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Ironatmosphere Sep 2014
I want to print out my poetry and paste it on the walls
Let them scream my emotions
In swirling patterns of fading text

I want to rip off the ceiling and sleep under the stars
Watch them glow like I’ve always wanted to glow
In a sea of midnight blue

I want to lie in damp grass and watch the clouds passing by
Fleeing across the sky while it catches on fire
In the most outrageous of ways

I want the music in my ears to be drowned out and silenced
By the music radiating from my soul
Ironatmosphere Sep 2014
I am driving for the first time in weeks
You are in the car
And I am speeding
My mind is somewhere else
For a second I wonder if I could just drive off the road
Just so I won’t have to leave you again
If maybe I could find sweet solace in not breathing
But I keep driving
Just once losing control of the car
Swiveling on to the wrong lane
Thinking for one moment that I’m lucky
Happy I didn’t hit that other car
Only to remember my destination
And the goal of our journey
Wishing I had
Ironatmosphere Sep 2014
I adore the lightness of your eyelashes
How they are the moment before takeoff
I adore your laugh
How it bounces like a cluster of balloons flying away
I adore your hands
How they electrocute me with warmth
I adore your arms
How they are strong enough to never let go
I adore your eyes
How they aren’t just a window to your soul, but to the entire universe
I adore you
Like the moon loves the sun
I adore you
Of a consuming caliber
I adore you
Like the summer needs just a hint of rain
*I adore you
every single fiber
of my being.
Ironatmosphere Sep 2014
Pretend my
Isn’t beating
Inside a
Part of me I can’t
Bear admit
Radiating a
Spark of
Love and
Ironatmosphere Sep 2014
I miss singing
I miss singing at the top of my lungs
So loud the whole neighborhood hears
I miss singing
Now that I live in this house that isn’t my home
A place that never seems to have enough air
For me to even breathe
I miss singing
I really do
Ironatmosphere Aug 2014
I can’t breathe
I feel like I’m suffocating
Like my brain will just stop working of lack of oxygen
There is no going back
Ironatmosphere Jul 2014
I let the sun and the moon rebirth me
And woke up in a forest
Naked and alone
through the pillars of trees holding up the star speckled ceiling,
I knew
It was gone
It was all gone
The world that once inhabited this planet had vanished and disappeared
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