not with memory of thy desire,
tease me not with thy seduction of lust,
for thou hast cast a *** spell I admire.

Come hither, bring the grail of thy body,
take me as thy man and mark me,
cast thy symbol 'cross my naked skin,
submit to thy urge and smile at me darkly.

Cut deep, wield thy passion with honour,
thy tongue my ardour to bring alive,
thou employ wicked witchy womens ways
and I see Need deep within thine eyes.

Come hither, bring the paragon of thy want,
give nymph chance to thy beating soul,
shatter me softly with thy perfumes,
take thy fill of love and sagely lose control.

© Pagan Paul (11/11/17)
A walk on the beach
dinner beneath the moon,
stargazing on a blanket
loving to a slow tune.

Home cooked meals
made by our own hands,
if you clear the table
I'll do the pots and pans.

You pop the popcorn
I’ll pick out a movie or two,
cuddling on the couch
is what I really want to do.

Kiss in the rain
a drive to the coast,
a morning in bed
enjoying jam and toast.

Taking the dogs for walks
or a day at the county fair,
these are only just a few
things with you, I want to share.
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Star BG
A writer leaves footprints
upon a field of page.
Inside moment,
that sings with verse.
that opens tunnels in heart.
That resonated from smile,
that is imprinted in a word.

A writer, is a gift to the world
regardless if words are
sad, happy, silly, or
pure fantasy.

Dance in your greatness ALL
and empower the world.
I inspired myself. LOL
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Star BG
I shall wrap you in a bed of my love,
with sweet sweet rose petals
surrounding your form.

I will caress you with every heartbeat
and song that plays gracefully.

You are the king of roses
and I your queen.
You are the jewel sparkling
that I clasp on golden band.

In sleep I shall lie feeling freedom
as we join our souls
in dreamscape reality.

A reality where sun shines,
as winds of love spiral
and our essences bond.

And there we shall move
stopping time
in ocean waves from our hearts.

When morning comes,
I will feel wrapped in
the sunlight of our love.

A love that will never die.
Get dedicated to a being of light Indigo
who livesin the realm of spirit
Forever holding my love forever.
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